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Pengantar Kimia Dasar
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 219

Pengantar Kimia Dasar

Pengantar Kimia Dasar merupakan fondasi dalam memahami materi dan fenomena kimia. Buku Berjudul "Pengantar Kimia Dasar" ini membahas tentang Pengenalan Kimia Dasar, Struktur Atom, Sistem Periodik, Ikatan Kimia, Reaksi Kimia, Larutan, Termokimia, Kesetimbangan Kimia, Asam dan Basa, Elektrokimia, Kimia Organik Dasar, Kimia Anorganik Dasar, Kimia Fisik, Kimia Lingkungan, serta Kimia dalam Industri. Dengan memahami kimia dasar pembaca akan terbantu dalam melakukan pengembangan keterampilan analitis, penalaran, dan pemecahan masalah, yang berguna dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya yang berkaitan dengan berbagai konteks yang berkaitan dengan Kimia Dasar. Ini juga menjadi dasar untuk memahami konsep-konsep kimia yang lebih lanjut dalam studi lanjutan atau karier di bidang ilmiah dan teknis. Maka buku ini sangat layak dikonsumsi dan berguna bagi mahasiswa, dosen maupun masyrakat umum yang ingin mempelajari berbagai konsep tentang Kimia dasar.

Majalah Trubus Edisi Oktober 2022
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 116

Majalah Trubus Edisi Oktober 2022

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-11-01
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  • Publisher: Trubus

Deni Tardiana menyulap lahan pekarangan seluas 3.500m2 menjadi kebun cabai keriting pada 2019. Pria asal Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat, itu menanam cabai keriting dengan jarak tanam 60cm x 60cm. Populasi kebun mencapai sekitar 9.500 tanaman. Pada bulan ke-4 mulai panen perdana. Deni menjual hasil panen kepada pengepul dengan hagra paling murah Rp20,000 perkg. 'Saya juga pernah menjual dengan harga Rp50,000 per kg" kata Deni. 'Pasar Cabai : Menjaga harga, mencegah inflasi' Perkebunan cabai di Sukabumi, Jawa barat, Asep Zunaidi menuturkan, pasokan cabai rawit baru memenuhi 30% dari total permintaan. Asep bahkan harus menolak tawaran kerja sama dari perusahaan makanan besar di tanah air lantaran kekurangan pasokan.

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 698

Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research

Here in one easy-to-understand volume are the statistical procedures and techniques the agricultural researcher needs to know in order to design, implement, analyze, and interpret the results of most experiments with crops. Designed specifically for the non-statistician, this valuable guide focuses on the practical problems of the field researcher. Throughout, it emphasizes the use of statistics as a tool of research—one that will help pinpoint research problems and select remedial measures. Whenever possible, mathematical formulations and statistical jargon are avoided. Originally published by the International Rice Research Institute, this widely respected guide has been totally updated ...

Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1356

Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003-04-18
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

In this third edition, more than 40 renowned authorities introduce and update chapters on the theory, fundamentals, techniques, and instrumentation of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), highlighting the latest procedures and applications of TLC to 19 important compound classes and coverage of TLC applications by compound type. Easily adaptable to industrial scenarios , the Handbook of Thin-Layer Chromatography, Third Edition supports practical research strategies with extensive tables of data, offers numerous figures that illustrate techniques and chromatograms, and includes a glossary as well as a directory of equipment suppliers.

Physicochemical Principles of Pharmacy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 665

Physicochemical Principles of Pharmacy

This 6th edition of the established textbook covers every aspect of drug properties from the design of dosage forms to their delivery by all routes to sites of action in the body.

Extraction Methods for Environmental Analysis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 248

Extraction Methods for Environmental Analysis

Extraction Methods for Environmental Analysis is the first book to bring together all the extraction techniques used for analysis of liquid and solid environmental samples, including solid phase extraction and micro-extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, microwave-assisted extraction and accelerated solvent extraction. The book is divided into two sections - solid sample preparation and liquid sample preparation - to facilitate access, and each section starts with a summary of methods available. The techniques are compared and contrasted by means of 70 bar charts, all in two colours, and 32 tables. Relative merits of the techniques are discussed to enable the user to select the most appropriate technique for their sample and method of analysis. Extraction Methods for Environmental Analysis is essential reading for anyone involved in environmental analysis.

Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 399

Quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography

Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is widely used particularly for pharmaceutical and food analysis. While there are a number of books on the qualitative identification of chemical substances by TLC, the unique focus here is on quantitative analysis. The authors describe all steps of the analytical procedure, beginning with the basics and equipment for quantitative TLC followed by sample pretreatment and sample application, development and staining, scanning, and finally statistical and chemometric data evaluation and validation. An important feature is the coverage of effect-directed biological detection methods. Chapters are organized in a modular fashion facilitating the easy location of information about individual procedural steps.

High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 401

High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC)

The present edited book is the presentation of 18 in-depth national and international contributions from eminent professors, scientists and instrumental chemists from educational institutes, research organizations and industries providing their views on their experience, handling, observation and research outputs on HPTLC, a multi-dimensional instrumentation. The book describes the recent advancements made on TLC which have revolutionized and transformed it into a modern instrumental technique HPTLC. The book addresses different chapters on HPTLC fundamentals: principle, theory, understanding; instrumentation: implementation, optimization, validation, automation and qualitative and quantitative analysis; applications: phytochemical analysis, biomedical analysis, herbal drug quantification, analytical analysis, finger print analysis and potential for hyphenation: HPTLC future to combinatorial approach, HPTLC-MS, HPTLC-FTIR and HPTLC-Scanning Diode Laser. The chapters in the book have been designed in such away that the reader follows each step of the HPTLC in logical order.

Solid-Phase Extraction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 742

Solid-Phase Extraction

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-09-12
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

Solid Phase Extraction thoroughly presents both new and historic techniques for dealing with solid phase extraction. It provides all information laboratory scientists need for choosing and utilizing suitable sample preparation procedures for any kind of sample. In addition, the book showcases the contemporary uses of sample preparation techniques in the most important industrial and academic project environments, including solid-phase Microextraction, molecularly imprinted polymers, magnetic nanoparticles, and more. Written by recognized experts in their respective fields, this one-stop reference is ideal for those who need to know which technique to choose for solid phase extraction. Used in conjunction with a similar release, Liquid Phase Extraction, this book allows users to master this crucial aspect of sample preparation. - Defines the current state-of-the-art in extraction techniques and the methods and procedures for implementing them in laboratory practice - Includes extensive referencing that facilitates the identification of key information - Aimed at both entry-level scientists and those who want to explore new techniques and methods

Textbook of Clinical Chemistry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1952

Textbook of Clinical Chemistry
