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An environment, or any building product or service in it, should ideally be designed to meet the needs of all those who wish to use it. Universal Design is the design and composition of environments, products, and services so that they can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. It creates products, services and environments that meet people’s needs. In short, Universal Design is good design. This book presents the proceedings of UD2022, the 6th International Conference on Universal Design, held from 7 - 9 September 2022 in Brescia, Italy. The conference is targeted at professionals and academics ...
This book gathers a selection of contributions dealing with the application of mechanical engineering for preserving and managing cultural heritage. It covers advanced techniques for 3D survey, modeling and simulation, reconstruction, data management as well as advanced diagnostics and testing methods. It highlights strategies to foster sustainability, inclusivity, energy saving and waste reuse in preventive conservation of historical buildings and sculptures, and large heritage sites. Based on contributions presented at the 3rd Florence Heri-Tech International Conference, held on May, 16-18, 2022, in Firenze, Italy, this book offers a timely source of information concerning engineering methods in heritage for both researchers and professionals in the field.
[Italiano]: In un momento così significativo per la storia europea e mondiale, questo volume vuole essere la raccolta di riflessioni scientifiche condotte sui rapporti tra le scelte politiche, le azioni militari e la fisionomia delle città e del paesaggio urbano, sull’evoluzione delle strutture e delle tecniche di difesa, sulla rappresentazione della guerra e dei suoi effetti sull’immagine urbana, sul recupero delle tracce della memoria cittadina. Da una parte il campo delle Digital Humanities apre nuove prospettive per studiare l'immagine della città prima, durante e dopo la guerra, dall’altro le tecnologie digitali impegnano studiosi e ricercatori di varie discipline: in particola...
Architectural Drawings as Investigating Devices explores how the changing modes of representation in architecture and urbanism relate to the transformation of how the addressees of architecture and urbanism are conceived. The book diagnoses the dominant epistemological debates in architecture and urbanism during the 20th and 21st centuries. It traces their transformations, paying special attention to Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s preference for perspective representation, to the diagrams of Team 10 architects, to the critiques of functionalism, and the upgrade of the artefactual value of architectural drawings in Aldo Rossi, John Hejduk, Peter Eisenman, and Oswald Mathias Ung...
How did urban Italy come to look the way it does today? This collection of essays assembles recent studies in architectural history and theory exploring the historical paradigms guiding architecture and landscape design between the world wars. The authors explore physical changes in townscapes and landscapes, covering a wide range of architectural designs from strict modernist solutions to variations of regionalism, mediterraneanism and national style from all over Italy. Specifically, the volume explains how conservation, restoration and town planning for historic areas led to the production of heritage, and elucidates the role played by architects like Marcello Piacentini, Innocenzo Sabbatini, Mario De Renzi and Giulio Ulisse Arata.
«Come si può pensare di poter preservare quello che non si conosce?» L’architettura non è più quella di una volta, fatta di muri, intonaci, architravi e persone che portano l’acqua, la legna per il fuoco per riscaldare, cucinare o illuminare. Dalla XIX secolo le costruzioni si sono innervate di elementi dinamici: bruciatori, ventilatori, fluidi e correnti elettriche, modificando, irreversibilmente, le abitudini, l’architettura e la storia della tecnica quale testimone delle strategie per adattarsi al clima. Gli impianti tecnici del nostro recente passato costituiscono la componente dell’edificio che rappresenta la modernità a partire dal XIX secolo. Il volume ne racconta la storia e le possibili strategie per la conservazione perché «la conoscenza sta alla base di qualsiasi processo di apprezzamento e di protezione, ed è ormai coscientemente alla base dell’operare di chi, come l’estensore di queste pagine, è impegnato da anni nella tutela del patrimonio costruito». [dall’introduzione di M. Pretelli]
Riverscapes are the main arteries of the world’s largest cities, and have, for millennia, been the lifeblood of the urban communities that have developed around them. These human settlements – given life through the space of the local waterscape – soon developed into ritualised spaces that sought to harness the dynamism of the watercourse and create the local architectural landscape. Theorised via a sophisticated understanding of history, space, culture, and ecology, this collection of wonderful and deliberately wide-ranging case studies, from Early Modern Italy to the contemporary Bengal Delta, investigates the culture of human interaction with rivers and the nature of urban topography. Riverine explores the ways in which architecture and urban planning have imbued cultural landscapes with ritual and structural meaning.
Today, nearly a century after the National Fascist Party came to power in Italy, questions about the built legacy of the regime provoke polemics among architects and scholars. Mussolini’s government constructed thousands of new buildings across the Italian Peninsula and islands and in colonial territories. From hospitals, post offices and stadia to housing, summer camps, Fascist Party Headquarters, ceremonial spaces, roads, railways and bridges, the physical traces of the regime have a presence in nearly every Italian town. The Routledge Companion to Italian Fascist Architecture investigates what has become of the architectural and urban projects of Italian fascism, how sites have been tra...
Questo libro raccoglie gli atti del secondo Convegno nazionale dei dottorati italiani dell’architettura, della pianificazione e del design La ricerca che cambia, svoltosi il 1° e il 2 dicembre 2016 presso la Scuola di dottorato dell’Università Iuav di Venezia. L'obiettivo che si pone è duplice: da una parte lasciare una traccia, sia pur sintetica, di quanto è stato esposto e dibattuto nelle sessioni plenarie del convegno e nei workshop dei coordinatori, dall’altra dare ampio spazio alle questioni affrontate dalle tesi di dottorato selezionate attraverso un processo di selezione anonima e presentate in tavoli di discussione paralleli. Sono otto i temi che, in maniera trasversale all...