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Buku ini menuangkan pelbagai pengalaman khususnya kebijakan PSBB dan PPKM sebagai pemelajaran bagaimana kebijakan selama pandemi di Indonesia dilaksanakan dan terus dikembangkan, buku ini menjabarkan kajian evaluatif dan reflektif terhadap kebijakan pembatasan selama pandemi. Kajian tersebut dilaksanakan secara multidisiplin oleh para pakar di bidangnya yang saling terbuka sehingga menghasilkan buah pikiran yang utuh dan koheren yang berjudul Belajar dari Pandemi: Evaluasi Efektivitas Kebijakan PPKM pada Masa Penangan Pandemi COVID-19.
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, sektor kesehatan pun juga tidak luput dari perubahan. Di samping itu, Indonesia diperkirakan akan memiliki bonus demografi pada tahun 2023. Untuk membangun sumber daya manusia yang sehat dan produktif, penguatan di bidang kesehatan harus dilakukan. Buku ini berfokus pada tiga dari enam pilar yang dicanangkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan menjelang tahun 2022, yaitu transformasi layanan rujukan, transformasi SDM kesehatan, dan transformasi teknologi kesehatan. Masing-masing bab menguraikan permasalahan, tantangan, dan peluang Indonesia dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dengan dominasi perspektif rumah sakit. Kami berharap setiap buah pikiran yang tertuang dalam buku ini membawa manfaat seluas-luasnya bagi perkembangan ilmu kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Selain itu, diharapkan buku ini dapat memberi dampak positif dalam transformasi sistem kesehatan Indonesia yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah.
Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah dunia secara dramatis, menantang sistem kesehatan dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Buku ini mengulas perjalanan global dalam melawan virus, menyoroti pentingnya vaksinasi sebagai kunci utama dalam mengurangi angka kematian. Proses pengembangan dan distribusi vaksin yang cepat namun aman dijelaskan dengan rinci, menunjukan upaya luar biasa dari komunitas ilmiah dan medis. Penulis membahas efektivitas vaksin dalam melawan berbagai varian virus, serta dampaknya dalam menurunkan risiko penyakit parah dan kematian. Tantangan sosial seperti resistensi terhadap vaksin dan disinformasi juga diangkat, menekankan perlunya edukasi publik yang baik dalam kerjasama internasional. Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk memahami dinamika yang kompleks dalam mengatasi pandemi dan pentingnya persiapan menghadapi ancaman kesehatan di masa depan. Dengan informasi berbasis bukti dan analisis mendalam, buku ini menjadi panduan pentingnya dalam memahami strategi melawan pandemi serupa di masa depan.
The worldwide demand for organ transplants far exceeds available donor organs. Consequently some patients die whilst waiting for a transplant. Synthetic alternatives are therefore imperative to improve the quality of, and in some cases, save people's lives. Advances in biomaterials have generated a range of materials and devices for use either outside the body or through implantation to replace or assist functions which may have been lost through disease or injury. Biomaterials for artificial organs reviews the latest developments in biomaterials and investigates how they can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of artificial organs.Part one discusses commodity biomaterials includin...
Authentic and authoritative, this presentation shares a comprehensive overview of the extensive research undertaken by the Agro Economic Research Centers (AERCs) and the concerns confronting Indian agriculture. Established across the states in India to provide policy feedback to the Ministry of Agriculture, the AERCs generated many important research initiatives and debates over five decades. This second volume focuses on the problems confronted at the regional level by each of the participating states.
Growth is one of the human body’s most intricate processes: each body part or region has its own unique growth patterns. Yet at the individual and population levels, growth patterns are sensitive to adverse conditions, genetic predispositions, and environmental changes. And despite the body’s capacity to compensate for these developmental setbacks, the effects may be far-reaching, even life-long. The Handbook of Growth and Growth Monitoring in Health and Disease brings this significant and complex field together in one comprehensive volume: impact of adverse variables on growth patterns; issues at different stages of prenatal development, childhood, and adolescence; aspects of catch-up g...
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on Health Literacy focuses on bringing together leaders from the federal government, foundations, health plans, associations, and private companies to address challenges facing health literacy practice and research and to identify approaches to promote health literacy in both the public and private sectors. The roundtable serves to educate the public, press, and policy makers regarding the issues of health literacy, sponsoring workshops to discuss approaches to resolve health literacy challenges. It also builds partnerships to move the field of health literacy forward by translating research findings into practical strategies for implementation. The...
This superb volume provides a critical assessment of genomics tools and approaches for crop breeding. Volume 1 presents the status and availability of genomic resources and platforms, and also devises strategies and approaches for effectively exploiting genomics research. Volume 2 goes into detail on a number of case studies of several important crop and plant species that summarize both the achievements and limitations of genomics research for crop improvement.
Hazardous Air Pollutants: Case Studies from Asia examines the variety of public health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, increased mortality, and impaired mental health, that are severely affecting multiple Asian countries as a result of exposure to high concentrations of air pollution in the wake of rapid industrializa
This book discusses regional and international climate-change, air- pollution and human-health scenarios. The research, from both industrialized and developing countries, focuses on region-specific perspectives of climate change impacts on air pollution. After analyzing the variations of climate data over recent decades, the authors consider the different effects of climate change on air pollution and health. As stressed by the IPCC, “pollen, smoke and ozone levels are likely to increase in a warming world, affecting the health of residents of major cities. Rising temperatures will worsen air quality through a combination of more ozone in cities, bigger wild fires and worse pollen outbreak...