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Space–Time Design of the Public City
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

Space–Time Design of the Public City

Time has become an increasingly important topic in urban studies and urban planning. The spatial-temporal interplay is not only of relevance for the theory of urban development and urban politics, but also for urban planning and governance. The space-time approach focuses on the human being with its various habits and routines in the city. Understanding and taking those habits into account in urban planning and public policies offers a new way to improve the quality of life in our cities. Adapting the supply and accessibility of public spaces and services to the inhabitants’ space-time needs calls for an integrated approach to the physical design of urban space and to the organization of cities. In the last two decades the body of practical and theoretical work on urban space-time topics has grown substantially. The book offers a state of the art overview of the theoretical reasoning, the development of new analytical tools, and practical experience of the space-time design of public cities in major European countries. The contributions were written by academics and practitioners from various fields exploring space-time research and planning.

CORP 2012 - Proceedings/Tagungsband
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 732

CORP 2012 - Proceedings/Tagungsband

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com

RE-MIXING THE CITY - Towards Sustainability and Resilience? There is nothing permanent except change. (Heraclitus) Cities worldwide are facing rapid social, economic, environmental, technological and cultural changes such as: rapid urbanisation, aging of society, security issues, housing emergency, new solutions on mobility, integration of immigrants, food and water shortage, etc. Especially in times of economic crisis and demographic changes in cities, it is necessary to think about how to best handle what we have, and therefore "RE-MIXING THE CITY" is a challenge to manage and re-combine the elements which make our modern cities in order to better respond to change.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 298


  • Categories: Art

How to transcend land grab economies, even by means of art? The reader REALTY moves from the safety of critique to the vulgarity of suggestions. The pandemic's effect on mobility presents a historic opportunity. Rarely has criticism of our extractive artworld logic of one-place-after-another been louder. REALTY is a long-term curatorial program by Tirdad Zolghadr (*1973), initially commissioned by the KW Institute for Contemporary Art. With the help of numerous artists and experts who contributed over 2017–2020, this reader revisits how contemporary art can contribute to decisive conversations on urbanism. TIRDAD ZOLGHADR (*1973) is a curator and writer. He is currently artistic director of the Sommerakademie Paul Klee. Curatorial work over the last two decades includes biennial settings as well as long-term, research-driven efforts, most recently as associate curator at KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin, 2016-20.

Geographic Citizen Science Design
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 402

Geographic Citizen Science Design

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-04
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  • Publisher: UCL Press

Little did Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and other ‘gentlemen scientists’ know, when they were making their scientific discoveries, that some centuries later they would inspire a new field of scientific practice and innovation, called citizen science. The current growth and availability of citizen science projects and relevant applications to support citizen involvement is massive; every citizen has an opportunity to become a scientist and contribute to a scientific discipline, without having any professional qualifications. With geographic interfaces being the common approach to support collection, analysis and dissemination of data contributed by participants, ‘geographic citizen scie...

CORP 2011 Proceedings/Tagungsband
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 725

CORP 2011 Proceedings/Tagungsband

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Lulu.com


Everyday Streets
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 386

Everyday Streets

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-05-25
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  • Publisher: UCL Press

Everyday streets are both the most used and most undervalued of cities’ public spaces. They are places of social aggregation, bringing together those belonging to different classes, genders, ages, ethnicities and nationalities. They comprise not just the familiar outdoor spaces that we use to move and interact but also urban blocks, interiors, depths and hinterlands, which are integral to their nature and contribute to their vitality. Everyday streets are physically and socially shaped by the lives of the people and things that inhabit them through a reciprocal dance with multiple overlapping temporalities. The primary focus of this book is an inclusive approach to understanding and design...

A History of Collective Living
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

A History of Collective Living

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-18
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  • Publisher: Birkhäuser

This book tells the story of communal living forms from about 1850 until the present day. The projects featured in this book are divided according to the motivations of their creators and users –economic, political, and social. The book also contains historical analysis and the identification of nine discrete development phases. The author investigates and compares different forms of housing and the way they developed until today. She illustrates how shared living, including the assurance of privacy, is practiced in Europe. Owing to its comprehensive documentation, the analysis of typologies, layout plans, and user and expert interviews, the book can also be seen as a handbook on communal living, offering a unique and detailed overview of this form of residential architecture. The out-of-print first edition has now been republished in a new edition complete with a fresh design and layout. Illustration of European communal housing concepts since 1850 Over 30 case examples on how and why people live together New edition of the standard work on collective living Also available in German: Eine Geschichte des gemeinschaftlichen Wohnens

Strategische Planungsräume – zur Rolle eines neuen Instruments der Stadtentwicklungsplanung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 148

Strategische Planungsräume – zur Rolle eines neuen Instruments der Stadtentwicklungsplanung

Strategische Planungsräume sind ein teilraumbezogenes Management-Instrument der Stadtentwicklungsplanung zur Organisation räumlicher bzw. raumstruktureller Veränderungsprozesse. In europäischen Städten zeigen sich Strategische Planungsräume erstmals im Kontext neuartiger, strategischer Stadtentwicklungskonzepte, die eine Gleichzeitigkeit bzw. Einheit der traditionell getrennten Steuerungsfunktionen Orientierung und Umsetzung bemühen. Strategische Planungsräume stehen somit im Zeichen des Modells der Strategischen Planung und der allenthalben festgestellten „Renaissance“ des Strategischen in der räumlichen Planung. Zwar sind sowohl Stadtentwicklungskonzepte als eine Typologie von...

Architektur als Ausdruck politischer Kommunikation
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 211

Architektur als Ausdruck politischer Kommunikation

Die jüngste Flucht- und Migrationsbewegung hat deutsche Städte und Gemeinden vor immense Herausforderungen gestellt: Die Ankommenden müssen angemessen betreut, versorgt und untergebracht werden. Allerdings prägen vielerorts provisorische Notunterkünfte wie Leichtbauhallen und Containerdörfer das Bild. Und auch die Reaktionen der Bevölkerung auf die Zufluchtsuchenden und die damit verbundenen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Aufgaben bewegen sich auf einem Kontinuum zwischen gelebter Willkommenskultur und der Sorge, dass Deutschland dieser Aufgabe nicht gewachsen ist. Je stärker Themen wie die Wohnsituation und Integration von Geflüchteten in den öffentlichen Fokus rücken, desto dringliche...

Achtung: Smart! – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Idee der
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 203

Achtung: Smart! – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Idee der "Smart City" für deutsche Kommunen

Aktuell erleben Städte u. a. als Vierte Industrielle Revolution oder Digitalisierung bezeichnete Umwälzungen. Gleichzeitig stehen sie vor Herausforderungen wie dem Klimawandel, der wachsenden Globalisierung, aber auch dem demografischen Wandel. Wachstum bzw. Schrumpfung erzeugen unterschiedliche Handlungsspielräume. Die Entwicklung von Smart-City-Ansätzen findet immer unter diesen Bedingungen statt. Die Logiken der ‚Smart City‘ und insbesondere die Tauglichkeit ihrer Lösungen verlangen entsprechend nach einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung. Zentrale Fragen der vorliegenden Publikation lauten daher: Welche Risiken beinhaltet die Smart-City-Idee? Wie sind deutsche Kommunen diesbezügli...