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Language, Vision, and Music
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 452

Language, Vision, and Music

Language, vision and music: what common cognitive patterns underlie our competence in these disparate modes of thought? Language (natural & formal), vision and music seem to share at least the following attributes: a hierarchical organisation of constituents, recursivity, metaphor, the possibility of self-reference, ambiguity, and systematicity. Can we propose the existence of a general symbol system with instantiations in these three modes or is the only commonality to be found at the level of such entities as cerebral columnar automata? Answers are to be found in this international collection of work which recognises that one of the basic features of consciousness is its MultiModality, that there are possibilities to model this with contemporary technology, and that cross-cultural commonalities in the experience of, and creativity within, the various modalities are significant. With the advent of Intelligent MultiMedia this aspect of consciousness implementation in mind/brain acquires new significance. (Series B)

Two Sciences of Mind
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 512

Two Sciences of Mind

The Reaching for Mind workshop, held at AISB ’95, explicitly addressed itself to the current crisis in Cognitive Science. In particular, the issue of how this discipline can address consciousness was a leitmotiv in the workshop. The conclusion seems inescapable that there is a need for two sciences in this area. Cognitive Science can be freed to become a fully-fledged experimental epistemology by the creation of a science of consciousness also encompassing subjectivity. This exciting collection of papers indicates where both these sciences may be heading. (Series B) The programme committee of the workshop included: Mike Brady (Oxford); Daniel Dennett (Tufts); Jerry Feldman (Berkeley); John Macnamara (McGill) and Zenon Pylyshyn (Rutgers).

Language, Vision and Music
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 447

Language, Vision and Music

Language, vision and music: what common cognitive patterns underlie our competence in these disparate modes of thought? Language (natural & formal), vision and music seem to share at least the following attributes: a hierarchical organisation of constituents, recursivity, metaphor, the possibility of self-reference, ambiguity, and systematicity. Can we propose the existence of a general symbol system with instantiations in these three modes or is the only commonality to be found at the level of such entities as cerebral columnar automata? Answers are to be found in this international collection of work which recognises that one of the basic features of consciousness is its MultiModality, that there are possibilities to model this with contemporary technology, and that cross-cultural commonalities in the experience of, and creativity within, the various modalities are significant. With the advent of Intelligent MultiMedia this aspect of consciousness implementation in mind/brain acquires new significance. (Series B)

Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 425

Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX

In this international collection of papers there is a wealth of knowledge on artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive science (CS) techniques applied to the problem of providing help systems mainly for the UNIX operating system. The research described here involves the representation of technical computer concepts, but also the representation of how users conceptualise such concepts. The collection looks at computational models and systems such as UC, Yucca, and OSCON programmed in languages such as Lisp, Prolog, OPS-5, and C which have been developed to provide UNIX help. These systems range from being menu-based to ones with natural language interfaces, some providing active help, interv...

Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 260

Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing

Although there has been much progress in developing theories, models and systems in the areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Vision Processing (VP), there has heretofore been little progress on integrating these two subareas of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This book contains a set of edited papers addressing theoretical issues and the grounding of representations in NLP and VP from philosophical and psychological points of view. The papers focus on site descriptions such as the reasoning work on space at Leeds, UK, the systems work of the ILS (Illinois, U.S.A.) and philosophical work on grounding at Torino, Italy, on Schank's earlier work on pragmatics and meaning incorporated int...

Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 218

Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing

Although there has been much progress in developing theories, models and systems in the areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Vision Processing (VP) there has up to now been little progress on integrating these two subareas of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This book contains a set of edited papers on recent advances in the theories, computational models and systems of the integration of NLP and VP. The volume includes original work of notable researchers: Alex Waibel outlines multimodal interfaces including studies in speech, gesture and points; eye-gaze, lip motion and facial expression; hand writing, face recognition, face tracking and sound localization in a connectionist framework. Antony Cohen and John Gooday use spatial relations to describe visual languages. Naoguki Okada considers intentions of agents in visual environments. In addition to these studies, the volume includes many recent advances from North America, Europe and Asia demonstrating the fact that integration of Natural Language Processing and Vision is truly an international challenge.

Cooperative Multimodal Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 256

Cooperative Multimodal Communication

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003-06-30
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cooperative Multimodal Communication, CMC'98, held in Tilburg, The Netherlands, in January 1998. The 13 revised full papers presented together with an introductory survey by the volume editors have passed through two rounds of reviewing, selection, and revision. The book offers topical sections on multimodal generation, multimodal cooperation, multimodal interpretation, and multimedia platforms and test environments.

AI and Cognitive Science ’89
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 347

AI and Cognitive Science ’89

This volume contains the texts of papers presented at the Second Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, held at Dublin City University in September 1989. This Conference has now become the major annual forum in Ireland for the presentation and discussion of current research work in the multi-disciplinary area of Artificial Intelligence. Papers in this volume have been divided into seven sections which vary in their subject matter. Image processing, human-computer interaction, planning, applications and theory of expert systems, learn ing, speech, and natural language processing and semantics repre sents as broad a spectrum of AI and AI-related topics as can be found in current AI research. This harmonises quite well with the aims and scope of the AICS'89 conference which were to provide a forum for industry and academic research to discuss AI and AI-related topics and we were delighted that such a broad coverage of topics was achieved. Despite the broad nature, however, none of the papers are primarily review articles; each paper presents new research results within its own specific area.

Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 307

Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing

Although there has been much progress in developing theories, models and systems in the areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Vision Processing (VP) there has heretofore been little progress on integrating these subareas of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This book contains a set of edited papers addressing computational models and systems for the integration of NLP and VP. The papers focus on site descriptions such as that of the large Japanese $500 million Real World Computing (RWC) project, on historical philosophical issues, on systems which have been built and which integrate the processing of visual scenes together with language about them, and on spatial relations which appear to be the key to integration. The U.S.A., Japan and the EU are well reflected, showing up the fact that integration is a truly international issue. There is no doubt that all of this will be necessary for the InformationSuperHighways of the future.

Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 264

Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems

This book is based on contributions to the Seventh European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication that was held at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, in July of 1999 under the auspices of the European Language and Speech Network (ELSNET). The topic of the summer school was "Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems" (MiLaSS). The issue of multimodality in interpersonal, face-to-face communication has been an important research topic for a number of years. With the increasing sophistication of computer-based interactive systems using language and speech, the topic of multimodal interaction has received renewed interest both in terms of human-human interaction and human-machine interaction. Nine lecturers contri buted to the summer school with courses on specialized topics ranging from the technology and science of creating talking faces to human-human communication, which is mediated by computer for the handicapped. Eight of the nine lecturers are represented in this book. The summer school attracted more than 60 participants from Europe, Asia and North America representing not only graduate students but also senior researchers from both academia and industry.