L’imaginaire du démoniaque dans la Septante
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 406

L’imaginaire du démoniaque dans la Septante

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-09-06
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This book offers a thorough analysis of demons in the Hebrew Bible and Septuagint in the wider context of the ancient Near East and the Greek world. Taking a fresh and innovative angle of enquiry, Anna Angelini investigates continuities and changes in the representation of divine powers in Hellenistic Judaism, thereby revealing the role of the Greek translation of the Bible in shaping ancient demonology, angelology, and pneumatology. Combining philological and semantic analyses with a historical approach and anthropological insights, the author both develops a new method for analyzing religious categories within biblical traditions and sheds new light on the importance of the Septuagint for ...

Colonial Encounters in Southwest Canaan during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 209

Colonial Encounters in Southwest Canaan during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-03-15
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In Colonial Encounters in Southwest Canaan during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age Koch offers a detailed analysis of local responses to colonial rule, and to its collapse. The book focuses on colonial encounters between local groups in southwest Canaan (between the modern-day metropolitan areas of Tel Aviv and Gaza) and agents of the Egyptian Empire during the Late Bronze Age (16th–12th centuries BCE). This new perspective presents the multifaceted aspects of Egyptian colonialism, the role of local agency, and the reshaping of local practices and ideas. Following that, the book examines local responses to the collapse of the empire, mechanisms of societal regeneration during the Iron Age I (12th–10th centuries BCE), the remnants of the Egyptian–Canaanite colonial order, and changes in local ideology and religion.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 552


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: en
  • Pages: 438


Every year, the Bibliography catalogues the most important new publications, historiographical monographs, and journal articles throughout the world, extending from prehistory and ancient history to the most recent contemporary historical studies. Within the systematic classification according to epoch, region, and historical discipline, works are also listed according to author’s name and characteristic keywords in their title.

In the House of Heqanakht
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 625

In the House of Heqanakht

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-11-28
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In the House of Heqanakht: Text and Context in Ancient Egypt gathers Egyptological articles in honor of James P. Allen, Charles Edwin Wilbour Professor of Egyptology at Brown University. Professor Allen's contribution to our current understanding of the ancient Egyptian language, religion, society, and history is immeasurable and has earned him the respect of generations of scholars. In accordance with Professor Allen’s own academic prolificity, the present volume represents an assemblage of studies that range among different methodologies, objects of study, and time periods. The contributors specifically focus on the interconnectedness of text and context in ancient Egypt, exploring how a symbiosis of linguistics, philology, archaeology, and history can help us reconstruct a more accurate picture of ancient Egypt and its people. The Figshare images in this volume have been made available online and can be accessed at https://figshare.com/s/8b3e5ad9f8a374885949

International Review of Biblical Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 567

International Review of Biblical Studies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007-02
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Formerly known by its subtitle "Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete", the International Review of Biblical Studies has served the scholarly community ever since its inception in the early 1950's. Each annual volume includes approximately 2,000 abstracts and summaries of articles and books that deal with the Bible and related literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, Non-canonical gospels, and ancient Near Eastern writings. The abstracts - which may be in English, German, or French - are arranged thematically under headings such as e.g. "Genesis", "Matthew", "Greek language", "text and textual criticism", "exegetical methods and approaches", "biblical theology", "social and religious institutions", "biblical personalities", "history of Israel and early Judaism", and so on. The articles and books that are abstracted and reviewed are collected annually by an international team of collaborators from over 300 of the most important periodicals and book series in the fields covered.

Dziedzictwo Goliata
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 614

Dziedzictwo Goliata

Dziedzictwo Goliata to książka stanowiąca próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jaki wpływ na Hebrajczyków i Biblię mieli Filistyni. Lud ten, przybyły wraz z innymi Ludami Morza, zapewne z terenów Egei i Anatolii, osiedlił się w Palestynie w XII wieku p.n.e. i przez pewien czas odgrywał rolę lokalnego hegemona. Plemienna nazwa własna Filistynów dała początek nazwie zasiedlanego przez nich terytorium – Palestyny. W cieniu kultury filistyńskiej formowały się wspólnoty polityczne Judy i Izraela. W nauce dominuje pogląd, jakoby Filistyni pozostawali w ustawicznym konflikcie z Hebrajczykami. Ponadto Filistyni są przedstawiani zazwyczaj jako dzicy, złowrodzy i nieokrzesani najeź...

I, You, and the Word “God”
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 195

I, You, and the Word “God”

I, You, and the Word “God” introduces the approach of lyrical ethics, inspired by Emmanuel Levinas’s ethical-phenomenological philosophy. Through the optics of lyrical ethics, the reader discovers how the ancient erotic poems of the Song of Songs bear ethical and theological significance for contemporary readers. Levinas’s intertwined concepts—oneself qua sensibility, otherness perceived through responsibility, and transcendence embodied in one’s love for the other—reveal themselves as lyrical colors woven into the fabric of Song 4:1–7, 5:2–8, and 8:6. More importantly, Levinas’s understanding that poetic language breaks the tautology of logocentric discourse and gestures...

Where the Gods Are
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Where the Gods Are

The issue of how to represent God is a concern both ancient and contemporary. In this wide-ranging and authoritative study, renowned biblical scholar Mark Smith investigates the symbols, meanings, and narratives in the Hebrew Bible, Ugaritic texts, and ancient iconography, which attempt to describe deities in relation to humans. Smith uses a novel approach to show how the Bible depicts God in human and animal forms—and sometimes both together. Mediating between the ancients’ theories and the work of modern thinkers, Smith’s boldly original work uncovers the foundational understandings of deities and space.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 250


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001
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  • Publisher: Unknown
