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This book covers the heterogeneity of Chilean literary production from the times of the Spanish conquest to the present. It shifts critical focus from national identity and issues to a more multifaceted transnational, hemispheric, and global approach. Its emphasis is on the paradigm transition from the purportedly homogeneous to the heterogeneous.
Though the civil-rights abuses by the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile (1973-1990) were later recognized by reparations and truth commissions, the difficult emotions suffered by the victims and their families were often pushed into the background or out of the national conversation entirely. In response, novelists began writing memory of feelings experienced during the dictatorship into their books. In The Chilean Dictatorship Novel, Weldt-Basson examines fifteen novels and one testimony written on the topic of dictatorship to illustrate how these Chilean narratives center on affect and emotions. Each chapter focuses on a different emotion: feelings of loss because of father abandonment and sp...
Jorge Luis Borges is, undeniably, Argentina's best-known and most influential writer. In addition to scholarly studies of his work, his emblematic figure continues to appear on book covers and carrier bags, in biographies, plaques and statues, photographs and interviews, as well as cartoons and city tours. The Making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine Cultural Icon argues that the ideas and expectations that Argentine people have placed upon the author - thus constructing the icon - are also those that allow them to define their cultural identity. The book examines these intertwined processes by analysing the image of Borges in biographies, photographs, comic strips and urban spaces and th...
Spanish comics have attracted considerable critical attention internationally: dissertations have been written, monographs have been published, and an array of cultural institutions in Spain (the media, publishing houses, bookstores, museums, and archives) have increasingly promoted the pleasures, pertinence, and power of graphic narrative to an ever-expanding readership - all in an area of cultural production that was held, until recently, to be the stuff of child's play, the unenlightened, or the unsophisticated. This volume takes up the charge of examining how contemporary comics in Spain have confronted questions of cultural legitimacy through serious and timely engagement with diverse t...
Postmodernism of Resistance in Roberto Bolaño's Fiction and Poetry examines the ways in which Bolaño employs a type of literary aesthetics that subverts traits traditionally associated with postmodernism. Pastén B. coins these aesthetics "postmodernism of resistance" and argues that this resistance stands in direct opposition to critical discourses that construe the presence of hopeless characters and marginal settings in Bolaño's works as signs of the writer's disillusionment with the political as a consequence of the defeat of the Left in Latin America. Rather, he contends, Bolaño creates a fictional world comprised of characters and situations that paradoxically refuse to accept defeat--even while displaying the scars of terrible historical events. In this work Pastén B. challenges some critical assumptions about Bolaño's fiction and poetry that led to decontextualized interpretations of his work and offers a singularly comprehensive investigation that synthesizes multiple perspectives of a complicated author into one text.
We live a world in which the number of prisons is growing and experiences of incarceration are increasingly widespread. Carceral Worlds offers a necessary and timely contribution to understanding these carceral realities of the globalized present.The book asks how the carceral has become so central in life, how it manifests in different geographical locations and, finally, what the likely consequences are of living in such a carceral world. Carceral Worlds focuses on carceral practices, experiences and imaginaries that reach far beyond traditional spaces of confinement. It shows the lasting effects of colonial carceral heritage, the influence of prison systems on city management, and the ent...
¿Puede la crítica literaria trazar la cartografía sensible de un país, de su historia, moralidad, costumbres, ritos, subjetividades? ¿Y puede hacerlo a partir de la “pose” autobiográfica, es decir, del modo en que toman cuerpo en la escritura las innúmeras máscaras del yo? Ese es el desafío y el don de este libro, que invita a recorrer borgeanamente senderos que se bifurcan, descubrir nuevos paisajes, escuchar otras voces, atisbar escenas a contrapelo, o, como dice esa intraducible expresión francesa, sous un autre jour.
En estos recuerdos, Martina Barros plasmó una contradicción: la de una mujer de elite que, a partir de su práctica lectora y escritural, asimiló el rol femenino impuesto socialmente, a la vez que manifestó su convicción sobre el nuevo papel que la mujer debía cumplir en la sociedad, poniendo constantemente en tela de juicio el rol privado de madre patriota. Escribió posicionándose desde su rol de madre guardiana de la familia y formadora de ciudadanos, pero a través de este buscó legitimar sus demandas de educación y autonomía para la mujer. Se apropió del ideal tradicional inculcado desde la educación para exigir derechos femeninos, los cuales fueron defendidos en su escritura.
La obra de Orrego trenza las historias de varios sujetos que se muestran empecinados por hallar fortuna, en contraposición a los sujetos indígenas que aparecen como habitantes de tiempos primitivos y que, ante la modernización de sus territorios, se ven enfrentados a interactuar con los criollos, mestizos o extranjeros. Todo esto tejiendo escenas del desarrollo industrial como la descripción del ferrocarril, los barcos a vapor y el telégrafo, paisajes de pequeñas localidades y sus historias populares. Asimismo se describen algunos sucesos históricos y políticos de la presidencia de Manuel Bulnes. Son cambios en la sociedad que Orrego advierte desde su infancia, eventos que por lo demás son muy cercanos a su familia dedicada al negocio de la minería.
La vida apacible y conservadora de un pueblecito de montaña se ve sorprendida por la llegada de María, la nueva telefonista y heraldo de la transformación social que no todos en la comunidad de Colloco están dispuestos a aceptar. María viste pantalones, escucha la radio, no está casada ni busca marido, su deseo es "estar sola y en paz", con lo que despierta el deseo de algunos, la envidia de otros y el recelo de muchos. La crítica de su tiempo intentó asimilar la escritura de Brunet bajo la etiqueta de "criollista" a fin de reducir el efecto de su agudeza. Sin embargo, como indica en su prólogo la escritora Alia Trabucco Zerán: "en las antípodas de ese objetivo de ensalzamiento nacionalista, la mirada de Brunet recae persistentemente en las fisuras: atisba la hondura de la crisis del campo, exhibe la violencia contra las mujeres y se centra, además, en un sujeto femenino [...] para complejizarlo y erigirlo en sujeto propiamente literario".