This book aims at reviewing contemporary publications on the subject of the pneumothorax. Specifically, the anatomy and physiology of the pneumothorax, the pathological classification into primary and secondary, the different methods of diagnosis, and the rationale behind the different approaches of management are discussed. Strategies for special circumstances are highlighted, such as the pneumothorax around menstrual cycles, during pregnancy, and before general anesthesia for other reasons, air travel, and scuba diving. Attention is drawn to the most contemporary trends of management and the evidence from recently published trials and reviews. A separate chapter is dedicated to controversies in the management of the pneumothorax. Trainees as well as established consultant thoracic surgeons, anesthetists, pulmonologists, pediatricians, obstetricians, and intensivists should find this book both interesting and provocative.
Each chapter describes a very specific aspect of Achalasia by its known expert. Current diagnostic and management strategies of Achalasia, as well as the simplified operative approaches with relevant technical considerations, are outlined for the specific target audience. The treatment of Achalasia is complex and usually performed in specialized tertiary-care centres. The Editors' main goal is to render this disease more understandable and accessible to residents, fellows, and specialists in both the surgical disciplines (general surgery and thoracic surgery) and in gastroenterology.
Water Reuse: An International Survey of current practice, issues and needs examines water reuse practices around the world from different perspectives. The objective is to show how differently wastewater reuse is conceived and practised around the world as well as to present the varied needs and possibilities for reusing wastewater. In the first section water reuse practices around the world are described for regions having common water availability, reuse needs and social aspects. The second section refers to the “stakeholders” point of view. Each reuse purpose demands different water quality, not only to protect health and the environment but also to fulfil the requirements of the spec...
This User’s Guide is intended to support the design, implementation, analysis, interpretation, and quality evaluation of registries created to increase understanding of patient outcomes. For the purposes of this guide, a patient registry is an organized system that uses observational study methods to collect uniform data (clinical and other) to evaluate specified outcomes for a population defined by a particular disease, condition, or exposure, and that serves one or more predetermined scientific, clinical, or policy purposes. A registry database is a file (or files) derived from the registry. Although registries can serve many purposes, this guide focuses on registries created for one or ...
This book provides an unbiased and evidence-based guide to the potential role of interventional pulmonology as an alternative to thoracic surgery. Interventional pulmonology is a new and quickly growing sub-specialty in pulmonary medicine and increasingly more pulmonologists are turning to interventional therapies over the more costly and invasive surgical options. The text thoroughly presents detailed coverage of and diagnostic methods for many diseases and conditions that pulmonologists encounter daily, including: diffuse lung infiltrates, solitary lung nodule, undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion, pneumothorax, hemoptysis, and airway foreign body. Experts then detail treatment options, ...
The book is a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented in International Conference on Soft Computing Systems (ICSCS 2015) held at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Chennai, India. These research papers provide the latest developments in the emerging areas of Soft Computing in Engineering and Technology. The book is organized in two volumes and discusses a wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of the emerging techniques. It presents invited papers from the inventors/originators of new applications and advanced technologies.
Rainwater tank systems have been widely adopted across the world to provide a safe local source of water in underdeveloped rural areas, a substitution for mains water for non potable end uses in water stressed urban areas, as well as providing flooding control in monsoonal climates such as Korea, or combined sewer systems such as Germany. The importance of these systems in cities has grown, as water managers seek to provide a range of decentralised solutions to supply constraints of current water supply systems, whilst reducing the impact of urban development on the natural environment, and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change. Rainwater tank systems are now often implement...
Durch die rasante Entwicklung in der Nanotechnologie ist es mittlerweile möglich, die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Nanomaterialien mit molekularer Erkennung und katalytischen Anwendungen zu modulieren. Aus den Forschungsarbeiten ist eine große Zahl katalytischer Plattformen für zahlreiche Analyten entstanden, von Metallionen über kleine Moleküle, ionische Flüssigkeiten und Nukleinsäuren bis zu Proteinen. Funktionalisierte Nanomaterialien (FNM) bilden die Grundlage für wichtige Anwendungen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Energie und Gesundheit. Strategien zur Synthese von FNM spielen in verschiedenen Branchen eine wichtige Rolle, insbesondere in der Textil-, Bau-, Kosmetik...
A provocative argument that the best way to deliver high-quality healthcare to Americans is to institute a comprehensive and fair system of rationing. Most people would agree that the healthcare system in the United States is a mess. Healthcare accounts for a larger percentage of gross domestic product in the United States than in any other industrialized nation, but health outcomes do not reflect this enormous investment. In this book, Philip Rosoff offers a provocative proposal for providing quality healthcare to all Americans and controlling the out-of-control costs that threaten the economy. He argues that rationing—often associated in the public's mind with such negatives as unpluggin...