The 1980s had more than its share of both emerging stars and final tributes paid to luminaries, as well as smash hits and bombs, memorable and boring performances, and new trends and tried-and-true formula offerings. The Film of the Eighties includes numerous examples of all of these. Each entry has the year of release, production company, country of origin (U.S., U.K., Australian, Canadian), leading performers and the characters they portrayed, and comprehensive credits. A brief description, review, and evaluation of the film's cinematic values (if any) are also provided.
Collected interviews with the unpredictable and controversial filmmaker of M.A.S.H., Nashville, and Short Cuts
Fratricide has been defined as firing on your own forces, when mistaking them for enemy forces, which results in injury or death. Rates of fratricide incidence have been steadily increasing and the complexity of the contemporary operating environment may lead to a continuation of this trend. Although the majority of research into fratricide has focused on the development of technological decision aids, recent explorations highlight the need to emphasise the social aspects within a socio-technical framework. This book presents and validates, via the use of case studies, a model of teamwork and decision-making factors that are associated with incidents of fratricide. In summary, it offers a re...
This best-selling volume is widely recognized for its innovation and accessibility: it equips the reader with principles, values, and practices that support teaching the majority of students with disabilities within the scope of general education programs. The authors showcase real students with real disabilities--letting their stories illustrate, as nothing else could, the challenges faced by people with exceptionalities, and the myriad factors those working with them must consider when making decisions about how, where, and what to teach. Through four engaging themes--universal design for learning, inclusion, collaboration, and multicultural awareness--this book explores the processes nece...
A broad introduction to CinemaScope and other widescreen movies, including full credits for 85 sample films, a description of various anamorphic processes, plus background information for movie fans.
This is the first generously illustrated biography of the Mohawk poet-performer E. Pauline Johnson-Tekahionwake. The author has created an exciting volume of anecdotes, letters and poetry, and illustrated it with period photographs and new illustrations by the Six Nations artist, Raymond R. Skye. While the story of Pauline Johnson has been told before, it has never been given the intimacy that this book provides. Tracing her ancestry, moving on to explore her extraordinary stage career, and finally shedding light on Pauline Johnson’s last years in Vancouver, Sheila M.F. Johnston has breathed new life into the compelling story of one of Canada’s brightest literary and stage stars. This book contains over forty poems that are not part of Pauline Johnson’s classic collection of poems, Flint and Feather. The "uncollected" poems have been culled from archives, libraries and out-of-print books. They shed light on the development of the poet, and enlighten and enrich her life story. Buckskin & Broadcloth is truly a celebration of the life of a Canadian hero – one whose legacy to Canadian literature and Canadian theatre is unparalleled.
The Semiotic Web 1987 (Approaches to Semiotics).