The Age of Revolution has traditionally been understood as an era of secularization, giving the transition from monarchy to independent republics through democratic movements a genealogy that assumes hostility to Catholicism. By centering the story on Spanish and Latin American actors, Pamela Voekel argues that at the heart of this nineteenth-century transformation in Spanish America was a transatlantic Catholic civil war. Voekel demonstrates Reform Catholicism's significance to the thought and action of the rebel literati who led decolonization efforts in Mexico and Central America, showing how each side of this religious divide operated from within a self-conscious intercontinental network of like-minded Catholics. For its central protagonists, the era's crisis of sovereignty provided a political stage for a religious struggle. Drawing on ecclesiastical archives, pamphlets, sermons, and tracts, For God and Liberty reveals how the violent struggles of decolonization and the period before and after Independence are more legible in light of the fault lines within the Church.
The experiences we describe in this book are part of our lives; we intend to offer an image of the surging of casino dancing and ring (Rueda) in Cuba. To do so, we have requested the experiences and anecdotes of the dancers who participated from the very prodigious beginning of a dance that is as Cuban as the palms, the sugar cane, the rum and the tobacco... ...We dedicate this book to ah the founders of casino dance and ring, who definitely are the creators of this dancing style, that later has been called Salsa in other countries. We will make it extensive to ah the professors, promoters, directors of casino rings and to the good dancers that are already hundreds of thousands in Cuba and ah over the world.
Captain Bill McDonald's (1852-1918) admirers rank him as one of the great captains of Texas Ranger history. His detractors see him as an irresponsible lawman who precipitated violence, hungered for publicity, and related tall tales that cast himself in the hero's role. This title seeks to find the true Bill McDonald and sort fact from myth.
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
Web information systems engineering resolves the multifaceted issues of Web-based systems development; however, as part of an emergent yet prolific industry, Web site quality assurance is a continually adaptive process needing a comprehensive reference tool to merge all cutting-edge research and innovations. The Handbook of Research on Web Information Systems Quality integrates 30 authoritative contributions by 72 of the world's leading experts on the models, measures, and methodologies of Web information systems, software quality, and Web engineering into one practical guide to Web information systems quality, making this handbook of research an essential addition to all library collections.
An in-depth study of the reception of Democratic ideas in mid-19th Century Spain on the provincial and local level, and how they influenced the political process and fuelled the numerous conspiracies and insurrections directed at the Bourbon monarchy, between the failed uprisings in Spain in 1848 and the First Republic in 1873.