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Em mais de trinta anos de judicatura, sendo dez deles como Ministra do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, a Professora Regina Helena Costa contribui de forma magistral para o Direito e a Democracia brasileira, em atuação marcada por firmes convicções, rara acurácia técnica e aprazível instigação ao debate, além do constante zelo pela dignidade humana e pelo devido processo. Além de render justo tributo à homenageada, esta obra reúne importantes nomes, entre professores consagrados, magistrados, pesquisadores e profissionais de várias áreas do Direito, debatendo, de forma plural e dialógica, temas contemporâneos profícuos, os quais tocam as obras, escritos acadêmicos e votos mais marcantes da Ministra Regina Helena.
Palavras são como pingos de tinta em uma tela em branco que compõem o retrato vivo da memória daqueles que expressam seus pensamentos. Com isso em mente, apresentamos o livro concebido pelas cofundadoras da Elas Pedem Vista, Carol Caputo, Cristina Neves, Julia de Baére e Manuela Falcão, em parceria com Maria Elizabeth Rocha e Christine Peter, que homenageia, neste retrato escrito, a grande magistrada Ministra Rosa Weber, admirada por todas e todos. A obra nasce às vésperas da sua aposentadoria compulsória, no próximo dia 2 de outubro, quando completará 75 (setenta e cinco) anos, dos quais quase 50 (cinquenta) foram dedicados à nobre missão de Juíza. O momento, portanto, não pod...
This book documents exchanges between individual scientists and explores the boundaries between economics and neighbouring fields.
This is a book for teachers and school leaders on formative assessment i.e., assessment as learning where assessment occurs throughout the learning process to inform learning as opposed to assessment that occurs at the end of a learning unit to measure what students have learned (summative assessment). Formative assessment emphasizes the role of the student, not only as a contributor to the assessment and learning process, but the critical connector between them. It defines assessment of learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning, making a case for assessment as learning. It addresses assessment in the context of what learning is. It shows how to use formative assessment to motivate student learning, help students make connections so that they move from emergent to proficient, extend their learning and to help them become reflective self-regulators of their own learning. It explores how teachers can make the shift to formative assessment by engaging in conceptual change.
The loss of the earth's biological diversity is widely recognized as a critical environmental problem. That loss is most severe in developing countries, where the conditions of human existence are most difficult. Conserving Biodiversity presents an agenda for research that can provide information to formulate policy and design conservation programs in the Third World. The book includes discussions of research needs in the biological sciences as well as economics and anthropology, areas of critical importance to conservation and sustainable development. Although specifically directed toward development agencies, non-governmental organizations, and decisionmakers in developing nations, this volume should be of interest to all who are involved in the conservation of biological diversity.
'The Encyclopedia of Irish History and Culture' spans prehistoric times to the present, and treats both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in detail. Entries represent an inclusive, cross-disciplinary approach, written by specialists in history,