Mrs. King has here abstracted the earliest wills of 38 Kentucky counties formed between the years 1780 and 1842 (with the exception of Crittenden County) and representing the state as a whole. The information given includes dates of instrument and probate, names of wife and children, and names of witnesses. The arrangement is county by county, each with its own index, with a general index at the rear of the book containing all the names mentioned in the text. The following Kentucky counties are within the scope of the work: Barren, Bourbon, Bullitt, Caldwell, Christian, Clark, Crittenden, Daviess, Fayette, Franklin, Gallatin, Garrard, Greene, Hardin, Harrison, Henderson, Henry, Hopkins, Jefferson, Jessamine, Knox, Lincoln, Livingston, Logan, Madison, McCracken, Mercer, Muhlenberg, Nelson, Nicholas, Ohio, Scott, Shelby, Spencer, Todd, Warren, Washington, and Woodford..
A treasure trove of Anglo-Celtic music adapted to the 5-string banjo. Music of the British Isles for Banjo provides material for banjo players to expand beyond the confines of the key of G major – playing in different keys while retaining G major tuning. There is a section where each tune is arranged in more than one key – either in tow or three different keys.It teaches the student not to rely on the 5th string while providing fresh insight into the uses of the 5th string capo. Also exposes the player to ancient modal scales as well as the more modern Major/Minor scales. All tunes are presented in the perpetual motion so they may be viewed as limbering-up exercises for the fingers. on the accompanying CD the tunes are played much slower than normal in order for the student to better grasp the material. In tablature only.
Education Rocks: Changing Rock Colors By: Robert "Bob" Sprague Education Rocks is a volume encompassing the decades of author Robert Sprague’s experience as a teacher at many different school districts. Find within personal notes from students, school district officials, and various teachers that illustrate the effect Sprague’s journey of education had on those around them – as well as the effect it had on him.
IMPLEMENTING THE ELIGIBILITY COACH'S GAME PLAN MAY SAVE YOU THOUSANDS! Knowing one simple mistake can turn a scholarship celebration into a frantic search for $15,000-$60,000 to finance the first year of college, Marlynn Jones serves as a personal coach through the maze of legislation involved in acquiring a college athletic scholarship. Eligibility Coach addresses the Top 21 Common Mistakes made during the Certification Process, and answers these important questions: - What is Amateurism Certification? - What core courses are required for Certification? - How does the sliding scale work? - How to transfer between schools and be eligible to compete? - Are there additional requirements for In...
In 2013, the village of Frankfort celebrated the 150th anniversary of its 1863 incorporation. It was a prime opportunity to recognize the historical heritage of the village and the surrounding township of Frankfort, incorporated in 1796. Many of the original hamlets, such as West Frankfort, Frankfort Center, and Frankfort Hill, still exist. Thanks to its advantageous location astride the Erie Canal-West Shore Railroad corridor, the village attracted a wide variety of industry. The railroad established a major repair-and-renovation facility, which later became home to manufacturing companies producing machine tools, agricultural implements, and highway equipment used throughout the nation. The world's first continuous match-making machine was invented here, and the famous aeronauts Carl and Carlotta Myers drew national attention with their involvement in a new national passion: hot-air ballooning.