Why has the United States taken such a firm stance against the International Criminal Court (ICC) and expended such diplomatic goodwill in an attempt to dismantle a tribunal that poses no serious risk to its citizens? This book critiques causal ideologies such as American exceptionalism, state sovereignty and laissez-faire capitalism to show how U.S. opposition is driven by pervasive political, legal, historic, military and economic conditioning factors. It shows how U.S. attitudes transcend partisan politics and predicts how the U.S.-ICC relationship will be affected by the economic crisis, shifting international geopolitical power structures, the crisis in the U.S. military, unfolding inte...
Comprehensive examination of restraint in international politics, considered across a range of contexts as a political process, device, and strategy.
Bewaffnete Eingriffe in innerstaatliche Konflikte sind in den letzten Jahren immer wieder als Ultima Ratio genannt worden, um der internationalen Schutzverantwortung oder dem Recht auf Selbstverteidigung nachzukommen. Sie stehen jedenfalls im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem prinzipiellen Gewaltverbot und aktuellen Realitäten, die ihren Ausdruck im Konzept der Responsibility to Protect (R2P) finden. AutorInnen aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Richtungen und Ländern setzen sich mit diesen und anderen Fragen auseinander und versuchen die Thematik aus mehreren Perspektiven und Blickwinkeln zu diskutieren.
Contrary to its contemporary image, deniable covert operations are not something new. Such activities have been ordered by every president and every administration since the Second World War. In many instances covert operations have relied on surrogates, with American personnel involved only at a distance, insulated by layers of deniability. Shadow Warfare traces the evolution of these covert operations, detailing the tactics and tools used from the Truman era through those of the contemporary Obama Administrations. It also explores the personalities and careers of many of the most noted shadow warriors of the past sixty years, tracing the decade–long relationship between the CIA and the m...
"The Change Manifesto is a street-by-street, town-by-town guide to making an America that works. Our nation has the potential to be an example of freedom and justice to the world and each of us has the ability to have tremendous impact. In this stirring call to arms, John Whitehead tells the stories of the local heroes who stood up to a cynical government, and who are creating thriving communities of change. We are on the cusp of a new era of progress, but we can't sit back and hope our elected officials will carry us there. We can join the people taking action at the local level, like the residents of a town in Oregon who protested unfair bills by paying in pennies, chickens and the shirts off their back. And we can follow the examples of the national heroes who are fighting for change and demanding accountability from our elected officials at the highest levels. If we refuse to listen to the cynics, we can join these everyday Americans, young and old, and harness our greatest resource: ourselves."
“What sets Ralph Nader apart is that he has moved beyond social criticism to effective political action.”—The New York Times "Nader is at his polemical best inveighing against specific issues from the skyrocketing costs of college education to the Keystone XL pipeline to new traffic safety concerns that harken back to his pivotal game-changing 1965 book, Unsafe at Any Speed. Admirers of Nader will find much to savor here as will anyone seeking to understand the mind of a man who singlehandedly sparked a new era of citizen-driven political and consumer activism." —Publishers Weekly The column is the most natural literary form for a citizen’s advocate, and Ralph Nader may be its most...
Despite the great literary achievements of Chaucer, Langland, and the Pearl Poet, Ricardian English books were still a niche market in 1400. As Kathryn Kerby-Fulton shows, however, their generation was transformational in nurturing the resurgence of English writing, in part as a result of the mass underemployment of clerks originally trained for the church but unable to find steady positions in it. Surviving instead as ecclesiastical or choral "piece workers," or in secular jobs in government or private households, this "clerical proletariat" lived and worked in liminal spaces between the ecclesiastical and lay world. And there the most enterprising found new material—and new audiences—f...
•Detailed close analysis of early Middle English homiletic, hagiographic, guidance, and lyrical-meditative texts: provides readers with an insight into the affective literary strategies of a body of neglected material. •Contextualization of English material in Latin and Anglo-Norman: provides readers with a deeper knowledge of the multilingual culture of medieval England in the post-Conquest centuries. •Substantial commentary on church wall paintings: provides readers with a nuanced understanding of the ways in which the affective strategies of visual resources can be mapped onto texts.
'For editors of alliterative verse, this book is essential reading'. Susanna Fein, Speculum, lxxxv (2010), pp. 457 - 458. 'A model of meticulousness and sensible argument'. Thomas Bredehoft, Review of English Studies, lx (2009), pp. 802 - 804. The volume provides a comprehensive study of the metre of the unrhymed poems of the Alliterative Revival. It includes detailed analysis and discussion of line endings, alliterative patterning, historical grammar, the relationship between linguistic stress and beat, and presents new discoveries regarding the metrical rules of the a-verse. Readers interested in the metre and textual criticism of alliterative poems, such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Siege of Jerusalem and the Alexander fragments, will find this monograph 'an outstanding, scholarly, assured and important work' (Ruth Kennedy, Royal Holloway, University of London).
The unintended deaths of civilians in war are too often dismissed as unavoidable, inevitable, and accidental. And despite the best efforts of the U.S. to avoid them, civilian casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan have been a regular feature of the United States' wars after 9/11. In Accountability for Killing, Neta C. Crawford focuses on the causes of these many episodes of foreseeable collateral damage and the moral responsibility for them. The dominant paradigm of legal and moral responsibility in war today stresses both intention and individual accountability. Deliberate killing of civilians is outlawed and international law blames individual soldiers and commanders for such killin...