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The Journal of Police Studies is a quarterly, which is oriented towards high standard, quality contributions on policing issues and phenomena that are of interest to the police. Topics are approached from a specialist and (if required) multidisciplinary point of view. The volume looks to answer questions regarding the developments of police and police cooperation in Europe at the supranational level as well as explore the reactions of police organizations in individual European countries to the process of transnationalisation in terms of the design of and philosophy within police organizations.
This is the fourth volume stemming from the annual doctoral conferences organized by the GERN. The last edition of the Summer School was held in September 2015 in Paris. The selected theme for this Summer School was Crime and order, criminal justice experiences and desistance, reflecting the variety of theoretical frameworks and methodologies covered by the current PhD theses in the field of criminal justice and deviance, as well as the fresh and new perspectives on subjective experiences of the criminal justice system and trajectories of desistance. Dissertation. (Series: GERN Research Paper Series, Vol. 4) [Subject: Criminology]Ã?Â?
Technology has always played an important role in the performance of police tasks. In recent years, that role has not only expanded, but has also been renewed. On one hand, technology plays a role in supporting policing (closed-circuit television, scanning equipment, technical methods of detection, etc.). On the other hand, new technology offers opportunities to commit crime, particularly in the sphere of information technology which requires constant adjustments of the police in their investigation methods. The use of technology raises many interesting questions. There are important privacy issues. There are also consequences of investing in technology. Additionally, are police investigations keeping sufficiently up-to-date with technological developments, including advances in computer technology as well as strong developments in the sphere of natural science? This book - originally a volume of the Journal of Police Studies - examines the concerns and necessity for technology in poli
This volume of the Journal of Police Studies reflects on theoretical developments concerning police. The book is focused on a paper by Jack R. Greene, titled The Tides and Currents, Eddies and Whirlpools and Riptides of Modern Policing: Connecting Thoughts. The paper was the outcome of a seminar organized at Ghent University in the framework of the working group on policing of the European Society of Criminology (ESC), held in September 2010. Greene's contribution refers to original background papers which were published earlier. This book pushes the analysis further, Ã?Â?starting from the observations Greene makes in his provocative roundup. The book's themes include: collective action an...
The Routledge International Handbook on Fear of Crime brings together original and international state of the art contributions of theoretical, empirical, policy-related scholarship on the intersection of perceptions of crime, victimisation, vulnerability and risk. This is timely as fear of crime has now been a focus of scholarly and policy interest for some fifty years and shows little sign of abating. Research on fear of crime is demonstrative of the inter-disciplinarity of criminology, drawing in the disciplines of sociology, psychology, political science, history, cultural studies, gender studies, planning and architecture, philosophy and human geography. This collection draws in many of...
De Cahiers Politiestudies namen een start in 2006. Intussen zijn er niet minder dan vijftig nummers van de persen gerold. Ter gelegenheid van dit feestnummer grijpt de editorial board terug naar de verschillende thema’s die aan bod kwamen tijdens die vele jaargangen en vraagt zich af wat de wezenlijke veranderingen zijn geweest sinds het verschijnen van de themanummers in het verleden. Daarbij wordt een beroep gedaan op de verschillende auteurs die de afgelopen themanummers hebben geschraagd, met nadrukkelijk de centrale vraag in het achterhoofd: “In welke mate hebben deze evoluties nu al dan niet een impact gehad op de essentie van het politiewerk?” James Q. Wilson (1968) sprak over h...
Polarisatie en ongenoegen onder de bevolking leiden tot nieuwe spanningen in de samenleving en protesten tegen overheidsbeleid. Het gaat over thema’s als klimaat, zorg, energie, dierenwelzijn, racisme en – niet in de laatste plaats – de coronapandemie. Deze protesten uiten zich in regulier georganiseerde demonstraties. Maar ook in schijnbaar uit het niets opkomende acties: mede door gebruik van sociale media worden in een mum van tijd hele groepen mensen gemobiliseerd. Daarbij treedt meer dan eens vermenging op met verschillende extremistische acties. Deze nieuwe maatschappelijke spanningen stellen het politieoptreden voor de nodige uitdagingen en vraagstukken. Operationeel betreft het vragen over de intelligencepositie en het handelingsperspectief. Op strategisch vlak speelt de wijze waarop de politie zich moet verhouden tot polariserende tendensen en tot politiek en bestuur. En hoe gaat de politie om met interne manifestaties van deze nieuwe spanningen?
This book is a comprehensive examination of the topics needed to insure the public's safety while using mass transit. Not only will law enforcement professionals and students find it a useful reference, it is also of benefit to transit managers and planners who need to incorporate safety and security design into a mass transit system. The first section of the book discusses the foundations of creating a systematic approach to safety and security. The initial chapter establishes the community orientation needed for creating a stakeholder-vested transit system. From that foundation, an examination of information management and planning finish the discourse on the elemental portions of creating...