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Score your highest on the Spanish-translated GED Passing the GED provides Spanish-speakers with expanded job and educational opportunities, like attending college or starting a successful career. El GED en Espanol Para Dummies is a comprehensive study guide for native Spanish-speakers preparing to take the GED exam. You'll get hands-on, essential test preparation help on everything you need to know-from registering and studying effectively to managing your time during the exam. Hands-on training in each of the five main subject areas: Writing, Reading, Social Studies, Science, and Math. Fresh and relevant example questions Two full practice tests with detailed walk-throughs and explanations for every solution If you're one of the thousands of native Spanish-speakers looking for an all-in-one study guide for El GED en Espanol, this hands-on, friendly guide is your ticket for scoring your highest on exam day!
"Oroscopo 2025" vi fornisce le informazioni precise per sfruttare il potere dei pianeti. L'anno 2025 sarà un periodo di profonda trasformazione per tutti i segni zodiacali. Quest'anno ci saranno molti movimenti astrologici significativi. È un anno in cui lasciare andare il vecchio e abbracciare il nuovo. Questa è una guida completa che vi offrirà uno sguardo unico e dettagliato su ciò che ogni segno zodiacale può aspettarsi nel 2025. Dall'amore alla carriera alla salute, ogni pagina è pensata per illuminare il vostro cammino. L'analisi approfondita dei transiti planetari più significativi e delle loro implicazioni globali contenuta in questo libro vi aiuterà a navigare nel caos. Acquistatelo e scoprite cosa l'universo ha in serbo per voi nel 2025.
Questo libro contiene previsioni accurate e consigli pratici che vi permetteranno di prendere decisioni nell'anno 2025. Sarà un anno ricco di cambiamenti. Qui troverete la vostra carta dei Tarocchi, il colore fortunato, l'amuleto e il quarzo dell'anno. Dall'amore, alla carriera, alla salute, ogni pagina è pensata per illuminare il vostro cammino. Se desiderate attrarre più abbondanza, amore, felicità e salute nel 2025, avete gli strumenti a disposizione in questo libro. Praticate questi rituali per innalzare le vostre vibrazioni energetiche e trasformare la vostra vita quest'anno. Quando praticherete questi rituali amplificherete e magnetizzerete la prosperità materiale e spirituale.
Platero and I, written by Juan Ram=n JimTnez, 1956 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, has been translated into the main languages of Western Europe and even into Hebrew. As Don Quixote is a great Spanish classic of the Golden Age, Platero and I has become a classic of the twentieth century. It is known as the 'Andalusian elegy' and is centred on the town of Moguer and its surrounding countryside. It follows the journey of the author and his donkey Platero. Like Dostoyevsky in his book The Idiot the donkey's braying inspires and captures the author. The book is not only for children but for adults as well, evoking for us memories of our childhood years. As with Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, this is an allegory of the deepest human emotions and thoughts. Throughout the narrative Juan Ram=n speaks about Man and his world, dreaming of a better world and a brighter dawn. --Book Jacket.
In the past thirty years, women's representation and gender equality has developed unevenly in Latin America. Some countries have experienced large increases in gender equality in political offices, whereas others have not, and even within countries, some political arenas have become more gender equal whereas others continue to exude intense gender inequality. These patterns are inconsistent with explanations of social and cultural improvements in gender equality leading to improved gender equality in political office. Gender and Representation in Latin America argues instead that gender inequality in political representation in Latin America is rooted in institutions and the democratic chal...
Forum Italicum is a journal of Italian Studies, founded by M. Ricciardelli in 1967. The journal is intended as a meeting-place where scholars, critics, and teachers can present their views on the literature, language, and culture of Italy and other countries in relation to Italy. Young and hitherto unpublished scholars are encouraged to contribute their critical works.
"Superb Spanish translation of early 20th-century classic in religious ethnography of lowland South America, previously inaccessible to a non-German-reading public. Translated by two German linguists and a native Witoto. Vol. 1 provides a brief ethnographic presentation and interpretations, followed by summaries of myth texts. Vol. 2 consists of a fully annotated collection of myth texts with juxtalinear and free translations, ritual song texts, and a Witoto-Spanish dictionary"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.
An Italian werewolf. A dancing devil. And a storyteller who chronicles it all. Italy has enchanted travelers for hundreds of years. Now, those who crave a deeper understanding of Europe’s favorite boot can find it through storytelling. Angelo Mazzoli, beloved teacher and ambassador of culture, recounts the stories he heard at the knee of his aunt Faustina—a communist, feminist seamstress who made everything from wedding gowns to bathing costumes for the residents of her Umbrian hill-town. The author shares sixteen of Zia Faustina’s stories, and thus opens the door to the folklore that dwells within the hearts of all Umbrians. Reading about Orlando’s massacre of female hearts in Spell...