Ways of Knowing Cities considers the role of technology in generating, materializing, and contesting urban epistemologies--from ubiquitous sites of "smart" urbanism to discrete struggles over infrastructural governance to forgotten histories of segregation now naturalized in urban algorithms to exceptional territories of border policing.
From the Arctic to South Africa - one finds them everywhere: Ants. Making up nearly 15% of the entire terrestrial animal biomass, ants are impressive not only in quantitative terms, they also fascinate by their highly organized and complex social system. Their caste system, the division of labor, the origin of altruistic behavior and the complex forms of chemical communication makes them the most interesting group of social organisms and the main subject for sociobiologists. Not least is their ecological importance: Ants are the premier soil turners, channelers of energy and dominatrices of the insect fauna. TOC:The importance of ants.- Classification and origins.- The colony life cycle.- Al...
Although rare, retinoblastoma has been at the fore- fortunate; while in the developed world eye preser- front of cancer research and treatment for the last tion has become a priority, developing countries c- three decades. The two-hit hypothesis of oncogenesis tinue to face delays in diagnosis, poor access to care, proposed by Alfred Knudson provided the conceptual and suboptimal treatment – the problem in the less framework for tumor suppressor gene research and developed world is cure. led to the discovery of the retinoblastoma pathway as In this book, we have invited a team of experts to a key element in cancer development. More recently, address all those important aspects of retinoblastoma the treatment of children with retinoblastoma has also research and therapy - from biology to epidemiology provided a model for modern approach to the can- to treatment. We hope that in subsequent editions we cer patient; state of the art retinoblastoma treatment will be able to continue to provide updates on such can only be conceived in the context of the multidis- exciting subjects.
This handbook is recognition of the need to better integrate physical and human geography. It combines a collection of work and research within the new field of Critical Physical Geography, which gives critical attention to relations of social power with deep knowledge of a particular field of biophysical science. Critical Physical Geography research accords careful attention to biophysical landscapes and the power relations that have increasingly come to shape them, and to the politics of environmental science and the role of biophysical inquiry in promoting social and environmental justice. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Physical Geography lays out the scope and guiding principles of Critical Physical Geography research. It presents a carefully selected set of empirical work, demonstrating the range and intellectual strength of existing integrative work in geography research. This handbook is the first of its kind to cover this emerging discipline and will be of significant interest to students and academics across the fields of geography, the environment and sustainability.
From artists to art workers -- Carl Andre's work ethic -- Robert Morris's art strike -- Lucy Lippard's feminist labor -- Hans Haacke's paperwork.
Paul writes that we are justified by faith apart from 'works of the law', a disputed term that represents a fault line between 'old' and 'new' perspectives on Paul. Was the Apostle reacting against the Jews' good works done to earn salvation, or the Mosaic Law's practices that identified the Jewish people? Matthew J. Thomas examines how Paul's second century readers understood these points in conflict, how they relate to 'old' and 'new' perspectives, and what their collective witness suggests about the Apostle's own meaning. Surprisingly, these early witnesses align closely with the 'new' perspective, though their reasoning often differs from both viewpoints. They suggest that Paul opposes these works neither due to moralism, nor primarily for experiential or social reasons, but because the promised new law and covenant, which are transformative and universal in scope, have come in Christ.
This volume presents an innovative psychobiological framework for understanding and treating PTSD. A major emphasis is the need to reformulate diagnostic criteria and treatment goals to reflect emerging knowledge about the complex pathways by which trauma disrupts people's lives. Within a holistic, organismic framework, the editors identify 65 PTSD symptoms contained within five (rather than the traditional three) symptom clusters, and spell out 80 target objectives for treatment. Expert contributors then provide detailed presentations of core therapeutic approaches, including acute posttraumatic interventions, cognitive-behavioral approaches, pharmacotherapy, group psychotherapy, and psycho...
Extinction Studies focuses on the entangled ecological and social dimensions of extinction, exploring the ways in which extinction catastrophically interrupts life-giving processes of time, death, and generations. The volume opens up important philosophical questions about our place in, and obligations to, a more-than-human world. Drawing on fieldwork, philosophy, literature, history, and a range of other perspectives, each of the chapters in this book tells a unique extinction story that explores what extinction is, what it means, why it matters—and to whom.
A never-before-published novel of white characters struggling to understand the true nature of manhood
In this book, Matthew Hussey - the world's leading relationship coach and New York Times bestselling author - offers advice on how to find your ideal partner - and, importantly, how to keep them. Using simple steps, Matthew guides us through the complex maze of dating and shows just how to find the right man, get the right man and keep the right man. What readers are saying 'This is not a book about getting a man. Is more about how loving yourself first can open the doors to someone special in your life. I love it' -- ***** Reader review 'A must-read' -- ***** Reader review 'Positive and empowering' -- ***** Reader review 'Absolutely fantastic' -- ***** Reader review 'Great read, interesting...