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"A percepção do estrangeiro como um elemento estranho a ser tratado com desconfiança ensejou a elaboração de legislações de caráter hostil no século XX, que não coadunam com a realidade da mobilidade humana, cada vez mais presente no século XXI... Não tenho dúvida que a legislação brasileira atual passará, em curto ou médio prazo, por uma intensa renovação na temática da expulsão para sua adequação à normatividade pro homine do século XXI, na linha do que é defendido por Pardi. Quando isso ocorrer, o presente livro será sempre citado como aquele que – de modo pioneiro e corajoso – mostrou o caminho a ser trilhado pelo legislador brasileiro. Esse é o papel da investigação científica séria como é a presente obra, que tenho a honra de prefaciar." In Prefácio de André de Carvalho Ramos.
Em 1950, o imigrante letão Herberts Cukurs, então proprietário dos pedalinhos da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, no Rio de Janeiro, foi acusado de ter cometido crimes de guerra durante a ocupação nazista da Letônia. O "caso Cukurs" logo se tornou conhecido no Brasil e no exterior e mobilizou governos, entidades judaicas e não judaicas, parlamentares e opinião pública. Percorrendo documentos inéditos, disponíveis no Brasil e no exterior, este livro examina a complexa construção do histórico "caso Cukurs", sobretudo a posição das autoridades brasileiras diante dele.
Uma análise da posição do refugiado e seu direito ao reconhecimento pelo trabalho. O autor aponta o aumento de deslocamento de pessoas pelo mundo, em especial, de refugiados e indaga se há fundamento para a soberania estatal limitar o exercício por esses indivíduos de seus direitos, na busca pela satisfação pessoal. O estado receptor pode limitar a liberdade dessas pessoas? Seria razoável fixar por meio de "lei" o papel que o indivíduo poderia desempenhar em sociedade, em especial, definir qual a ocupação que deveria exercer? Uma lei poderia limitar o direito à dignidade? É o que a obra pretende responder buscando amparo na universalidade do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana.
Climate change has been a central concern over recent years, with visible and highly publicized consequences such as melting Arctic ice and mountain glaciers, rising sea levels, and the submersion of low-lying coastal areas during mid-latitude and tropical cyclones. This book presents a review of the spatial impacts of contemporary climate change, with a focus on a systematic, multi-scalar approach. Beyond the facts rises in temperature, changes in the spatial distribution of precipitation, melting of the marine and terrestrial cryosphere, changes in hydrological regimes at high and medium latitudes, etc. it also analyzes the geopolitical consequences in the Arctic and Central Asia, changes to Mediterranean culture and to viticulture on a global scale, as well as impacts on the distribution of life, for example, in the Amazon rainforest, in large biomes on a global scale, and for birds.
This book represents the culmination of the author’s lifetime work on a single fascinating group of insects, the hover wasps, Stenogastrinae. The author explores the biology of these little-known wasps at the threshold of sociality, presenting an ambitious survey of ideas about their evolution and an assessment of the current standing of controversial concepts. Following taxonomic and morphological descriptions, the behaviour, colonial dynamics, social communication and especially the remarkably diverse nests of wasps are discussed. Compared to the better-known species of paper wasps, hornets and yellow jackets, the hover wasps show various peculiarities, such as characteristics of immature brood rearing, nest defence and mating systems. The nest architecture probably presents the most variable solutions in social wasps and is characterized by an astonishing level of camouflage, making these insects an interesting example of special adaptation to forest environments.
The Behavior of Animals An updated view of animal behavior studies, featuring global experts The Behavior of Animals, Second Edition provides a broad overview of the current state of animal behavior studies with contributions from international experts. This edition includes new chapters on hormones and behavior, individuality, and human evolution. All chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated, and are supported by color illustrations, informative callouts, and accessible presentation of technical information. Provides an introduction to the study of animal behavior Looks at an extensive scope of topics- from perception, motivation and emotion, biological rhythms, and animal learning to animal cognition, communication, mate choice, and individuality. Explores the evolution of animal behavior including a critical evaluation of the assumption that human beings can be studied as if they were any other animal species. Students will benefit from an updated textbook in which a variety of contributors provide their expertise and global perspective in specialized areas
Claire Detrain, Jean-Louis Deneubourg and Jacques Pasteels Studies on insects have been pioneering in major fields of modern biology. In the 1970 s, research on pheromonal communication in insects gave birth to the dis cipline of chemical ecology and provided a scientific frame to extend this approach to other animal groups. In the 1980 s, the theory of kin selection, which was initially formulated by Hamilton to explain the rise of eusociality in insects, exploded into a field of research on its own and found applications in the under standing of community structures including vertebrate ones. In the same manner, recent studies, which decipher the collective behaviour of insect societies, m...
This book contains the papers presented at the conferences of the International Association Vegetation Science of Pirenopolis (2016) on Applied Mapping for Conservation and Management: from Plant and of Palermo (2017) on Vegetation Patterns in relation to multi-scale levels of ecological complexity: from associations to geoseries. The reports refer to general themes (semiological bases of mapping, dynamic-catenal mapping, nature conservation, plant biodiversity, biogeography, and geosynphytosociology) and their application to vegetation in different parts of the world (Andes of Bolivia, California, Kaga Coast in Japan, Southeastern USA, Morocco, Europe: Carpathians mountains, Swiss Alps, Sicily, Southern Portugal, Spain, and French Atlantic coastal). One of the benefits of the book is that it offers the possibility of comparing the different methodologies used in very different types of vegetation in the world (Boreal, Mediterranean, Tropical, Neotropical, etc.). The book is intended for researchers, Ph.D. students, and university professors.
"Few decisions in life should be more personal than the choice of a spouse or lover. Yet, throughout history, this intimate experience has been subjected to painstaking social and religious regulation in the form of legislation and restraining social mores." With that statement, Asunción Lavrin begins her introduction to this collection of original essays, the first in English to explore sexuality and marriage in colonial Latin America. The nine contributors, including historians and anthropologists, examine various aspects of the male-female relationship and the mechanisms for controlling it developed by church and state after the European conquest of Mexico and Central and South America. ...
A comprehensive, multi-author treatise on the social insects of the world, with some auxiliary attention to such adjacent topics as subsocial insects and social arachnids. The work is to serve as a very convenient, yet authoritative reference work on the biology and systematics of social insects of the world. This is a project of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), the worldwide organizing body for the scientific study of social insects.