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Administrasi Pendidikan: Tinjau Konsep, Teori, dan Praktik
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 179

Administrasi Pendidikan: Tinjau Konsep, Teori, dan Praktik

Membangun pendidikan berkualitas menuntut perhatian bersama. Beberapa kebijakan pemerintah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan implementasinya masih terkendala berbagai faktor, dari penanganan yang fragmentaris terhadap organisasi pendidikan hingga mutu SDM Pendidikanyang kurang adaptif dan antisipatif terhadap perubahan. Administrasi Pendidikan dalam berbagai tingkatan sangat penting bagi upaya penataan dan pengelolaan pendidikan secara kelembagaan agar dicapai suatu peningkatan mutu pendidikan secara produktif, sistemik dan berkesinambungan. Buku ini di tulis berdasarkan faktor-faktor strategis pendidikan dengan maksud membantu praktisi pendidikan dan semua pihak yang consern terhadap peningkatan mutu pendidikan untuk mendapat pemahaman yang terpadu dan sistematik berkaitan dengan pengelolaan kelembagaan pendidikan sehingga dapat memberi kontribusi yang signifikan bagi upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Oleh karena itu buku ini perlu dibaca oleh semua pihak yang berkeinginan membangun dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan secara produktif, terpadu dan sistemik.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 161


Segala puji bagi Allah Swt yang telah menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah dan mengajarkannya dengan qalam, agar manusia siap menjadi hamba yang memakmurkan bumi demi kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Selawat dan salam kepada Rasulullah Saw yang telah mengajarkan dan mencerahkan manusia agar dapat hidup dengan damai dan bahagia dengan segala dinamikanya. Beliau telah memberikan teladan dan kiat-kiat bagaimana cara menghadapi hidup dan kehidupan ini. Penulis merasa bahagia dan bersyukur karena dapat menyelesaikan buku kecil yang berjudul “Parenting dan Pembinaan Keluarga dalam Perspektif Fiqh Ahwal Syakhsiyyah”. Parenting merupakan sebuah usaha dengan memanfaatkan daya yang ada dalam rang...

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 210


Metode dalam Bahasa Arab, dikenal dengan istilah thariqoh yang berarti langkah-langkah strategis yang dipersiapkan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Bila dihubungkan dengan pendidikan, maka metode itu harus diwujudkan dalam proses pendidikan, dalam rangka mengembangkan sikap mental kebribadian agar peserta didik menerima pelajaran dengan mudah, efektif dan dapat dicerna dengan baik. Metode mengajar dapat diartikan sebagai cara yang digunakan oleh guru dalam membelajarkan peserta didik saat berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran. Menurut Pupuh Fathurrohman (2009: 55). Metode mengajar adalah cara-cara menyajikan bahan pelajaran kepada siswa untuk tercapainya tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Dengan dem...

Enhancing Humanity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 239

Enhancing Humanity

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007-10-01
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  • Publisher: Springer

In Jean PaulSartre's Nausea, Roquentin feels bound to listen to the sentimental ramblings about humanism and humanity by the Self Taught Man. "Is it my fault," muses Roquentin, "in all he tells me, I recognize the lack of the genuine article? Is it my fault if, as he speaks, I see all the humanists I have known rise up? I have known so many ofthem!" And then he lists the radical humanist, the so called"left" humanist, and Communist Humanist, the Catholic humanist, all claiming a passion for their fellow men. "But there are others, a swarm of others: the humanist philosopher who bends over his brothers like a wise older brother with a sense of his responsibility; the humanist who loves men as...

Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 224

Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-10-23
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  • Publisher: Routledge

First Published in 1998. This book deals with what may well turn out to be the missing element in the study of individual differences - cognitive style. Its intention is to distinguish between, and integrate, the research attempts, particularly over the past half century, to make sense of style differences. In several respects this book is unique in that it contains material that is not covered in any other and draws together the various aspects of psychology relevant to the study of individual differences. It is in this sense both a textbook and a source of reference for many professionals working in a range of contexts. The content of the book has relevance for a wide audience.

Positive Thinking for Beginners
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 136

Positive Thinking for Beginners

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-06-23
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  • Publisher: Balboa Press

Positive thinking means changing the way you look at things and how you handle lifes many challenges. It will help you achieve any goal. Conversely, a negative attitude will result in negative behavior, which affects your ability to even set goals. If you cant set goals, theres no way you can achieve them. In this guide to thinking in a positive way, youll learn how to avoid procrastinating for the wrong reasons; recognize the importance of rewarding yourself with me time; take baby steps toward living a more positive life; and stop worrying about things you cant control. As hard as it may seem, its possible to eliminate negative thinking from your life and replace it positive thoughts. Small changes in your daily life wont just improve your lifethey will also improve the lives of those around you. Start reaping the rewards of tackling each day with a smile by following the guidance in Positive Thinking for Beginners.

Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim Countries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 196

Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim Countries

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-04-10
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book explores the Islamic tradition and Muslim contexts for educational administration and leadership. It addresses the teaching of educational administration and leadership from an Islamic perspective by raising issues of globalised educational administration and leadership teaching as it applies in Muslim contexts that vary by culture and social institutions. The book proposes alternative approaches and demonstrates that Islamic traditions have a strong foundation upon which to build in the field and are compatible with many aspects of Western theory and practices, provided that sufficient modifications and adaptations are made. The book focuses on postgraduate curricula and pedagogy, drawing on a range of theoretical foundations and approaches that are culturally and jurisdictionally appropriate in a number of Muslim countries. As such, it contributes to an emerging specialisation in international and comparative educational administration and leadership that is oriented towards a broader and more diverse set of perspectives, particularly from the non-Western world.

The Teacher and the World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

The Teacher and the World

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-07-20
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Winner of the 2013 American Educational Studies Association's 2013 Critics Choice Award! Teachers the world over are seeking creative ways to respond to the problems and possibilities generated by globalization. Many of them work with children and youth from increasingly varied backgrounds, with diverse needs and capabilities. Others work with homogeneous populations and yet are aware that their students will encounter many cultural changes in their lifetimes. All struggle with the contemporary conditions of teaching: endless top-down measures to manipulate what they do, rapid economic turns and inequality in supportive resources that affect their lives and those of their students, a torrent...

Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 281

Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-08-06
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality critically reads the intersubjective theories on educational relations and uses a posthuman approach to ascribe agency relationally to humans and nonhumans alike. The book introduces the concept of ‘educational relationality’ and contains examples of nonhuman elements of technology and animals, putting educational relationality and other concepts into context as part of the philosophical investigation. Drawing on educational and posthuman theorists, it answers questions raised in ongoing debates regarding the roles of students and teachers in education, such as the foundations of educational relations and how these can be challenged...

Understanding the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 153

Understanding the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-28
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Understanding the Educational Experiences of Imprisoned Men explores how adult male prisoners interpret and give value to their experiences of education, presenting an opportunity to consider how education can be beneficial to prisoners including and beyond the enhancement of employability skills. While the primary aim for education in prison has been to increase employability skills to prevent reoffending, further attention needs to be given to the broader outcomes of educational experiences and the importance of the development of other personal attributes including self-confidence, empowerment and the ability to engage in positive relationships. This book considers how education is also u...