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Um Sensibilität für das Tempo und den Rhythmus, die Taktungen und Intervalle des alltäglichen Zusammenlebens zu entwickeln, lohnt es sich genauer hinzusehen, um Möglichkeiten abseits der Norm aufzuspüren und abzuzeichnen. Oft offenbaren sich so in unvorhergesehener Weise Risse in der Gleichförmigkeit und Ambivalenzen der Berührung, die durch ihr Aufbrechen und gegen den Strich lesen erst Potentiale des Taktlosen freilegen. Welche Chancen liegen also im Verlust des Kontakts und welche Rolle kann mediale Vermittlung dabei einnehmen?
Die als Sog empfundenen kulturellen Produkte unserer Zeit wollen in den verschiedensten Formen konsumiert und diskutiert werden, wer welche Erfahrungshorizonte genießt, bestimmt hier jedoch die Kaufkraft. Das Global Village als Gated Community erzeugt und reproduziert Hierarchien, deren Dekonstruktion und Reflexion an ein emanzipatorisches Konzept des Virtuellen gebunden ist. Losgelöst von Materialität und Kostenpunkt einer Virtual Reality-Brille widmet sich SYN #15 "virtuell" dem, was denkbar ist, erfahrbar gemacht wird.
Robert Bressons uvre ist nicht nur von spiritueller und religiöser Tiefe, es fasziniert auch hinsichtlich seiner filmästhetischen Formierung. Dabei gilt "Au hasard Balthazar" (1966) vielen Kennern als Bressons Meisterwerk schlechthin, entfaltet der Film doch im basalen Handlungsstrang eine "Passionsgeschichte" ganz ungewöhnlicher Art: den Leidensweg des Esels Balthazar. Susanne H. Kolter verknüpft in ihrer Studie diese theologische Dimension mit einer luziden Analyse der Bressonschen Ästhetik, die einerseits geprägt ist durch ein "fragmentarisches Prinzip" und andererseits durch die Affinität des Regisseurs zur Malerei. All dies stellt Kolter in die Perspektive des offenen Kunstwerks ein, das den Betrachter ganz bewusst von der Kette lässt.
Martin Heidegger is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th Century, and a key philosophical resource for literary critics. Not only has he written about poetry, generations of poets have engaged his writings. And yet, for Heidegger poetry and literature are separate. An essential part of the project of this book therefore is to show how both the distinction and connection between literature and poetry is staged within Heidegger's thought. It offers Heidegger's perspective on a range of key themes, topics, poets, and writers, including Poetry and Poetics, Ancient Greek theatre and tragedies and then specifically Friedrich Hölderlin, Thomas Mann, Paul Celan, Euripides and Sophocles. As the Chapters comprising this book make clear, Heidegger's work remains indispensable for any serious engagement with either literature or poetry today.
Confronted with the alienation of political theory from the practice of politics, prominent theorists respond in this book to the growing question: What should political theory be now? New and original contributions by such thinkers as Charles Anderson, John Gunnell, Terence Ball, Paul Kress, Ira Strauber, and William Connolly analyze the current malaise in the field and offer remedies for it. Each contribution is at once an argument about what is to be done in political theory and an exemplar of how to do it. Spurred by the Shambaugh Conference on Political Theory, this cross-disciplinary effort addresses two major issues: What is the proper stance for theorizing about politics? What are th...
Over the last three decades, numerous radical right populist parties (RRPP) have emerged, developed, and strengthened their electoral weight in Western Europe. Yet, while several RRPP have managed to formally participate in government coalitions (such as in Italy, Austria, and Switzerland) or to informally support minority governments (such as in Denmark, and in The Netherlands) and while other RRPP have become highly visible opposition forces (such as in France, and Germany), the influence exercised by RRPP remain underexplored. It is essential to focus on their policy influence because of their electoral strength but also because they are often perceived by journalists, citizens, policy-ma...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, LATA 2021, held in Milan, Italy, in March 2021. The 26 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: algebraic structures; automata; complexity; learning; logics and languages; trees and graphs; and words and strings.