This collection of eleven essays presents studies of ancient Egyptians arranged by social type - slaves, craftsmen, priests, bureaucrats, the pharaoh, peasants and women, among others.
This is the first comprehensive anthology in English of ancient Egyptian lyric poetry.
Since 1990 Roland Murphy's Tree of Life has been a standard introduction to the wisdom literature of the Bible. Now The Tree of Life is available in a third edition, complete with a new preface by the author and a special supplement that surveys the latest developments in wisdom research. This superb study thoroughly explores the wisdom writings of the Bible, interpreting this literature in a way that illumines the development of Israel's search for wisdom throughout its tumultuous history. Murphy looks at each wisdom book individually -- Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiasticus, and Wisdom of Solomon -- and adds to them a discussion of wisdom from other parts of the Old Testament. His careful investigations expose the various guises that wisdom adopts -- the "fear of the Lord," moral formation, the universality of human experience, the mysteries of creation, and others.
A comprehensive introduction to ancient wisdom literature, with fascinating essays on a broad range of topics. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Wisdom Literature is a wide-ranging introduction to the texts, themes, and receptions of the wisdom literature of the Bible and the ancient world. This comprehensive volume brings together original essays from established scholars and emerging voices to offer a variety of perspectives on the “wisdom” biblical books, early Christian and rabbinic literature, and beyond. Varied and engaging essays provide fresh insights on topics of timeless relevance, exploring the distinct features of instructional texts and discussing their interpretation in both...
Twenty scholars have contributed to this book which deals with the development and characteristics of the literature of ancient Egypt over a period of over more than two millenia, from the monumental origins of autobiography at the end of the Old Kingdom (ca. 2150 BC) down to the latest literary compositions in Demotic during the Graeco-Roman period (300BC-200AD). The book is divided into thirty chapters concerned with the definition of literary discourse, the history and genre of the texts, their linguistic and stylistic features and the image of Egypt as displayed in later literary traditions - Greek, Coptic and Arabic. Thoroughly interdisciplinary.
Daniele Pevarello analyzes the Sentences of Sextus, a second century collection of Greek aphorisms compiled by Sextus, an otherwise unknown Christian author. The specific character of Sextus' collection lies in the fact that the Sentences are a Christian rewriting of Hellenistic sayings, some of which are still preserved in pagan gnomologies and in Porphyry. Pevarello investigates the problem of continuity and discontinuity between the ascetic tendencies of the Christian compiler and aphorisms promoting self-control in his pagan sources. In particular, he shows how some aspects of the Stoic, Cynic, Platonic and Pythagorean moral traditions, such as sexual restraint, voluntary poverty, the practice of silence and of a secluded life were creatively combined with Sextus' ascetic agenda against the background of the biblical tradition. Drawing on this adoption of Hellenistic moral traditions, Pevarello shows how great a part the moral tradition of Greek paideia played in the shaping and development of self-restraint among early Christian ascetics.
The contextual approach and form criticism are two well-established methodologies in Biblical Studies, but the natural affinities between the two have historically gone under-appreciated. Yet the substantial reconsideration of classic tenets of form-criticism that has transpired in recent memory has further separated these two like-minded methods. Through a series of case studies that carefully consider certain Old Testament texts contextually, Silhouettes of Scripture: Considering the Contextual Approach with Form-criticism considers important methodological critiques and fuse elements of both methods in order to not only re-focus natural affinities but also more precisely define how contextual studies could proceed. Initiated by a literary trigger, Schreiner and Holland’s method navigates between what has been called "parallel-o-mania" and "parallel-anonia" to consider a range of similarities and differences in terms of broad and narrow convergences. The result is a work that not only looks upon well-known parallels with fresh eyes but also seeks to establish new trajectories.
What is a horizon? A line where land meets sky? The end of the world or the beginning of perception? In this brilliant, engaging, and stimulating history, Didier Maleuvre journeys to the outer reaches of human experience and explores philosophy, religion, and art to understand our struggle and fascination with limits—of life, knowledge, existence, and death. Maleuvre sweeps us through a vast cultural landscape, enabling us to experience each stopping place as the cusp of a limitless journey, whether he is discussing the works of Picasso, Gothic architecture, Beethoven, or General Relativity. If, as Aristotle said, philosophy begins in wonder, then this remarkable book shows us how wonder—the urge to know beyond the conceivable—is itself the engine of culture.
This book is a critical study of South African literature, from colonial and pre-colonial times onwards. Christopher Heywood discusses selected poems, plays and prose works in five literary traditions: Khoisan, Nguni-Sotho, Afrikaans, English, and Indian. The discussion includes over 100 authors and selected works, including poets from Mqhayi, Marais and Campbell to Butler, Serote and Krog, theatre writers from Boniface and Black to Fugard and Mda, and fiction writers from Schreiner and Plaatje to Bessie Head and the Nobel prizewinners Gordimer and Coetzee. The literature is explored in the setting of crises leading to the formation of modern South Africa, notably the rise and fall of the Emperor Shaka's Zulu kingdom, the Colenso crisis, industrialisation, the colonial and post-colonial wars of 1899, 1914, and 1939, and the dissolution of apartheid society. In Heywood's study, South African literature emerges as among the great literatures of the modern world.