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This book presents recent advances in the area of Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment from the international symposium for equatorial atmosphere of the celebration of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) 20th Anniversary, conducted by Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) and Kyoto University, in 2021. It provides a scientific platform for all participants to discuss ideas and current issues as well as to design solutions in the areas of atmospheric science, environmental science, space science, and related fields.
Angka pengangguran di Indonesia semakin meningkat, dipengaruhi oleh banyaknya lulusan perguruan tinggi yang menggantungkan hidupnya sebagai job seeker dan bukan job maker. Maka tak heran jika pengangguran akan selalu ada dan setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan. Fenomena ini cukup ironis dibandingkan dengan harapan seseorang untuk memasuki perguruan tinggi dengan lulusan terbaik akan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak. Disisi lain, banyak prospek kerja di bidang konstruksi yang sangat menguntungkan jika mampu untuk membangun usaha sendiri. Banyak jenis bidang wirausaha yang dapat dibuat, contohnya bidang jasa konstruksi yang banyak diperlukan saat ini di era meningkatnya pembangunan. Pemahaman yang lengkap tentang tiga inti kewirausahaan memungkinkan untuk menciptakan individu yang terpercaya karena akan memiliki kemampuan untuk sebuah kemajuan (achievement) dalam profesinya, baik di sektor swasta maupun di sektor publik. Buku “Teori dan Profil Kewirausahaan Bidang Teknik Sipil
Ever wondered why your grandmother threw a teabag into the pressure cooker while boiling chickpeas, or why she measured using the knuckle of her index finger? Why does a counter-intuitive pinch of salt make your kheer more intensely flavourful? What is the Maillard reaction and what does it have to do with fenugreek? What does your high-school chemistry knowledge, or what you remember of it, have to do with perfectly browning your onions? Masala Lab by Krish Ashok is a science nerd's exploration of Indian cooking with the ultimate aim of making the reader a better cook and turning the kitchen into a joyful, creative playground for culinary experimentation. Just like memorizing an equation might have helped you pass an exam but not become a chemist, following a recipe without knowing its rationale can be a sub-optimal way of learning how to cook. Exhaustively tested and researched, and with a curious and engaging approach to food, Krish Ashok puts together the one book the Indian kitchen definitely needs, proving along the way that your grandmother was right all along.
Munculnya konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development) atau pun model green economy tidak lain didasari pada berbagai dampak yang muncul terhadap lingkungan akibat berbagai aktivitas manusia. Green economy menganut visi yang mencoba mengarahkan pembangunan ekonomi ke arah yang berkelanjutan. Kualitas lingkungan bukan hanya menjadi syarat untuk kehidupan manusia yang berkelanjutan, tetapi juga menjadi penerima akibat dari tindakan manusia yang sering abai dengan kondisi di sekitarnya. Ekonomi dan lingkungan seharusnya saling berkaitan secara harmonis, bukan eksploitatif. Kesadaran manusia terhadap aspek teologi, kosmologi, dan antropologi lingkungan membangun sikap dan kecerdasan intelektual, emosional, dan spiritual di bidang ekonomi-lingkungan.
Biology of Termites, a Modern Synthesis brings together the major advances in termite biology, phylogenetics, social evolution and biogeography. In this new volume, David Bignell, Yves Roisin and Nathan Lo have brought together leading experts on termite taxonomy, behaviour, genetics, caste differentiation, physiology, microbiology, mound architecture, biogeography and control. Very strong evolutionary and developmental themes run through the individual chapters, fed by new data streams from molecular sequencing, and for the first time it is possible to compare the social organisation of termites with that of the social Hymenoptera, focusing on caste determination, population genetics, cooperative behaviour, nest hygiene and symbioses with microorganisms. New chapters have been added on termite pheromones, termites as pests of agriculture and on destructive invasive species.