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Internationally acclaimed biographies are almost always written by British or American biographers. But what is the state of the art of biography in other parts of the world? Introduced by Richard Holmes, the volume Different Lives offers a global perspective: seventeen scholars vividly describe the biographical tradition in their countries of interest. They show how biography functions as a public genre, featuring specific societal issues and opinion-making. Indeed, the volume aims to answer the question: how can biography contribute to a better understanding of differences between societies and cultures? Special attention is given to the US, China and the Netherlands. Other contributions a...
During the 18th century, visitors would come and attend the British Parliament sessions in order to understand how a representative assembly could technically function, because politics is not only about ideas, but also a lot about practices and techniques. A great deal has been written on the circulation of political ideas during the 19th century, and on the part played by exiles, refugees and military volunteers in this intellectual mobility. However, less is known of what constitutes, in the end, politics: not only ideas, but practices, the material implementation of politics. How does one debate, vote, or demonstrate? What is political representation? How does one “start” a political...
The different contributions included in this volume deal with aspects of biographical writing and other similar genres (semblances, portraits, etc.). These articles analyze theoretical and generic questions as well as some of the most relevant examples of the genre – with a focus on those written in Catalan. In addition, some of the articles focus on the relationship between biography and national images (nation-building) from a sociocultural standpoint. The Research Group on Contemporary Literature from the Universitat d’Alacant has gathered contributions from several specialists in numerous fields and has selected a group of relevant works for analysis. In addition to studies on authors such as André Maurois and Lytton Strachey, contributions deal with figures such as Josep Pla, Domènec Guansé, Josep Maria Espinàs and Agustí Pons. Finally, some contributions pay attention to the biographical genre in the audiovisual arts. The volume contains contributions in Spanish, English, and Catalan.
This present book discusses issues related to languages, cultures, and discourses by addressing a variety of topics ranging from culture and translation, cognitive and linguistic dimensions of discourse, and the role of language in political discourses and bilingualism. By focusing on multiple interconnected research subjects, the book allows us to see the intersections of language, culture, and discourse in their full diversity and to illuminate their less frequented nooks and crannies in a timely fashion.
Dado el momento demográfico que vivimos, la colección de volúmenes sobre literatura y mujer, de la UNED, no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre ese gran componente identitario que es la edad. Esta, aunque fenómeno biológico, se interpreta socialmente y se articula en las estructuras de poder que gobiernan y definen las vidas tanto de hombres como de mujeres (y no solo en ese último tramo de la vida que tanto interés despierta últimamente). Como locus político donde se asienta lo que una mujer «debe» ser, es decir su «valor» social y cultural asociado a sus papeles de género, la edad presenta un fructífero campo de investigación para los estudios de la mujer...
La producció textual de Joan Fuster abasta aspectes difícilment sistematitzables, des de l'aforisme més irònic fins a la crítica literària, la reflexió històrica, l'estudi dels clàssics catalans o l'anàlisi de la política internacional. Amb una visió transversal que supera la parcel·lació que habitualment s'ha fet de la seua obra, aquest volum se centra a examinar les aportacions fusterianes a la descripció del territori -entre les quals es troba la més coneguda i representativa: El País Valenciano. (Destino, 1962). S'hi destaca la capacitat intel·lectual de Fuster per a ajustar-se a les necessitats que cada text exigeix, dins d'uns paràmetres de qualitat literària màxima, en què el seu biaix personal, que sempre tendeix cap a l'assaig, té més o menys presència d'acord amb les possibilitats que cada gènere li permet.. Aquest llibre és, així mateix, un reconeixement de la seua producció textual en espanyol i de la traducció i la recontextualització d'aquest material en publicacions posteriors.
With over 150 glossy color photos by his official photographer and many images which have never been viewed outside of the Vatican, "John Paul II: A Light for the World" serves as both a celebration and a memorial of the world's most-celebrated divine leader.