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"This volume focuses on the contribution of refugees from Nazism to the Arts in Britain. The essays examine the much neglected theme of art in internment and address the spheres of photography, political satire, sculpture, architecture, artists' organisations, institutional models, dealership and conservation. These are considered under the broad headings 'Art as Politics', 'Between the Public and the Domestic' and 'Creating Frameworks'. Such categories assist in posing questions regarding the politics of identity and gender, as well as providing an opportunity to explore the complex issues of cultural formation. The volume will be of interest to scholars and students of twentieth-century art history, museum and conservation studies, politics and cultural studies, in addition to those involved in German Studies and in German and Austrian Exile Studies."--BOOK JACKET.
This volume collects original essays on Hungarian-German playwright and screenwriter George Tabori (1914–2007) and his remarkable contributions to the stage. Tabori, a Jewish refugee and a truly transnational author, was best known for his work in New York theater that irreverently explored the Jewish experience, particularly the Holocaust. Although his illustrious career spanned a century, two continents, several languages, and a variety of literary genres, Tabori’s work has received scant attention in American letters, in spite of its significance for U.S. theater and Holocaust studies. Until Tabori, most dramas about the Holocaust were either rooted in American domestic realism, striv...
The internment of 'enemy aliens' by the British government in two world wars remains largely hidden from history. British historians have treated the subject - if at all - as a mere footnote to the main narrative of Britain at war. In the 'Great War', Britain interned some 30,000 German nationals, most of whom had been long-term residents. In fact, internment brought little discernible benefit, but cruelly damaged lives and livelihoods, breaking up families and disrupting social networks. In May 1940, under the threat of imminent invasion, the British government interned some 28,000 Germans and Austrians, mainly Jewish refugees from the Third Reich. It was a measure which provoked lively criticism, not least in Parliament, where one MP called the internment of refugees 'totally un-English'. The present volume seeks to shed more light on this still submerged historical episode, adopting an inter-disciplinary approach to explore hitherto under-researched aspects, including the historiography of internment, the internment of women, deportation to Canada, and culture in internment camps, including such notable events as the internment revue What is Life!
The traditional view of Samuel Johnson has been that of a reactionary conservative. Although many have worked to undermine this stereotype, perhaps enough remains to claim Johnson as a representative of modernity. This book aims to demonstrate that Johnson is a figure of modernity, one with an appeal many modernist writers found irresistible.
German film is diverse and multi-faceted; its history includes five distinct German governments (Wilhelmine Germany, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the German Democratic Republic), two national industries (Germany and Austria), and a myriad of styles and production methods. Paradoxically, the political disruptions that have produced these distinct film eras, as well as the natural inclination of artists to rebel and create new styles, allow for the construction of a narrative of German film. While the disjuncture generates distinct points of separation, it also highlights continuities between the ruptures. Outlining the richness of German film, The...
The author offers an interdisciplinary examination of the German-speaking exile experience in Great Britain from the beginnings of the Nazi regime to the end of the Second World War. The book examines the contingencies of cultural production for German and Austrian exiles against the historical context of British immigration and internment policies. By investigating the influence and manipulation of trends in popular British culture in the English-language exile fiction by Ernest Borneman, Robert Neumann, Ruth Feiner, Lilo Linke and George Tabori, the author illustrates how a suspect minority voiced their socio-political concerns in the dominant culture, and presents a strong case for the fa...
Immortal Austria was the title of a theatrical pageant devised by Austrian refugees in wartime London, the name summarizing their collective memory of their homeland as a country of mountain scenery, historical grandeur and musical refinement. The reality of the country they had left, and the one to which some of them returned, was very different. This volume contains various studies of the representations of their homeland in the cultural production of Austrian exiles, including those projected by émigrés working in the British film industry, those portrayed in the historical novel and in the literary works of such notable authors as Stefan Zweig, Elias Canetti and Robert Neumann. It opens with a survey of the make-up of the Austrian exile community and concludes with a study of attitudes to returning exiles, as reflected in the post-war literary journals. The volume thus offers students and teachers a vital cultural link between the pre-1934 Austria of the First Republic and the post-1945 Austria of the Second.
Zwischen 1933 und 1945 dokumentierten zahlreiche Geflüchtete ihre Erfahrungen mit dem NS-Regime, um die (Welt)-Öffentlichkeit über dessen Verbrechen aufzuklären. Mittels rhetorischer und narrativer Verfahren und dem gattungsspezifischen Referenzversprechen implizieren diese Texte eine komplizitäre Rezeptionshaltung, die konstitutiv für ihre Poetik ist. Die vorliegende Studie bringt auf innovative Weise Ansätze aus der Exilforschung, der internationalen Autobiographie- und Life Writing-Forschung sowie der literaturwissenschaftlichen Pragmatik zusammen. Dabei entwickelt sie das Konzept der ‚Komplizenschaft‘ als eine rezeptionsästhetische Analysekategorie, die den komplexen und weitaus unterschätzten Poetiken der testimonialen Exilautobiographik Rechnung trägt. In eingehenden Fallstudien werden Autobiographien von Stefan Zweig, Sebastian Haffner und Catherine Klein untersucht.
KZ-Insassen als Kannibalen, Judenräte als NS-Kollaborateure – mit diesen streitbaren Themen setzen George Taboris und Robert Schindels Dramen Impulse für Veränderungen in der Shoah-Literatur. Ihre Ästhetiken des Grotesken verhalten sich agonal zu etablierten Darstellungskonventionen und tragen so in den 1960er- bzw. 2010er-Jahren zu einer komplexen Neukonzeption von Überlebenden, ihren Körpern und Judenbildern bei. Das Groteske ist damit als Herausforderung zeittypischer literarischer Shoah-Erinnerung zu sehen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, wie Taboris Die Kannibalen den veränderten Stellenwert von Zeitzeugen (z.B. in der Nachfolge des Eichmann-Prozesses) reflektiert und damit den Weg für spätere Erinnerungspraktiken wie Zeitzeugengespräche ebnet. Sie argumentiert außerdem, dass Schindels Auseinandersetzung mit den umstrittenen Judenräten in Dunkelstein das Ableben der Zeugengeneration behandelt, auf das neue Repräsentationsmodi folgen.