VERY practical, on target for schools today—good balance of theory with anecdotal connections.” “At first I was worried about the time involved. I discovered when given 5 minutes . . . the time is a continuation to their work in progress. Realizing that creativity does not have to consume large chunks of time is more meaningful than tokens.” “I like the tone of the writing. It feels like there is a conversation going on.” “I like the stories of famous people and how their creativity influenced and changed their lives.” CREATIVITY FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS describes what many creative people really do when they create. It focuses on the practical applications of a theoretical ap...
The existence of human rights helps secure the peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, and prevent humanitarian crises. These human rights include freedom from torture, freedom of expression, press freedom, women's rights, children's rights, and the protection of minorities. This book surveys the countries of the Near East and North Africa, and is augmented by a current bibliography and useful indexes by subject, title and author.
History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America a record of Edward Jewett, of Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of his two emigrant sons, Deacon Maximilian and Joseph Jewett, settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts, in 1639
• Internationally known juried exhibit of the year's best hand-hooked rugs • 76 beautiful hooked rugs • 59 close-up details • Includes both traditional and original rugs Each year, expert judges choose the best hand-hooked rugs from the many rugs entered into the annual juried competition known as Celebration. Now in its 23rd year, the competition showcases rugs from all over the US, Canada, and from around the world. Each winning rug is presented in a full-color spread that includes a photo of the rug, a close-up detail highlighting fine workmanship, and comments from the artist and the judges. Celebration is eagerly awaited each year and is overflowing with inspiration for all who are interested in fiber arts.