Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry

Established in 1960, Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry is the definitive serial in the area—one of great importance to organic chemists, polymer chemists, and many biological scientists. Written by established authorities in the field, the comprehensive reviews combine descriptive chemistry and mechanistic insight and yield an understanding of how the chemistry drives the properties. - Provides up-to-date material on a fast growing and highly topical subject area - Contains the latest research covering a wide variety of heterocyclic topics - Written by leading authorities and designed as a handbook for students and industry and academic researchers

Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1228

Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-12-17
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development brings together 242 peer-reviewed papers presented at the 2013 International Conference on Frontiers of Energy and Environment Engineering, held in Xiamen, China, November 28-29, 2013. The main objective of this proceedings set is to take the environment-energydevelopments discussion a step further. Volume 1 of the set is devoted to Energy, power and environmental engineering, and volume 2 to Control, information and applications. Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development is intended to serve as resource material for scientists working on related topics in many disciplines, including environmental science, management science, and energy science and policy analysis, as well as for industry professionals in the wide field of energy and environmental engineering.

Metabolomics and metabolism of traditional chinese medicine, volume II
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 196

Metabolomics and metabolism of traditional chinese medicine, volume II


The Chemical Transformations of C1 Compounds
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1780

The Chemical Transformations of C1 Compounds

The Chemical Transformations of C1 Compounds A comprehensive exploration of one-carbon molecule transformations The chemistry of one-carbon molecules has recently gained significant prominence as the world transitions away from a petroleum-based economy to a more sustainable one. In The Chemical Transformations of C1 Compounds, an accomplished team of chemists delivers an in-depth overview of recent developments in the field of single-carbon chemistry. The three-volume book covers all major C1 sources, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, methanol, formic acid, formaldehyde, carbenes, C1 halides, and organometallics. The editors have included resources discussing the main reac...

Entropy in Image Analysis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 456

Entropy in Image Analysis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-06-24
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  • Publisher: MDPI

Image analysis is a fundamental task for extracting information from images acquired across a range of different devices. Since reliable quantitative results are requested, image analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods—particularly for applications in medicine, security, and remote sensing, where the results of the processing may consist of vitally important data. The contributions to this book provide a good overview of the most important demands and solutions concerning this research area. In particular, the reader will find image analysis applied for feature extraction, encryption and decryption of data, color segmentation, and in the support new technologies. In all the contributions, entropy plays a pivotal role.

Genomics of the Saccharinae
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 562

Genomics of the Saccharinae

The Saccharinae clade of the Poaceae (grass) family of flowering plants includes several important crops with a rich history of contributions to humanity and the promise of still-greater contributions, as a result of some of the highest biomass productivity levels known, resilience to drought and other environmental challenges that are likely to increase, amenability to production systems that may mitigate or even reverse losses of ecological capital such as topsoil erosion, and the recent blossoming of sorghum as a botanical and genomic model for the clade. In Genomics of the Saccharinae, advances of the past decade and earlier are summarized and synthesized to elucidate the current state o...

New Nanomaterials and Techniques for Tumor-targeted Systems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 462

New Nanomaterials and Techniques for Tumor-targeted Systems

This book summarizes the latest advances in nanomaterials and techniques in the field of tumor-targeted diagnosis and therapy. It provides valuable information for beginners and senior researchers, and stimulates new research directions by offering novel and provocative insights into the properties and technical principles of nanomaterials. The book systemically discusses the challenges in tumor treatment, current tumor-targeted strategies, drug-release strategies, diagnosis and therapeutic patterns, and also explores newly developed multifunctional nanomaterials and related systems.

PAMP Signals in Plant Innate Immunity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 457

PAMP Signals in Plant Innate Immunity

Plant innate immunity is a potential surveillance system of plants and is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. The immune system is a sleeping system in unstressed healthy plants and is activated on perception of the pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP; the pathogen’s signature) of invading pathogens. The PAMP alarm/danger signals are perceived by plant pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). The plant immune system uses several second messengers to encode information generated by the PAMPs and deliver the information downstream of PRRs to proteins which decode/interpret signals and initiate defense gene expression. This book describes the most fascinating PAMP-PRR signaling complex and signal transduction systems. It also discusses the highly complex networks of signaling pathways involved in transmission of the signals to induce distinctly different defense-related genes to mount offence against pathogens.

The Chemistry of Hypervalent Halogen Compounds, 2 Volume Set
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1068

The Chemistry of Hypervalent Halogen Compounds, 2 Volume Set

Für das Verständnis der organischen Chemie muss man wissen, worum es sich bei funktionalen Gruppen handelt. Dieses Fachbuch steht ganz in der Tradition der Reihe Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups. Jeder Band deckt sämtliche Aspekte funktionaler Gruppen ab und behandelt dabei theoretische, analytische, synthetische, biologische Aspekte sowie Belange der Industrie. Hypervalente Halogenverbindungen, insbesondere Jodverbindungen, sind überaus effiziente und selektive Oxidantien für eine Vielzahl funktionaler Gruppen. Die elektrophilen Eigenschaften dieser Reagenzien können auch für die Einführung anderer Funktionalisierungen verwendet werden. Dieser Band ist der erste in der Reihe, die die Eigenschaften und das chemische Verhalten von hypervalentem Jod und Brom, deren Einsatz in der organischen Synthese sowie deren industrielle Anwendung untersucht. Wie bei allen neuen Bänden, werden die Kapitel zunächst online in Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups veröffentlicht. Wenn ein Band online vervollständigt ist, erfolgt die Herausgabe als Printversion. Die Printfassung entspricht der Qualität, die man von der Patai-Reihe kennt, und bietet auch einen umfassenden Index.

Organophosphorus Chemistry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 504

Organophosphorus Chemistry

This annual review of the literature, the 50th volume in the present series, provides a comprehensive and critical survey of a vast field of study involving organophosphorus compounds, ranging from phosphines, their chalcogenide derivatives and phosphonium salts, phosphorus (III) acid derivatives, phosphorus (V) acids, penta- and hexa-coordinated phosphorus compounds, phosphazenes and related phosphorus-nitrogen bonded compounds. Coverage is also presented of applications of organophosphorus compounds in homogeneous catalysis for synthesis of bulk and fine chemicals and also in applications as reagents in green synthetic procedures.