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Zbornik v 18 prispevkih predstavlja rezultate arheoloških in etnoloških raziskav zadnjih desetih letih v slovenskem visokogorju, po večini s planin v Kamniško-Savinjskih in v Julijskih Alpah. Prikazani so najnovejši dokazi o prisotnosti človeka in gospodarski izrabi prostora v prazgodovini, antiki in srednjem veku. Vsebino prispevkov dopolnjujejo in bogatijo številne barvne fotografije, zemljevidi in risbe. Razprave imajo povzetke v nemščini.
"In A Noble Pursuit, Gloria Polizzotti Greis provides an overview of the European Iron Age and brings the duchess's archaeological career to life. Archaeology as a profession with defined standards and methodologies was still in its infancy at the turn of the twentieth century, and the duchess's fieldwork, which became increasingly sophisticated and scientific over time, mirrored the development of archaeological practice in Europe." "The sites the duchess excavated encompass the scope of Iron Age cultures in Slovenia and form an important resource for studying the cultural history of the region. Most of the materials from these sites reside today in the Mecklenburg Collection at Harvard Uni...
It was in the spring of 1953 when digging pits to plant trees in front of the Prešeren’s Theatre in Kranj revealed some graves. Extensive excavations followed, led by Jože Kastelic and Vinko Šribar from the National Museum. 308 graves were excavated: 15 were recognised as the so-called (later) "Baroque" graves and 293 as "Ketlach", that is Early Medieval ones. The finds were first stored in the National Museum in Ljubljana, and later moved to the Gorenjski museum in Kranj, while all the documentation remained in Ljubljana. The excavations of the extensive cemetery continued in 1964 and 1965, from 1969 to 1973, and in 1984. In the following decades, several graves were excavated in the c...
Contents include: Introduction ( K Walsh ); Palynology ( S Bottema ); A database for the palynological recording of human activity ( V Andrieu, E Brugiapaglia, R Cheddadi, M Reille and J-L de Beaulieu ); The contribution of anthracology ( J-L Vernet ); Dendroclimatology ( F Guibal ); Techniques in Landscape Archaeology ( A G Brown ); L'apport de la micromorphologie des sols ( N Fédoroff ); Reconstructing past soil environments ( R S Shiel ); The Geochemistry of Soil Sediments ( D D Gilbertson and J P Grattam ); Searching the Ports of Troy ( E Zanagger, M Timpson, S Yazvenko and H Leiermann ); The pontine region in central Italy ( P Attema, J Delvigne and B J Haagsma ); Population pressure o...
Šestdesetletna izkopavanja (od 1953 do 2013) grobišča Župna cerkev v Kranju so odkrila skoraj 3000 grobov. V pričujoči monografiji je predstavljenih 1048 grobov, ki so jih našli med letoma 1972 in 2010. Izkopavanja je najprej (1972 in 1973, 862 grobov) vodil kustos Gorenjskega muzeja Andrej Valič, nato Milan Sagadin z ZVKD Kranj (od 1984 do 2001, 163 grobov), nazadnje pa Draško Josipovič (Magelan Skupina, d. o. o., od 2003 do 2010, 23 grobov). Obsežno poglavje predstavljajo vsi tisti predmeti z grobišča Kranj – Župna cerkev, ki nimajo podatkov o mestu najdbe. Pestra dokumentacija, ki se je z leti spreminjala, je osnova za objavo vseh dosegljivih podatkov o grobovih in predmetih, ki jih hrani Gorenjski muzej v Kranju. Uvodni del obsega študijo o naravi podatkov in opozorila na morebitne neskladnosti med različnimi tipi dokumentacije. Prvenstveno se ukvarja z vprašanjem zanesljivosti grobnih celot, kar je podlaga za vse nadaljnje analize.
Monografija predstavlja raziskavo zgodovinskega razvoja zakonske zveze oziroma odnosov med moškim in žensko – od strasti, ljubezni, prijateljstva in osnovanja življenjske skupnosti, do težav, ki so preprečile združitev ali ovirale zakonske zveze po cerkvenih teorijah, laiških predstavah in običajih. Gre za prvo od dveh knjig o zgodovini ljubezenske morale na Slovenskem med začetkom srednjega veka in koncem 18. stoletja na Slovenskem, tik pred spremembo fevdalne družbe v industrijsko oziroma meščansko družbo. Raziskava osvetljuje življenje skozi dejanja in misli konkretnih ljudi in je zasnovana na arhivskem gradivu, na zasebnih in uradnih zapisih cerkvenih in posvetnih inštit...
In this book, the authors have gathered and present current research in the study of child nutrition and health from across the globe. Topics discussed include the exposure of Slovenian pre-school children to preservatives and polyphosphates; the breakfast experience in low socio-economic families with overweight children; nutrition in children and adolescents with cancer; calcium supplementation in young children in Asia; early vitamin D supplementation, immune modulation and allergy; and the factors associated with overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti young children.