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  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 145


„Strategia noastră a fost de a gândi un text util pentru profesori, dar de a-l scrie mai ales pentru studenți. Etica este interesantă cu precădere atunci când pune în joc intuiții morale sau valori diferite și când ne confruntăm cu dileme în care decizia nu este evidentă, iar dezacordul este rezonabil. Prin urmare, am încercat să ne ferim pe cât a fost posibil de verdicte și de simpla enumerare a unor interdicții. Veți observa că, de cele mai multe ori, exercițiile și temele de discuție nu au soluții impuse. Nu pentru că autorii manualului nu ar adera la anumite soluții (poate nu la aceleași!), ci pentru că ni s-a părut mult mai importantă conturarea problemelor. Dilemele și întrebările deschise generează dezbateri și prilejuiesc reflecție. Sentințele, pe de altă parte, tind să ucidă discuția și să prilejuiască mai curând reacții de îmbrățișare sau de respingere vehementă. Dacă vom ajunge, în comunitățile noastre profesionale și în societate, să vorbim mai mult unii cu alții și mai puțin unii la alții, vom fi făcut probabil un pas major în direcția corectă pentru dezvoltarea unei atitudini morale.” (Autorii)

Attitude and Stance in Discourse
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 511

Attitude and Stance in Discourse

Stancetaking is inherent in verbal communication, as it is connected with the expression of subjectivity and the construction of intersubjectivity in discourse. This book presents theoretical findings in this field and their practical implications, exploring the variations in time and space of meaning negotiation processes in a large variety of communicative forms, including political and judicial discourse, journalism, fiction, private letters, informal conversations, and school debates. Some articles refer to events with a strong impact on social and political life, such as the COVID-19 pandemic or Ceaușescu’s trial. The volume’s approach is mainly pragma-rhetoric and interactional, but also interdisciplinary, promoting dialogue between stance researchers in different fields. There is a specific focus on possible applications of some key findings of stance research in improving inter-ethnic communication and the teaching of foreign languages, as well as students’ communicative abilities.

Exploring Discourse Practices in Romanian
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 476

Exploring Discourse Practices in Romanian

Exploring Discourse Practices in Romanian is a glimpse into Romanians’ style of interaction, which has developed eclectically at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures. It is oriented towards modern literacy while being deeply rooted in a long oral tradition, and paradoxically displays both attachment to local specifics and commitment to mimetic speech and act(ion)s imported from various cultural spaces. The book presents a characterisation of the Romanian cultural space in terms of various discourse practices, drawing on recent challenging theoretical proposals, and concluding with in-depth corpus-based analyses. The chapters focus on five main topics (the co-construction of discu...

Parliamentary Discourses across Cultures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Parliamentary Discourses across Cultures

This volume looks at the growing interest of different specialists in the problems associated with political discourse, in general, and parliamentary discourse, as one of its major sub-genres, in particular. Its main goal is to offer a deeper understanding of the diversity of parliamentary practices across space and time. The papers aim to highlight the role played by local social and historical factors, ideologies, collective mentalities, and social psychology in building up culture-specific traditions of political institutions. Approaching the problems from a large variety of theoretical perspectives, the investigations are based on flexible, interdisciplinary, and multi-layered methodologies, offering an image of the multifaceted manifestations of parliamentary debates. The volume addresses specialists in several fields, such as linguistics, discourse analysis, history, political science, sociology, (social) anthropology, (social) psychology, media and communication.

  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 432


Volumul include un corpus de texte autentice de română ca limbă străină (RLS), produse de vorbitori non-nativi, în cadrul programului Anului Pregătitor al Universității din București: texte scrise și transcrieri ale unor interacțiuni directe controlate sau (semi)libere.

  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 954


Volumul de față este dedicat, așa cum spune și titlul, lingvistei, profesoarei, colegei și prietenei Rodica Zafiu, personalitate și promotoare a școlii bucureștene de lingvistică, vreme de mai bine de un deceniu directoare a Departamentului de lingvistică a Facultății de Litere, autoare a unor cărți de referință și a numeroase studii de specialitate cu deschidere internațională, caracterizate, toate, prin cercetare minuțioasă, sincronică și diacronică, prin racordare la ultimele studii în domeniu și, mai ales, printr-o optimistă obiectivitate. Diversitatea domeniilor pe care le cuprinde acest volum reflectă diversitatea preocupărilor științifice ale sărbătoritei, iar numărul mare de autori și contribuții arată aprecierea, prietenia și recunoștința pe care le avem cu toții pentru omul de carte Rodica Zafiu, model științific și uman de echilibru și de înțelegere rafinată a mecanismelor de funcționare a limbii, în evoluția și complexitatea lor.

Handbook of Political Discourse
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 397

Handbook of Political Discourse

Synthesising diverse research avenues for politics, discourse, and political discourse, this cutting-edge Handbook examines the formative traditions, current theoretical and methodological landscape, and genres and domains over which political discourse extends.

Exploring Discourse Practices in Romanian
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 480

Exploring Discourse Practices in Romanian

Exploring Discourse Practices in Romanian is a glimpse into Romaniansâ (TM) style of interaction, which has developed eclectically at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures. It is oriented towards modern literacy while being deeply rooted in a long oral tradition, and paradoxically displays both attachment to local specifics and commitment to mimetic speech and act(ion)s imported from various cultural spaces. The book presents a characterisation of the Romanian cultural space in terms of various discourse practices, drawing on recent challenging theoretical proposals, and concluding on in-depth corpus-based analyses. The chapters focus on five main topics (the co-construction of dis...

The Ideal of Parliament in Europe since 1800
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 279

The Ideal of Parliament in Europe since 1800

This edited collection explores the perceptions and memories of parliamentarianism across Europe, examining the complex ideal of parliament since 1800. Parliament has become the key institution in modern democracy, and the chapters present the evolution of the ideal of parliamentary representation and government, and discuss the reception and value of parliament as an institution. It is considered both as a guiding concept, a Leitidee, as well as an ideal, an Idealtypus. The volume is split into three sections. The establishment of parliament in the nineteenth century and the transfer of parliamentary ideals, models and practices are described in the first section, based on the British and F...

A Life in Linguistics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 636

A Life in Linguistics

Alexandra Cornilescu is an internationally renowned linguist, whose pioneering ideas have been influential in developing generative grammar in Romania, Europe and beyond. The weightiness of her contributions to the field is matched only by her talent for disseminating them. Ever since 1970, when she started teaching at the University of Bucharest, she has continuously played a tireless and inspirational role in the creation of several generations of linguists, which the academic world has come to admiringly refer to as The Bucharest School. As the initiator of the AICED conference, held annually in the English Department at the University of Bucharest, she has turned it into one of the leading platforms of generative linguistics in Europe. She has published extensively on Romanian and English linguistics and is also the founder and past editor of the journal Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics. On the occasion of her 75th birthday, her friends, students and colleagues celebrate Alexandra Cornilescu’s work with this collection of essays on various topics of current theoretical interest.