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The Routledge Companion to the Reception of Ancient Greek and Roman Gender and Sexuality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 749

The Routledge Companion to the Reception of Ancient Greek and Roman Gender and Sexuality

This Companion covers a range of receptions of ancient Greek and Roman gender and sexuality. It explores ancient representations of these concepts as we define them today, as well as recent perspectives that have been projected back onto antiquity. Beginning in antiquity, the chapters examine how the ancient Greeks and Romans regarded concepts of what we would today call "gender" and "sexuality" based on the evidence available to us, and chart the varied interpretations and receptions of these concepts across time to the present day. In exploring how different cultures have "received" the classical past, the volume investigates these cultures’ different interpretations of Greek and Roman s...

The Courts of Philip II and Alexander the Great
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 355

The Courts of Philip II and Alexander the Great

Recent scholarship has recognized that Philip II and Alexander the Great adopted elements of their self-fashioning and court ceremonial from previous empires in the Ancient Near East, but it is generally assumed that the advent of the Macedonian court as a locus of politics and culture occurred only in the post-Alexander landscape of the Hellenistic Successors. This volume of ground-breaking essays by leading scholars on Ancient Macedonia goes beyond existing research questions to assess the profound impact of Philip and Alexander on court culture throughout the ages. The papers in this volume offer a thematic approach, focusing upon key institutional, cultural, social, ideological, and icon...

Marriage Discourses
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 261

Marriage Discourses

Marriage was historically not only a romantic ideal, but a tool of exploitation of women in many regards. Women were often considered commodities and marriage was far away from the romantic stereotypes people relate to it today. While marriages served as diplomatic tools or means of political legitimization in the past, the discourses about marital relationships changed and women expressed their demands more openly. Discourses about marriage in history and literature naturally became more and more heated, especially during the "long" 19th century, when marriages were contested by social reformers or political radicals, male and female alike. The present volume provides a discussion of the role of marriage and the discourses about in different chronological and geographical contexts and shows which arguments played an important role for the demand for more equality in martial relationships. It focuses on marriage discourses, may they have been legal or rather socio-political ones. In addition, the disputes about marriage in literary works of the 19th and 20th centuries are presented to complement the historical debates.

Ancient Historiography on War and Empire
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 304

Ancient Historiography on War and Empire

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-11-30
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  • Publisher: Oxbow Books

In the ancient Greek-speaking world, writing about the past meant balancing the reporting of facts with shaping and guiding the political interests and behaviours of the present. Ancient Historiography on War and Empire shows the ways in which the literary genre of writing history developed to guide empires through their wars. Taking key events from the Achaemenid Persian, Athenian, Macedonian and Roman ‘empires’, the 17 essays collected here analyse the way events and the accounts of those events interact. Subjects include: how Greek historians assign nearly divine honours to the Persian King; the role of the tomb cult of Cyrus the Founder in historical narratives of conquest and empire...

Pest & Cholera
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 237

Pest & Cholera

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-08-20
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  • Publisher: Unionsverlag

Alexandre Yersin, Arzt, Forscher, Seefahrer, Landwirt, Geograf und Mitarbeiter Louis Pasteurs, wird von einer unbändigen Neugier um die Welt getrieben. Als Schiffsarzt befährt er die Meere Asiens und stürzt sich in immer neue wissenschaftliche Abenteuer. In China gelingt ihm unter dramatischen Umständen eine sensationelle Entdeckung: Er identifiziert den Pestbazillus und entwickelt als Erster einen Impfstoff gegen die Geißel der Menschheit. Der französische Schriftsteller und Bestsellerautor Patrick Deville erzählt in einem leidenschaftlichen Abenteuerroman von diesem außergewöhnlichen Mann und seiner Epoche.

Nucleic Acids from A to Z
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 354

Nucleic Acids from A to Z

Concise but complete, this mini-encyclopedia contains over 1,500 entries covering all important concepts, compounds, techniques and acronyms for quick and easy reference. Guiding readers through the ever-increasing jungle of nucleic acid science and technology, the book distills the key information out of the large body of primary literature and presents it in a single volume. A first-stop resource for everyone, from students to established researchers, as both a desktop and library reference.

Gender and Protest
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 264

Gender and Protest

For centuries women and other "gendered minorities" had to protest to gain equality. Their demands were often matched by counter-protest from conservative forces within historical societies that intended to return to "old orders" or "good old times." The present volume will take a closer look at the interrelationship between gender and protest and analyze in detail how gender-related perspectives stimulated protests and initiated historical changes. Through historical case studies that range from antiquity until modern times, specialists from different countries and disciplines discuss reasons for protest, gender as a factor that stimulated social conflicts, and the power of gendered protests of the past with regards to their impact and long-term impact until today.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 162


Vater, Sohn und eine gefährliche Leidenschaft An einem stürmischen Novemberabend sitzt Familie Le Cloanec in ihrer Villa am Rand von Paris zusammen. Aber gemütlich wird es nicht, denn die Mutter ist unberechenbare Alkoholikerin, der biedere Vater versteckt sich hinter seiner Arbeit und eine angespannte Stille beherrscht die Tage in der Villa. Tochter Laure und Sohn Olivier nutzen jede sich bietende Gelegenheit, der häuslichen Enge zu entfliehen. Mitten in dieser Familie wirkt das neue spanische Dienstmädchen wie eine Urgewalt. Hals über Kopf verliebt sich Olivier in Manuela, doch schon bald ist ihr auch der Vater verfallen. Misstrauisch behalten die zwei Frauen das Geschehen genau im Blick. Dann ist Manuela eines Tages plötzlich verschwunden und Laure hegt einen schrecklichen Verdacht. Ein spannender Roman und das Psychogramm einer französischen Familie.

The Clinical and Ethical Practice of Neuromodulation – Deep Brain Stimulation and Beyond
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 84

The Clinical and Ethical Practice of Neuromodulation – Deep Brain Stimulation and Beyond

Neuromodulation is among the fastest-growing areas of medicine, involving many diverse specialties and affecting hundreds of thousands of patients with numerous disorders worldwide. It can briefly be described as the science of how electrical, chemical, and mechanical interventions can modulate the nervous system function. A prominent example of neuromodulation is deep brain stimulation (DBS), an intervention that reflects a fundamental shift in the understanding of neurological and psychiatric diseases: namely as resulting from a dysfunctional activity pattern in a defined neuronal network that can be normalized by targeted stimulation. The application of DBS has grown remarkably and more than 130,000 patients worldwide have obtained a DBS intervention in the past 30 years—most of them for treating movement disorders. This Frontiers Research Topics provides an overview on the current discussion beyond basic research in DBS and other brain stimulation technologies. Researchers from various disciplines, who are working on broader clinical, ethical and social issues related to DBS and related neuromodulation technologies, have contributed to this research topic.

The Many Faces of War in the Ancient World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

The Many Faces of War in the Ancient World

This volume on different aspects of warfare and its political implications in the ancient world brings together the works of both established and younger scholars working on a historical period that stretches from the archaic period of Greece to the late Roman Empire. With its focus on cultural and social history, it presents an overview of several current issues concerning the “new” military history. The book contains papers that can be conveniently divided into three parts. Part I is composed of three papers primarily concerned with archaic and classical Greece, though the third covers a wide range and relates the experience of the ancient Greeks to that of soldiers in the modern world...