Edwin Sutherland is the acknowledged father of American criminology. This is the first full-length analysis of his work and his person. Unlike the European schools of criminology, which sought to locate deviant behaviour within the deep structures of the economy, Sutherland eschewed such explanations in favour of proximate and observable causes. He located the sources of crime in the association and interaction of specific groups of people. For Sutherland, crime as a way of life results from an individual's attachment to criminals for whom criminal acts are a measure of success no less than a way of life. In a series of publications, Sutherland expanded the horizons of the classic "Chicago S...
The senior of Kitchener's Second New Army Divisions, the 15th (Scottish) was raised at Aldershot in September 1914 with a nucleus of men surplus to the requirements of the 9th (Scottish) Division and brought up to strength with drafts sent down from Scotland. It arrived in France in July 1915 and its first major battle was at Loos in which it captured its objectives, Loos itself and Hill 70, at a cost of 6, 404 casualties. All five VCs the division was to be awarded were won during the battle, four of them in twenty-four hours at Hill 70. The division remained in this sector till July 1916 when it moved down to the Somme where it achieved a notable success in capturing Martinpuich on 15th Se...
"Damas shows that while there were cases of government-directed relocation to centres, centralization was largely voluntary as the Inuit accepted the advantages of village living. In examining archives, anthropological writings, and the results of field research from an anthropological perspective, Damas provides fresh insights into the policies and developments that led to the centralization of Inuit settlement during the 1950s and 1960s."--BOOK JACKET.
Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, this textbook remains the definitive resource on pancreas transplantation. Enlarged, updated and improved, it consists of 93 chapters over 11 sections, with chapter authors who are recognized international leaders in their fields and represent institutions from five continents. Since the publication of the original edition in 2004, substantial progress has been made in the field of pancreas transplantation, specifically in regard to standardization of operative techniques and immunosuppression; significant improvements in patient and graft survival rates; and improved diagnosis and therapy of graft rejection and recurrence of disease. Pan...
For a legislative investigation in respect of alleged abuses in the administration of justice in the city of New York.