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The authors discuss individual and societal factors which influence the gender biased image of science, engineering and technology (SET) prevalent in young people. From different angles the authors investigate the consequences of this often unattractive but also partly obsolete image for gendered study and occupational choices of girls and boys. Besides peers, school and media as main influencing socialisation instances the contributions focus on young people’s selfconcept regarding the development of gendered attitudes towards SET. Further this book includes approaches and concepts of inclusion measures aiming on changing the image of SET and attracting young people, and especially girls, for these study and job fields.
Thermosetting plastics are a distinct category of plastics whose high performance, durability and reliability at high temperatures makes them suitable for specialty applications ranging from automotive and aerospace through to electronic packaging and consumer products (your melamine kitchen worktop is a thermoset resin!). Recent developments in thermoset plastics technology and processes has broadened their use exponentially over recent years, and these developments continue: in November 2011, French scientists created a new lightweight thermoset that is as strong and stable as previous materials yet can be easily reworked and reshaped when heated which makes it unique amongst thermosets an...
Families international – the new milestone How may care be secured—particularly in ageing societies, how may families, relatives and friends support each other and live together beyond market reasons? How can social welfare be secured? How do different countries and different cultures solve the problems they may or may not, now or in days to come, share with other countries and cultures? Families, as is found in this publication by internationally renowned experts, are the base and well of society’s fortune in a humane paradigm. Furthermore, it is the very backbone of lifelong solidarity in inter-generational relations, and the very place where the readiness of taking on care and responsibility are experienced and learned. The publication’s underlying idea opens up two perspectives: on the one hand, differences and similarities in family life forms are chiselled out on the base of an international cooperation. Simultaneously, the international authors are called upon to express their ideas about their own country’s future more distinctly and clearly; thus, distinctions and similarities of the respective paths of development are rather easily perceived.
Techniques such as surface patterning have facilitated the emergence of advanced polymers with applications in areas such as microelectronics. Surface patterning of polymers has conventionally been undertaken by optical lithography. However, a new generation of nanolithographic and patterning techniques has made it possible to develop complex patterns at the nanoscale. Non-conventional lithography and patterning summarises this new range of techniques and their industrial applications.A number of chapters look at ways of forming and modifying surfaces for patterning. These are complemented by chapters on particular patterning techniques such as soft lithography, ion beam patterning, the use ...
Attracting more young people, particularly women, in Engineering and Technology (ET) is a major concern in Europe today. Their participation in engineering occupations appears to be a key-issue for European economic and technical development, as well as a central achievement towards gender equality and social justice. Increasing young people’s interest in the sciences and mathematics and underlining the importance of Engineering and Technology developments in shaping our collective future is an ongoing project in the education sector. This book presents various analyses and ideas for possible solutions. Aujourd’hui, attirer plus de jeunes et en particulier des jeunes femmes dans les formations d’ingénieurs est un souci majeur en Europe. C’est une clé pour aller vers l’égalité des sexes et favoriser le développement économique, scientifi que et technologique de l’Europe. Accroitre l’intérêt des jeunes pour les sciences et la technologie est essentiel pour notre futur collectif et constitue un défi majeur pour l’éducation. Ce livre présente des analyses et des idées pour de possibles solutions.
Der Zusammenhang zwischen den Bildungschancen und der Herkunft wurde in den letzten Jahren in zahlreichen Forschungsbeitr„gen thematisiert. In keinem anderen Industrieland h„ngt der Bildungserfolg der SchlerInnen so stark von der Familie und der Herkunft ab wie in Deutschland. Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund gelten im deutschen Schulsystem als die Problemkinder schlechthin und sind in den Fokus der ”ffentlichen Wahrnehmung geraten. Ihre schlechten Schulleistungen sind durch die PISA-Studien und nicht zuletzt durch die IGLU-Studien best„tigt worden. Im vorliegenden Werk soll nach Erkl„rungsmodellen fr die Bildungsbenachteiligung von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund in der Grundschule gesucht werden. Dem Buch liegt die These zugrunde, dass Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund im deutschen Schulsystem nicht dieselben Chancen fr eine erfolgreiche Schulkarriere wie Kinder ohne Migrationshintergrund besitzen. Ausgehend von dieser These sollen Erkl„rungen fr diese Benachteiligung gefunden werden.