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In the early pre-dawn on a day in May of 1963 as sunlight glimmered in the offing of Lake Michigan, Chicago awakened to the promise of a fine spring day. Jimmy Flores and Paddy O’Halloran, friends and scholarship track athletes, saw the first glimmers of a world beyond their college graduation, scheduled for later that morning on the Loyola campus several miles behind their rapid footsteps along the Lake Shore Trail. In the next ten years, a period beginning with Eugene ‘Bull’ Connor unleashing fire hoses and police dogs on demonstrators protesting segregation in Birmingham, Alabama, and ending with the resignation of Richard Nixon, Chicago and America went through enormous turmoil and...
This is the te reo Maori translation of the award-winning novel Tu. The only survivor of three young men who went to war from his family, Tu faces the past and tells his niece and nephew, through the pages of his war journal, about his brothers and their lives after moving to the city, the impact of war on their family and what really happened to the brothers as the M?ori Battalion fought in Italy during World War Two.
An art restorer looking for a home. A commitment-phobe running from his emotions. A painting which brings them together but which reveals a mysterious past from which neither can escape… After an itinerant and lonely childhood, art restorer Lucia yearns for what other people have—a home, husband and children. There is no way she’s going to get involved with a commitment-phobe again. Guy takes the concept of a commitment-phobe to a whole new level—but with good reason. He’s been running from his emotions since his wife’s death. But their lives become entwined when Lucia proves his ‘forgery’ is genuine and reveals a mysterious past from which neither can escape… This emotiona...
Premiul Planeta 2021 Suntem în anul 1834, iar Madridul, un oraș care încearcă să se deschidă dincolo de zidurile ce îl înconjoară, este afectat de o teribilă epidemie de holeră. Dar nu numai boala îi îngrozește pe locuitorii săi: prin mahalale apar cadavrele dezmembrate ale unor fete cărora nimeni nu le duce dorul. Zvonurile vorbesc despre Bestia, o ființă pe care nimeni nu a văzut-o, dar de care toată lumea se teme. Când micuța Clara dispare, sora ei, Lucia, împreună cu Donoso, un polițist căruia îi lipsește un ochi, și Diego, un jurnalist care-și bagă nasul peste tot, încep o cursă frenetică pentru a o găsi pe fetiță în viață. Pe parcursul poveștii ...
Drei Generationen Frauen im Europa des letzten Jahrhunderts. Martha, die am Ende des 2. Weltkriegs vor den Russen fliehen muss. Lucia verlässt gleichzeitig das verarmte Sizilien, um sich ein Leben im Norden Italiens aufzubauen. Ihre jeweiligen Kinder Helmut und Sophia möchten in den späten Sechzigern dem Nachkriegsmief entkommen und die gewonnenen Freiheiten ausleben. In Paris, ihrer Wahlheimat, lernen sich kennen und verlieben sich ineinander. Ihre Tochter Mathilde wächst Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts ohne Wurzeln auf und findet in der Schweiz etwas ähnliches wie ein Zuhause. Drei Generationen, eine Familie. Allen fehlen Wurzeln, sie sind Flüchtlinge, Auswanderer, Einwanderer, Reisende. Vier Frauen-Schicksale, die am Ende die Frage aufwerfen: Was bedeutet Heimat? "Wo du herkommst ..." Für manche Menschen bedeutet das nirgends. Oder überall.