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Create classroom excellence with this hands-on field guide to the TLAC techniques In Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 3.0, accomplished educators Doug Lemov, Sadie McCleary, Hannah Solomon and Erica Woolway deliver a practical and hands-on workbook to show educators how to practice the 63 teaching techniques presented in Teach Like a Champion 3.0, drive instruction, and develop teaching excellence The book offers video, tools, and engaging activities to guide the reader through each of the techniques, showing you how to apply them in the real world, both online and in-person. Readers will also learn to hone their craft with: Field-tested activities incorporating the lessons from Teach Like a Champion 3.0 Over 25 keystone videos, complete with analysis, from example classrooms and educators Strategies for creating the most vibrant classroom culture Insights on using video as a tool for professional development- especially for master teachers An advanced resource for teachers, professors, course creators, and anyone else who teaches material online or in-person, Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 3.0 create classrooms of rigor and excellence.
Empower your students to succeed and create a culture of engaged learning in your classroom Teach Like a Champion 3.0 is the long-awaited update to Doug Lemov’s highly regarded guide to the craft of teaching. This book teaches you how to create a positive and productive classroom that encourages student engagement, trust, respect, accountability, and excellence. In this edition, you’ll find new and updated teaching techniques, the latest evidence from cognitive science and culturally responsive teaching practices, and an expanded companion video collection. Learn how to build students’ background knowledge, move learning into long-term memory, and connect your teaching with the curricu...
When our students enter middle and high school, the saying goes that they stop learning to read and start reading to learn. Then why is literacy still a struggle for so many of our students? The reality is that elementary school isn’t designed to prepare students for Othello and Song of Solomon: so what do we do? Love and Literacy steps into the classrooms of extraordinary teachers who have guided students to the highest levels of literacy. There is magic in their teaching, but that magic is replicable. It starts with a simple premise: kids fall in love with texts when they understand them, and that understanding comes from the right knowledge and/or the right strategy at the right time. L...
In vielen Klassenzimmern mangelt es am Engagement. Die Forschung zeigt, dass engagierte Schüler weitaus häufiger gute Schulnoten bekommen und weitaus häufiger hoffnungsvoll in die Zukunft blicken. Die besten Pädagogen bemühen sich daher, gut geführte Klassenzimmer zu schaffen, die das Engagement, das Vertrauen, den Respekt, die Verantwortlichkeit und die Konzentration der Schüler fördern. "Unterrichte wie ein Champion" vermittelt wirksame Lehrtechniken, die Lehrenden, vor allem denjenigen in den ersten Jahren, dabei helfen, wahre Champions im Klassenzimmer zu werden. Diese wirkungsvollen Techniken sind konkret, spezifisch und lassen sich leicht und direkt am nächsten Tag in die Tat umsetzen. Trainingsaktivitäten am Ende jedes Kapitels helfen dem Pädagogen, sein Verständnis durch Reflexion und Anwendung der Ideen auf seine eigene Praxis zu vertiefen. In einem "fruchtbaren Zyklus" wurden die Techniken in diesem Buch in fast zehn Jahren weltweit und regelmäßig verbessert. Begleitet wird das Buch durch einen Zugang zu über 100 Videos aus der Praxis, die die praktische Anwendung der Techniken zeigen.
Ensinar é um dos trabalhos mais importantes e, geralmente, um dos mais difíceis. Excelentes professores estão sempre se empenhando em aprender e melhorar suas aulas, e não importa o quão bons eles sejam, sempre há algo a ser aprimorado. Aula nota 10 3.0 é a edição revisada, ampliada e atualizada do estudo de Doug Lemov sobre a experiência de professores com alto desempenho nas escolas. Nela, o autor resgata seu repertório de técnicas que já inspira práticas didáticas de todo o mundo e propõe um novo olhar para as estratégias de ensino, mostrando não apenas o que fazer em sala de aula, mas também por que fazer. Esta edição inclui mais de dez novas técnicas para a gestão da sala de aula; demonstrações de atividades completas em vídeo; formas práticas de ensinar considerando a equidade e a justiça social; discussões aprofundadas sobre as técnicas e sua relação com a ciência cognitiva na aprendizagem.