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Selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 6th International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE 2023) Selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 6th International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE 2023), August 07-09, 2023, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kali ini kamu akan bertemu dengan Sang Jagoan Kimia. Beberapa medali Olimpiade telah diabetnya, baik di Tingkat Nasional maupun Internasional. Dengan buku ini, kamu bisa menaklukkan kimia seperti dia. Pasalnya, buku terbitan dari LinguaKata ini hadir dengan tujuan untuk menjadi petunjuk cara menaklukkan kimia secara mudah dan cepat. Semua jurus dikemas dengan apik dan runtut. Penyajian materinya selalu diikuti dengan contoh dan latihan soal yang popular. Tentu, cara ini akan mempermudah kamu untuk memahami dan menerapkan jurus-jurusnya. Berbagai trik pengerjaan soal dengan cepat pun disajikan sangat gamblang. Kini tak lagi mustahil menjadi penakluk kimia, seperti kisah-kisah ilmuwan yang dipaparkan di setiap bab. Lalu, olah kemampuamu lewat soal-soal latihannya. Segala jenis tes dan ujian kimia pun akan mudah bertekuk lutut. Buktikan! #SuperEbookDesember
Buku kategori ragam karya tulis yang berjudul Sat Nite Note Catatan Sabtu Malam Ahkad Penggugur Penat Penumbuh Semangat merupakan karya dari Ardi Subagiyo. Di setiap halamannya, buku Sat Nite Note menjadi ruang untuk merayakan keunikan Sabtu malam Ahad. Ini bukan sekadar catatan ringan, melainkan kumpulan cerita kecil yang membangunkan kepekaan terhadap keindahan di sekitar kita. Karena setiap kata yang tergores di atas kertas adalah kisah, bukan sekadar catatan rutin. Dari sini, kita akan menemukan pesan-pesan kecil yang bisa membuka mata dan hati terhadap kebahagiaan yang mungkin sudah ada di depan mata. Buku Sat Nite Note mengajak kita menemukan keindahan di setiap detik, menyusuri jejak kisah yang tak terduga, dan merayakan setiap kemenangan kecil yang sering kali terabaikan.
The change in greenhouse operation and technology in the last 20 years has been unprecedented. Photoperiodic control, mist propagation, green house cooling, clean stock programs, CO injection, to name a few, have 2 all been inaugurated as regular greenhouse practices in this time. The introduction of new markets, new production centers, shifts in public attitudes, and the realization that greenhouse production is not simply growing crops, but the management of an enterprise in which people work, h~ve combined to make this agricultural practice a challenging and rewarding vocation. The greenhouse grower, manager, and student who are training for this vocation have not had an up-to-date text b...
Selected peer-reviewed extended articles based on abstracts presented at the 6th International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE 2023) Aggregated Book
This book is an outgrowth of a much earlier book, Farm Structures, by H. J. Barre and L. L. Sammet, published by John Wiley & Sons in 1950 as one of a series of textbooks in agricultural engineering spon sored by the Ferguson Foundation, Detroit, Michigan. Light Agricul tural and Industrial Structures: Analysis and Design will be useful as an undergraduate student textbook for junior-or senior-level compre hensive courses on structural analysis and design in steel, wood, and concrete, and as a reference work for practicing engineers. Emphasis is on basic analysis and design procedures. The book should be useful in any country where there is a need to design structures for agricul tural produ...
This book is intended to be used to support the campaigning and lobbying work of local and international development organizations, to improve the formulation and implementation of development strategies and to strengthen participatory project planning, monitoring and impact assessment in poverty and environmental change.
Ordinary people, community leaders, and even organizations and corporations still do not fully comprehend the interconnected, “big picture” dynamics of sustainability theory and action. In exploring means to become more sustainable, individuals and groups need a reference in which to frame discussions so they will be relevant, educational, and successful when implemented. This book puts ideas on sustainable communities into a conceptual framework that will promote striking, transformational effects on decision-making. In this book practitioners and community leaders will find effective, comprehensive tools and resources at their finger-tips to facilitate sustainable community development (SCD). The book content examines a diverse range of SCD methods; assessing community needs and resources; creating community visions; promoting stakeholder interest and participation; analyzing community problems; designing and facilitating strategic planning; carrying out interventions to improve
The relationship between citizens and city governments is gradually transforming due to the utilization of advanced information and communication technologies in order to inform, consult, and engage citizens. Citizen E-Participation in Urban Governance: Crowdsourcing and Collaborative Creativity explores the nature of the new challenges confronting citizens and local governments in the field of urban governance. This comprehensive reference source explores the role that Web 2.0 technologies play in promoting citizen participation and empowerment in the city government and is intended for scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners in the field of urban studies, urban planning, political science, public administration, and more.