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What Is Arcology Arcology is a complete urban vision that combines architecture and ecology. In nature, organisms evolve in complexity and become a more compact system as they evolve. A city should evolve in the same way, as if it were a living system. Urban civilization's many challenges — population expansion, pollution, energy and natural resource depletion, food shortages, and quality of life – can be addressed positively by combining architecture and ecology as one integrated process. In order to support the diverse activities that preserve human culture and environmental balance, Arcology acknowledges the need for a fundamental redesign of the spreading urban landscape into dense, ...
This book is the answer to the perennial question, "What's out there in the world of genealogy?" What organizations, institutions, special resources, and websites can help me? Where do I write or phone or send e-mail? Once again, Elizabeth Bentley's Address Book answers these questions and more. Now in its 6th edition, The Genealogist's Address Book gives you access to all the key sources of genealogical information, providing names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, websites, names of contact persons, and other pertinent information for more than 27,000 organizations, including libraries, archives, societies, government agencies, vital records offices, professional bodies, publications, research centers, and special interest groups.
Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts is the first comprehensive guide for farmers interested in how to get started growing hybrid hazelnuts, a crop designed from the very outset to address a host of problems with conventional modern agriculture. Once hybrid hazelnuts are established, no plowing, or even cultivation, is necessary. Dramatically improved infiltration rates prevent water from running off of fields, regardless of soil type.
This book argues that, paradoxically, at their moment of triumph and fastest growth, cities need nature more than ever. Only if our urban world is full of biophilic cities will the coming urban century truly succeed. Cities are quintessentially human, the perfect forum for interaction, and we are entering what could justly be called the urban century, the fastest period of urban growth in human history. Yet a growing body of scientific literature shows that the constant interaction, the hyper-connectedness, of cities leads to an urban psychological penalty. Nature in cities can be solution to this dilemma, allowing us to have all the benefits of our urban, connected world yet also have that urban home be a place where humanity can thrive. This book presents best practices and case studies from biophilic design, showing how cities around the world are beginning to incorporate nature into their urban fabric. It will be a valuable resource for scholars and professionals working in the area of sustainable cities.
A collection of short essays with an empathy for wildlife in the Big Woods of Minnesota.
Vacant lots, so often seen as neighborhood blight, have the potential to be a key element of community revitalization. As manufacturing cities reinvent themselves after decades of lost jobs and population, abundant vacant land resources and interest in green infrastructure are expanding opportunities for community and environmental resilience. Vacant to Vibrant explains how inexpensive green infrastructure projects can reduce stormwater runoff and pollution, and provide neighborhood amenities, especially in areas with little or no access to existing green space. Sandra Albro offers practical insights through her experience leading the five-year Vacant to Vibrant project, which piloted the cr...
什麼是生態學 Arcology 是一個完整的城市願景,它結合了建築學和生態學。在自然界中,生物體在復雜性中進化,並隨著進化成為一個更緊湊的系統。一個城市應該以同樣的方式發展,就好像它是一個生命系統。城市文明的諸多挑戰人口擴張、污染、能源和自然資源枯竭、糧食短缺和生活質量——可以通過將建築和生態結合為一個集成過程來積極解決。為了支持保護人類文化和環境平衡的各種活動,Arcology 承認需要從根本上重新設計將城市景觀擴展為密集、綜合的立體城市。 您將如何受益 (I) 關於以下主題的見解和驗證: 第 1 章:生態...
Arkoloji Nedir? Arkoloji, mimari ve ekolojiyi birleştiren eksiksiz bir kentsel vizyondur. Doğada, organizmalar karmaşıklık içinde gelişir ve geliştikçe daha kompakt bir sistem haline gelirler. Bir şehir, sanki yaşayan bir sistemmiş gibi gelişmeli. Kent uygarlığının birçok zorluğu — nüfus artışı, kirlilik, enerji ve doğal kaynakların tükenmesi, gıda kıtlığı ve yaşam kalitesi – mimari ve ekolojiyi entegre bir süreç olarak birleştirerek olumlu bir şekilde ele alınabilir. Arcology, insan kültürünü ve çevresel dengeyi koruyan çeşitli faaliyetleri desteklemek için yoğun, entegre, üç boyutlu şehirlere yayılan kentsel peyzajın temelden yeniden t...
Today, 20 percent of the global food supply relies on urban agriculture: social-ecological systems shaped by both human and non-human interactions. This book shows how urban agroecologists measure flora and fauna that underpin the ecological dynamics of these systems, and how people manage and benefit from these systems. It explains how the sociopolitical landscape in which these systems are embedded can in turn shape the social, ecological, political, and economic dynamics within them. Synthesizing interdisciplinary approaches in urban agroecology in the natural and social sciences, the book explores methodologies and new directions in research that can be adopted by scholars and practition...