Educating in Dialog: Constructing meaning and building knowledge with dialogic technology contains a collection of new articles on the relationship of learning, dialog and technology. The articles combine different views of dialogic learning stemming from a multiplicity of discipline backgrounds and research interests including educational design, educational science, epistemology, cognitive linguistics, cultural studies, and mobile learning, to name a few. The authors discuss and explore a variety of topics that range from knowledge building over learning communities to dialogic technologies for knowledge co‐construction. Discussing technology and learning against this broad background is indispensable, as the gap between what learners actually need for successful learning and what current technology offers becomes increasingly wide. This book provides thought-provoking views of recent developments in the area of technology supported learning for everyone who is interested in educational technologies, collaborative learning, and dialog.
In a remote laboratory, the user performs a real experiment without being in front of the equipment, performing remote experiments mediated by the Internet. Remote Laboratories: Empowering STEM Education with Technology is the first book to cover this radical redistribution of experimentation capacity as a whole.This book also covers using remote experiments in the classroom, the advantages of remote experimentation, the challenges faced, and opportunities for innovation when using a remote lab.The book characterizes and explains remote experiments and connects them with the curricula of subjects and prospects for teaching/learning scenarios. It further provides evidence for the positive effect of remote experimentation in the student learning process. This coverage is supplemented by an exhaustive list of remote experiments conducted around the world.
Der Sammelband vereint Beiträge zu verschiedenen Facetten des aktuellen Diskurses über Lehren und Lernen an der Hochschule. Die Autoren schreiben über Strategien zur Professionalisierung der Lehrenden und zur Erweiterung ihrer Lehrkompetenz durch hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung. Sie diskutieren die erfolgreiche Organisation und Gestaltung des Studiums, einschließlich der Angebote, die Studierenden einen Zugang zur Wissenschaft ermöglichen.
E-Learning wird meist in pädagogischen Zusammenhängen beschrieben. Bei einer solchen Sichtweise werden aber viele Bereiche ausgeblendet, die für ein umfassendes Verständnis von E-Learning von Bedeutung sind. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektive erarbeitet, die sich an einer systemischen Interpretation orientiert. Auf Basis einer systemtheoretischen Analyse wird ein Modell entwickelt, in dem E-Learning nicht mehr als eine Lehr-Lernmethode, sondern als soziales System und als ein Wissenssystem beschrieben wird. Die Funktionen, Prozesse und Strukturen, die E-Learning zugrunde liegen, werden dabei auf einer allgemeinen Ebene beschrieben. Somit kann das Modell in der Praxis auf die unterschiedlichsten E-Learning-Aktivitäten angewendet werden.
Die Autoren setzen sich mit folgende Themen auseinander: Überblick über wichtige Fragestellungen zum E-Learning; Standards und Spezifikationen; Qualitätssicherung und Evaluierung; didaktische Einsatzmöglichkeiten spielerischer Elemente; ausgewählte Aspekte des E-Learning für Business Applications.
«Second Best to Being There» is the title of the first chapter of this book. It is written by pioneers (Shor Bohus, Aktan) in remote experimentation in 1993 and it describes that a student/teacher can access a real experiment through Internet as being in the real lab. Chemistry, materials, electronics, physics and control engineering integrated in different remote labs are presented: iLAB (MIT, USA), VISIR (BTH, Sweden), labShare (UTS, Australia), and LiLA (Cambridge, UK).
Index to the Batchinsky collection which includes manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, maps and about 1500 serial and monographic publications.
This book provides a comprehensive overview on several aspects of remote laboratories development and usage, and their potential impact in the teaching and learning processes using selected e-learning experiences.The book is based on the presentations and discussions carried out at «International Meeting on Professional Remote Laboratories», which took place in University of Deusto, Bilbao, in the period of November 16-17, 2006. Apart from chapters based on the presentations, some others have also been included in this book. In this way, we hope to give a broad, well balanced and up-to-date picture of the current status of remote labs and their role within the e-learning paradigm.
"This book presents current developments in the multidisciplinary creation of Internet accessible remote laboratories, offering perspectives on teaching with online laboratories, pedagogical design, system architectures for remote laboratories, future trends, and policy issues in the use of remote laboratories"--Provided by publisher.