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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1079


  • Categories: Law

This book contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2023) on 6 May 2023 in Indonesia. This conference was held in collaboration with Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) at Universitas Borobudur, Jakarta, Indonesia. Papers from the conference are collected in a book of proceedings entitled: Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Social Sciences, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2023). Presentations from the conference covering these disciplines will provide a lot of inspiring input and new treasures on law, social sciences, economics, and education, especially after the Covid-19 Pandemic. Thus, it will co...

MIC 2022
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 938

MIC 2022

This book contains the proceedings of the 2nd Multidiscipline International Conference (MIC) 2022 will be an annual event hosted by Nusantara Training and Research (NTR). This year (2022), this event was held in collaboration with Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Universitas Borobudur Jakarta will be held on the virtual conference on 12 November 2022 at Semarang, Indonesia. We carry the theme "Multidisciplinary Research Synergies in Generating Innovations in The Digitalization Era" trying to continue to synchronize with all aspects in the pandemic era and prepare to face the new normal, as well as outlook of the field of Call for papers fields to be included in MIC. The scope of this event is multidisciplinary. Starting from social science, economics, education, law, engineering, religion, and other sciences. This conference was attended by participants and delegates from various universities from Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunai Darussalam, Philippines, Australia, and Japan. More than 100 participants from academics, practitioners and bureaucrats took part in this event to exchange knowledge according to their research results and competencies.

MIC 2023
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1214

MIC 2023

  • Categories: Law

This book contains the proceedings of the 3rd Multidisciplinary International Conference (MIC) 2023, an annual event hosted by Nusantara Training and Research (NTR). This event was held in collaboration with Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Borobudur University, Jakarta. It was held on a virtual conference on 28 October 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The theme of this year's conference was "Scientific Innovation in The Digital Age" which aimed to explore the latest technological advancements and their implications in various scientific fields, including social science, economics, education, law, engineering, religion, and other sciences. This conference was attended by participants and delegates from various universities from Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Australia, and Japan. More than 100 participants from academics, practitioners, and bureaucrats took part in this event to exchange knowledge according to their research results and competencies.

MIC 2021
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1089

MIC 2021

This book contains the proceedings of the 1st Multidiscipline International Conference (MIC) 2021 will be an annual event hosted by Nusantara Training and Research (NTR). This year (2021), this event was held in collaboration with Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Universitas Borobudur Jakarta will be held on virtual conference in 30 October 2021 at Salatiga, Indonesia. We carry the theme "Improving People's Quality in Pandemic Era," trying to continue to synchronize with all aspects in the pandemic era and prepare to face the new normal, as well as future outlook of the field of Call for papers fields to be included in MIC. The scope of this event is multidisciplinary. Starting from social science, economics, education, law, engineering, religion and other sciences. This conference was attended by participants and delegates from various universities from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, and Japan. More than 100 participants from academics, practitioners and bureaucrats took part in this event to exchange knowledge according to their research results and competencies.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1195


This book contains the proceedings of the The International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2021). Where held on 6 Maret 2021 in Salatiga, Central Java. This conference was held in collaboration Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Borobudur University Jakarta and the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The papers from these conferences collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of The International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2021). The presentation of such conference covering multi disciplines will contribute a lot of inspiring inputs and new knowledge on current tren...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1113


This book contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2022) on 16 April 2022 in Indonesia. This conference was held in collaboration between Nusantara Training and Research (NTR) with Borobudur University Jakarta, 17 Agustus 1945 University (UNTAG), and the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The papers from the conference were collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of The International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education (ICLSSEE 2022). The presentation of such a conference covering multi-disciplines will contribute a lot of inspiring inputs and new know...

Pengantar Teori Hukum
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 268

Pengantar Teori Hukum

  • Categories: Law

Buku ini mengurai secara panjang lebar pentingnya mempelajari teori sebagai pijakan dalam memahami hukum dalam spektrum yang luas. Teori berupaya menelaah, memetakan, dan menjelaskan pola-pola dalam interaksi antara hukum dengan masyarakat yang terjadi secara kontinu dan konsisten. Dalam teori hukum, kita akan memahami bahwa sebenarnya tidak ada satu kejadian atau perbuatan hukum yang terjadi begitu saja tanpa ada alasan yang mendasarinya (everything happens for reason). Melalui teori hukum kita dapat memahami hubungan sebab akibat yang terjadi antara hukum dan perilaku hukum, antara penerimaan dan penolakan terhadap hukum, pengaruh sikap aparat terhadap efektivitas hukum, antara budaya huku...

Monograf Pembaruan Hukum
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 279

Monograf Pembaruan Hukum

  • Categories: Law

Indonesia mengalami banyak fase kehidupan, terutama fase bernegara dan masyarakat Indonesia semakin berharap dapat mewujudkan tujuan negara dan cita hukum nasional yaitu keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Di samping itu, masyarakat juga menuntut adanya sistem dan tatanan hukum yang mengedepankan asas equality before the law sebagai cerminan konklusivitas dari Pancasila sebagai sumber dari segala tertib hukum yang harus diwujudkan. Buku ini berisi tulisan-tulisan mengenai dinamika hukum di Indonesia, terutama dikaitkan dengan upaya pembaruan hukum dan perwujudan tata hukum nasional yang responsif terhadap perkembangan zaman dan kebutuhan berhukum yang ada di masyarakat. Buku ini dapat menjadi bacaan penting bagi para pembaca yang bergelut dan mencintai ilmu hukum, untuk lebih memahami berbagai hal dalam wacana pembaruan hukum dalam rangka menggapai tujuan negara yang dicitakan bersama. Selamat membaca. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMediaGroup #PrenadaMedia

Fungsi Strategis Pajak di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 328

Fungsi Strategis Pajak di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Pandemi Covid-19 telah melahirkan berbagai permasalahan baru dalam segala aspek di Indonesia termasuk dalam aspek ekonomi. Kebijakan pembatasan oleh pemerintah untuk seluruh kegiatan sosial terutama yang berskala besar berimbas pada banyak jenis usaha dari skala mikro kecil dan menengah hingga skala besar. Sebagai sumber penyumbang penerimaan negara sebesar terbesar di Indonesia. Lesunya kegiatan usaha akibat kebijakan pembatasan sosial secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi pendapatan nasional akibat para pemilik usaha yang kesulitan dalam membayar pajak. Sedangkan penerimaan pajak sampai saat ini masih menjadi sendi produktivitas dan pembangunan negara. Pengetahuan terkait pajak bagi masyarakat kini menjadi semakin penting arena akan mempengaruhi proses pemungutan pajak sebab proses ini bergantung pada kepatuhan dan pengetahuan.

Dinamika Hukum Investasi di Indonesia
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 276

Dinamika Hukum Investasi di Indonesia

Melihat fenomena investasi yang begitu masive di Indonesia, penulis terdorong untuk menuliskan dinamika investasi Indonesia pada sebuah buku yang dapat diakses secara luas dan mudah oleh masyarakat. Dalam buku ini dapat dilihat bahwa pembahasan tidak hanya berputar pada laju investasi saat ini melainkan secara umum pembaca dibawa terlebih dahulu memahami secara general apa ruang lingkup investasi, instrumen hukum, serta teori investasi. Pengetahuan implementatif akan didapatkan pembaca di bagian-bagian seperti sengketa di bidang investasi dan politik hukum investasi. Secara komprehensif buku ini juga menyajikan bagaimana perkembangan investasi nasional terutama di bidang yang sedang naik tren seperti sektor pariwisata dan kelapa sawit. Informasi-informasi tersebut disajikan dengan pemilihan peristiwa dan data yang diambil secara selektif untuk menjawab keinginan penulis guna mendorong pengetahuan terkait investasi untuk masyarakat di Indonesia baik untuk para profesional yang terkait langsung, pelajar, maupun masyarakat umum.