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Various theories have been put forward as to why business and industry develops in clusters and despite good work being carried out on path dependence and dynamics, this is still very much an emerging topic in the social sciences. To date, no overarching theoretical framework has been developed to show how clusters evolve. Unfolding Cluster Evolution aims to address this gap by presenting theoretical and empirical research on the geography of innovation. This contributed volume seeks to shed light on the understanding of clusters and its dynamic evolution. The book provides evidence to suggest that traditional perspectives from evolutionary economic geography need to be wedded to management thinking in order to reach this point. Bringing together thinking from a range of disciplines and countries across Europe, this book explores a wide range of topics from the capability approach, to network dynamics, to multinational corporations, to firm entry and exit and social capital. This book will be of interest to policy makers and students of urban studies, economic geography, and planning and development.
The volume provides rich accounts on the enforcement of core issues but also on theoretical and methodological advances of the frontier of the research field. Areas of study that are meritoriously included are business closure and characteristics of the present knowledge economy. New sectors of the research frontier include societal entrepreneurship and the diversity of entrepreneurship in emergent market economies as well as methodologies such as discourse analysis and narrative approaches. This anthology certainly contributes to the crafting of a European identity in the field of entrepreneurship research. Bengt Johannisson, Växjö University and Jönköping University, Sweden Many of the...
This insightful book presents leading-edge European research on entrepreneurial processes in a changing global world. The contributors take a closer look at what constitutes entrepreneurial processes; how entrepreneurs develop their businesses and access critical resources in times of crisis; and which roles knowledge and innovation play in continuous venture development. The chapters included in this volume give a flavour of the themes and approaches featuring in contemporary entrepreneurship and small business research in Europe. Entrepreneurial Processes in a Changing Economy will prove invaluable for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of entrepreneurship and small business. Entrepreneurship and small business researchers and policy makers will also find plenty of relevant information in this important resource.
Galicia, recogiendo la tradición de acudir a Santiago de Compostela para celebrar el acto ecuménico de exaltación de Santiago apóstol, al cual acudían los peregrinos de antaño procedentes de todo el orbe (francos, normandos, escoceses, irlandeses, galos, teutones, iberos, gascones, bavaros,...), acoge la organización del XXIV Congreso Anual de la European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM) que bajo el lema CREANDO CLIENTES EN MERCADOS GLOBALES, identifica el fruto del trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo por profesores universitarios de distintas universidades y diferentes países. Quiere ser así el crisol de la ciencia empresarial cuyos frutos son las ponencias...
Si algo caracteriza al fenómeno turístico es su multidimensionalidad. Y una consecuencia inmediata de esas múltiples posiciones que pueden adoptarse sobre el fenómeno turístico cuando se aborda su estudio es, precisamente, su complejidad. Una complejidad que, en estos últimos años, ha sido enfrentada, primero, con diversas técnicas y métodos heurísticos fundados en supuestos importados de otras disciplinas para, después, pasar a la especialización de las herramientas de estudio en la temática turística. De un enfoque unidisciplinar y centrado en la rentabilidad a corto plazo, se ha evolucionado hacia una visión holística, multidisciplinar y abierta, que engloba las múltiples...
Durante décadas, el profesor universitario ha sido valorado y considerado a tenor de sus logros como investigador, ocultando, y a veces olvidando, sus méritos docentes. Esta faceta, sin embargo, se nos revela como fundamental cuando pulsamos la opinión de los estudiantes. Una de las consecuencias de la entrada en el EEES es rescatar la relevancia de la docencia universitaria a todos los niveles: grado, máster y doctorado. La docencia es un acto de entrega, basado en la mutua confianza y el diálogo libre, veraz y reflexivo entre sus dos actores básicos: el docente y el aprendiz. Aquel docente que es capaz de obtener la mejor formación de cada uno de sus estudiantes, que fomenta un apre...
"A perfect book for any Hospitality program, excellent instructor support, and a good resource for students." –Denise A. Braley, Mitchell College Today’s economy is dominated by the rapidly growing service sector. Even businesses primarily selling goods are reinventing their image and positioning themselves as service providers. Managing Hospitality Organizations: Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience takes students on a journey through the evolving service industry. Each chapter focuses on a core principle of hospitality management and is packed with practical advice, examples, and cases from some of the best companies in the service sector. Authors Robert C. Ford and Michael C. ...
Higher education is dynamic, constantly adapting to meet the requirements of students and industry. Transforming Higher Education Through Digitalization: Insights, Tools, and Techniques provides insights from experienced academicians on the digitalization of education and its appropriateness for enhancing the quality of teaching in institutions of higher education. The book also provides insights on technologies used in digital education, the competencies and skills required by teachers and students, managing quality of education through online modes, MOOCs (Massive, Open, Online Courses), and methods to support teachers and instructors in online education. The book also enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they need in a digital age and enable them to build collaborative learning that will bring them success. Written for educators, students, and policy makers of higher education, this book demonstrates how to transform traditional education to digital education and to continue their activities without the requirement of students and teachers meeting each other on campus.
“Cayó la lluvia, se desbordaron los ríos, soplaron los vientos y descargaron contra la casa; pero no se hundió, porque estaba cimentada sobre roca” (Mt, 7, 25) Seamos conscientes o no, lo deseemos o lo detestemos, todas las disciplinas académicas se apoyan en unas bases antropológicas y éticas. Es necesario que esas bases sean sólidas para que la ciencia y la cultura construidas sobre ellas, amén de la organización social resultante, sean “sostenibles” y contribuyan al desarrollo personal. El símil evangélico de “la casa construida sobre roca” viene como anillo al dedo.