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Settler Shifts?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 209

Settler Shifts?

The past few years in Canada have been marked by numerous events in the course of which Canadian Settlers were invited to reconsider their perspectives on, and practices toward the Indigenous population. Public schools are one of the main institutions directly invited to reflect on and challenge their own colonial legacy and ongoing colonial structures and practices. This project aims at better understanding how a K-12 Manitoba public-school and its Settler educators represent, reflect on, and practice their relationship to Indigeneity and to their Anishinaabe neighbors. It thus explores how Settlerness is constantly constructed, and how this takes shape in this public school, in the midst o...

AACR 2018 Proceedings: Abstracts 3028-5930
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2995
Understanding Biology Using Peptides
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 848

Understanding Biology Using Peptides

This book represents proceedings of the 19th American Peptide Symposium. It highlights many of the recent developments in peptide science, with a particular emphasis on how these advances are being applied to basic problems in biology and medicine. Specific topics covered include novel synthetic strategies, peptides in biological signaling, post-translational modifications of peptides and proteins, and peptide quaternary structure in material science and disease.

AACR 2017 Proceedings: Abstracts 1-3062
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 3186

AACR 2017 Proceedings: Abstracts 1-3062

The AACR Annual Meeting highlights the best cancer science and medicine from institutions all over the world. Attendees are invited to stretch their boundaries, form collaborations, attend sessions outside their own areas of expertise, and learn how to apply exciting new concepts, tools, and techniques to their own research. Part A contains abstracts 1-3062 accepted for the 2017 meeting.

Materielle Kultur und Erinnerung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 356

Materielle Kultur und Erinnerung

Sash, Mokassins und blumenförmiges Beadwork haben sich zu Symbolen für das indigene people der Metis in Kanada entwickelt. Sie werden mindestens seit dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert verwendet, um Metisness zu konstruieren und zu artikulieren. Durch ihre Bedeutung für die Produktion von kollektiver und kultureller Erinnerung bilden diese Artefakte eine der Grundlagen für die Resilienz der Metis gegenüber Strategien der Zwangsassimilation und damit auch für die Metis-Renaissance seit den 1960er-Jahren. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Fragen, wie Sash, Mokassins und Beadwork als Artefakte im Kontext einer Metis-Erinnerungskultur genutzt wurden, wie sie - sowohl von Metis als auch von Eurokanadier*innen - in Bilder und Narrative von Metisness übersetzt wurden und wie sich die museale Repräsentation der Artefakte zur Konzeption von Hybridität verhält.

Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 476

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004
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  • Publisher: Unknown


150 Years of Canada
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 253

150 Years of Canada

On July 1, 2017, Canada celebrated the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The nation-wide festivities prompted ambiguous reactions and contradictory responses since they officially proclaimed to celebrate 'what it means to be Canadian.' Drawing on the analytical perspectives of Diversity Studies, this fifth volume of the 'Diversity / Diversité / Diversität' series explores the repercussions of 'Canada 150's' focus on identity. The contributions touch upon issues of Canada's French and English dualism; of its settler colonial past and present and the role of Indigenous Peoples in Canada's identity narrative; of Canada's religious, cultural, ethnic and racial diversity; and of the challenge...

Effects of Plant-Microbiome Interactions on Phyto- and Bio-Remediation Capacity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 153

Effects of Plant-Microbiome Interactions on Phyto- and Bio-Remediation Capacity

Bio- and Phyto-remediation have been seen in the past by scientists as two independent “green technologies”, employing separately either microorganisms (bacteria and/or fungi), or plants to reclaim polluted soil, water and air. However, in the last decade, the idea has emerged that microorganisms and plants can and have to work synergistically to obtain better results in terms of reclamation performances; hence these two technologies have to be considered the different sides of the same coin. Therefore a single term can be used to refer to both of these technologies: bio-remediation. The Research Topic articles, collected in this eBook, report the isolation and characterization of bacteria, fungi and endophytes with Plant Growth Promoting features. Moreover, some of these microorganisms have been added to plants to ameliorate their health status when grown in polluted soils and waters; or to realize and improve the water reclamation performance of Constructed Wetlands, a very interesting application of the bio-remediation process.

Emprèn el teu futur
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 194

Emprèn el teu futur

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-18
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  • Publisher: ARA LLIBRES

Soc emprenedora, m’agrada desenvolupar i dur a la pràctica els meus projectes professionals. Per fer-ho, m’emmirallo en molts emprenedors i emprenedores que també han treballat i ho segueixen fent per fer realitat els seus somnis. A través de les seves històries i també de la meva experiència, vull explicar què he après durant tot aquests 25 anys. Vull compartir quin és, per mi, el camí de l’èxit. Vinc d’una família emprenedora del sector de l’automoció. A casa he vist quin és el resultat de l’esforç, el risc, el talent i la decisió. El meu pare va iniciar un negoci innovador (portar la marca japonesa Toyota a Catalunya als anys 90) i va arribar a tenir tres-cents...

Bioactive Peptides
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 527

Bioactive Peptides

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-06-14
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Bioactive peptides have been receiving attention recently due to their applications as health-promoting agents. Derived from food proteins and other natural sources, they exhibit various beneficial effects such as preventing diseases or modulating physiological systems once absorbed. As the market for nutraceuticals and functional foods continues to expand, consumer interest has also grown and there are many common foods that have shown an abundance of bioactive peptides, including dairy products, cereal, legumes, meat, and numerous other sources. In this newest addition to the series Nutraceuticals: Basic Research and Clinical Applications, Bioactive Peptides: Production, Bioavailability, H...