History of Abercorn, 1929-2004
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 216

History of Abercorn, 1929-2004

Commemorating the town’s 75th anniversary, this chronicle of Abercorn tells the story of its founding and the important developments since. Spanning many decades, the volume begins with the story of the descendants of British loyalists who found untilled land around the Bay of Missisquoi, just north of the Vermont-Quebec border, and created Abercorn in 1929.

Collecting Native America, 1870-1960
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 305

Collecting Native America, 1870-1960

Between the 1870s and 1950s collectors vigorously pursued the artifacts of Native American groups. Setting out to preserve what they thought was a vanishing culture, they amassed ethnographic and archaeological collections amounting to well over one million objects and founded museums throughout North America that were meant to educate the public about American Indian skills, practices, and beliefs. In Collecting Native America contributors examine the motivations, intentions, and actions of eleven collectors who devoted substantial parts of their lives and fortunes to acquiring American Indian objects and founding museums. They describe obsessive hobbyists such as George Heye, who, beginnin...

Histoire de Montréal et de sa région
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 1624

Histoire de Montréal et de sa région

L'historien futur de la rue Notre-Dame devra me faire causer. Je lui fournirai des renseignements précieux, des souvenirs piquants (...) car la rue Notre-Dame se dépouille de sa vieille physionomie, la rue Notre-Dame des anciens jours s'en va rapidement. Elle n'est plus étroite et resserrée sur tout son parcours ; le chemin de fer urbain augmente le nombre des passants, trouble les conciliabules des flâneurs au coin des rues, et leur donne le scandale de la vitesse. (...) Que de souvenirs dans cet étroit espace, que de flâneurs y ont promené leur curiosité, leurs caprices, leurs ennuis. Demandez à vos grands-parents qui voguent dans les eaux de la soixantaine sous pavillon neutre, comme on y flânait autrefois, plus gaiement, plus familièrement qu'aujourd'hui. La ville n'avait alors qu'une rue, la rue Notre-Dame, il y avait une rivière dans la rue Craig ; on allait à la chasse rue Sherbrooke ; il fallait être armé jusqu'aux dents pour se risquer vers le Beaver Hall. L'été on faisait des parties de canots, de la Place-Viger au Griffintown ; on pouvait pêche à la ligne Placeà-Foin.

Working Families
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 555

Working Families

Working Families takes the reader onto the streets of Montreal and into the homes of its working-class families during the years that it became a major, industrial city. Between the 1860s and 1890s the expansion of wage labour changed the bases of family survival. It offered new possibilities and created new points of tension within the families of the emerging working class. Here we meet the men, youth, and children who worked for wages. We see the women who stayed home with their young, cooked and sewed, planted gardens and tended animals, stretching their often meagre family wages into goods and services for survival. We also see the ingenuity and agony of women whose husbands lost their jobs, fell ill, drank up their wages, deserted their families, or died. Working Families explores the complex variety of responses of working-class families to their new lives within industrial capitalist society, and offers new ways of looking at the industrial revolution in Canada.

Canadian History: Confederation to the present
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 452

Canadian History: Confederation to the present

"In these two volumes, which replace the Reader's Guide to Canadian History, experts provide a select and critical guide to historical writing about pre- and post-Confederation Canada, with an emphasis on the most recent scholarship" -- Cover.

Canadian Almanac and Legal and Court Directory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 378

Canadian Almanac and Legal and Court Directory

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 1898
  • -
  • Publisher: Unknown


L'annuaire du Québec 2007
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 460

L'annuaire du Québec 2007


La vie culturelle à Montréal vers 1900
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 436
Secondary Sources in the History of Canadian Medicine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 280

Secondary Sources in the History of Canadian Medicine

Volume Two of this retrospective bibliography is both a continuation and an expansion of Volume One (1984). It contains references to Canadian medical-historical literature published between 1984 and 1998, and also includes much additional material published prior to 1984. Finally, it substantially enlarges the content of French-language material. Every effort has been made to be as inclusive as possible of articles, theses, book chapters and books, both in English and in French, relating to the history of medicine. No single electronic source can replace this bibliography. The contents are divided into three sections. The first is a listing of material expressly biographical. Section two lists material under a wide variety of subject headings related to medicine, and the third is a complete listing of the authors who have contributed these articles. Simply organized and easy to use, this bibliography will be of value to historians, archivists, librarians, and anyone interested in the history of medicine.