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This is an open access book.This conference aims to facilitate discussion on the state-of-the-art approaches and treatments indigenous carried out in various regions in Indonesia, Southeast Asia and various parts of the world to be understood and linked with the latest developments in contemporary psychology. Various local wisdoms that are still maintained and ongoing and have a positive impact on human behaviour deserve to be studied in the development of psychological knowledge.Indigenous psychology seeks to understand humans based on the context in which humans live, grow and develop, and understand patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Cultural values and local wisdom in humans’ lives become the contexts that influence humans in thinking, feeling, and behaving.International Conference on Indigenous Treatment and Contemporary Psychology (ICITCP) 2022 aims to develop knowledge on various indigenous treatments carried out in various parts of the world and to build connection with the latest developments of science in contemporary psychology.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Paris Climate Agreement are examples of initiatives where countries show recognition of their interconnected interests and goals. This is particularly evident in the case of global environmental issues because they require global decision-making. The emergence of global environmental issues such as climate change, marine pollution and biodiversity loss has brought new challenges to governance and requires political support and innovation of global public policies. In addition, many social problems arise because of the environmental crisis. Environmental Issues and Social Inclusion in a Sustainable Era discusses environmental and social inclusio...
This is an open access book. This Flourishing Humanity conference is hosted annually in September, and provides a number of research results in relation to the leading scholarly topics on social science and humanities. The conference seeks leading themes of a variety of interdisciplinary specialties, which bridges scholars’ discussions to present their papers and converse on the theme of flourishing humanity. This event of flourishing humanity is designed in the focus on life satisfaction, prosperity, wholeness, adaptiveness, authenticity, life measurement, and autonomy. The conference was held in 21 June 2023 in Malang, Indonesia in the form of hybrid, which presents keynote speakers, plenary sessions and invited lecturers in parallel sessions. All participants will have a virtual access to join the conference and all authors will have opportunities to present their work either the virtual or on-site mode.
This proceeding is the outcome of an international seminar organized by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto in 2023. This international seminar was called "ISPsy 6th" with the theme "Religiosity and Cultural Diversity for Strengthening Mental Well-Being." From this seminar, it is hoped that preventive, curative, and even rehabilitative programs targeting holistic aspects of mental well-being will be present, providing benefits to the wider community. Manuscripts accepted for ISPsy 6th 2023 amounted to 62% of the total articles collected. This seminar featured several topics including Clinical Psychology, Organizational/Industrial Psychology, Educational Psychology,...
This book provides a collection of articles resulting from the International Conference on History, Social Sciences, and Education (ICHSE), which was held on 11 September 2021. The Department of History of Malang State University choose "Embracing New Perspectives in History, Social Sciences, and Education" as the main topic, and elaborates on five subthemes: 1) new trends in historical research; 2) formulation of new perspectives in history, social sciences, and education; 3) transdisciplinary research in history, social sciences, and education; 4) innovations in historical and social science learning during pandemics; 5) New ideas in the research and practice of social sciences and educati...
Masyarakat Baduy tidak menempuh pendidikan formal di sekolah, memiliki aturan adat yang berlaku khusus di kalangan mereka, serta adanya peran besar tokoh atau pemimpin adat yang mengatur dan memengaruhi tata kehidupan yang harus dipatuhi Masyarakat Baduy. Gambaran karakteristik ini menjadi pertimbangan ilmiah dalam upaya melakukan program intervensi untuk mengatasi permasalahan status gizi pada anak balita Masyarakat Baduy Luar yang rendah. Buku ini membahas cara melakukan penelitian intervensi kesehatan di daerah/masyarakat yang memegang teguh adat isitiadat dan budaya serta menutup diri terhadap pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi seperti Masyarakat Baduy. Teknik pendekatan kepada pimpinan dan ...
Perempuan dan media merupakan dua aspek yang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu dengan lainnya. Saat ini, hampir tidak ada satu jenis media massa pun yang tidak mengangkat sosok perempuan dalam pemberitaan. Dunia perempuan memang telah mengalami perubahan yang luar biasa dari zaman ke zaman. Tetapi, wacana kesetaraan dan relasi gender masih terus menghiasi media massa hingga detik ini. Berbagai wacana dalam media massa masih menggambarkan bahwa perempuan adalah kaum yang lemah hingga materialistik, sehingga ketidakadilan dan kesetaraan masih jauh dari harapan kaum perempuan. Buku Perempuan volume 1 ini mengangkat tema Perempuan dan Media. Tulisan berupa studi literatur, concept paper, atau hasil workshop yang orisinil dan terkini.
Dinamika pelayanan kebidanan khususnya di era 4.0. Era 4.0 yaitu masa sebelum pandemic COVID 19, Saat pandemic COVID 19 dan Setelah pandemic COVID 19. Era ini telah membuat banyak perubahan dalam memberikan pelayanan kebidanan sehingga membutuhan adaptasi baik bagi petugas kesehatan, klien ataupun sector yang yang memiliki pengaruh dalam pelayanan kebidanan. Pelayanan kebidanan yang dibahas pada buku ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan kesehatan ibu dan anak sepanjang siklus kehidupnya anatra lain : masa kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir, neonatus, bayi, balita, remaja, pasangan usia subur dan lanjut usia. Pendekatan ini penting untuk dilakukan karena setiap masa yang dilalui mempunyai hubungan sebab akhibat yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan ibu dan anak. Buku ini disusun berdasarkan telaah literature skala nasional maupun internasional, diskusi serta pemikiran para ahli di bidang kebidanan, kesehatan masyarakat dan psikologi. Prespektif kesehatan harus dikaji secara fisik dan psikologis. Seseorang dikatakan sehat, bukan