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Die vorliegenden siebzehn Beiträge basieren weitgehend auf den Vorträgen der im Oktober 1996 an der University of Nevada in Reno veranstaltenden Konferenz Children in the Holocaust - Children in Exile - Children under Fascism. Die Tagung beschäftigte sich erstmals mit den einschneidenden, oft nicht wieder auszulöschenden traumatischen Erfahrungen von Kindern im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland, im Exil und im Holocaust. Mit dem Jahr 2000 - also in weniger als zwei Jahren - gehört der Holocaust, den auch Daniel J. Goldhagen als das schockierendsten Ereignis des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts bezeichnet, das innerhalb der deutschen Geschichte am schwierigsten zu verstehen sei, zu den Ereignissen des sogenannten 'Letzten Jahrhunderts'. Ist es darum nicht geboten, die Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Ereignissen, die für viele Menschen selbst heute noch mit schweren Ängsten verbunden sind, unter neuen Gesichtspunkten zur Diskussion zu bringen, damit die Thematik auch über die Schwelle zum nächsten Jahrhundert hinweg in unseren Sichtweite nichts an ihrer Ungeheuerlichkeit einbüße?
Gender and Cosmopolitanism in Europe combines a feminist critique of contemporary and prominent approaches to cosmopolitanism with an in-depth analysis of historical cosmopolitanism and the manner in which gendered symbolic boundaries of national political communities in two European countries are drawn. Exploring the work of prominent scholars of new cosmopolitanism in Britain and Germany, including Held, Habermas, Beck and Bhabha, it delivers a timely intervention into current debates on globalisation, Europeanisation and social processes of transformation in and beyond specific national societies. A rigorous examination of the emancipatory potential of current debates surrounding cosmopolitanism in Europe, this book will be of interest to sociologist and political scientists working on questions of identity, inclusion, citizenship, globalisation, cosmopolitanism and gender.
Originating in the collaboration of the international Research Network “Gender in Antisemitism, Orientalism and Occidentalism” (RENGOO), this collection of essays proposes to intervene in current debates about historical constructions of Jewish identity in relation to colonialism and Orientalism. The network’s collaborative research addresses imaginative and aesthetic rather than sociological questions with particular focus on the function of gender and sexuality in literary, scholarly and artistic transformations of Orientalist images. RENGOO’s first publication explores the ways in which stereotypes of the external and internal Other intertwine. With its interrogation of the roles assumed in this interplay by gender, processes of sexualization, and aesthetic formations, the volume suggests new directions to the interdisciplinary study of gender, antisemitism, and Orientalism.
Zionism and Revolution in European-Jewish Literature examines twentieth-century Jewish writing that challenges imperialist ventures and calls for solidarity with the colonized, most notably the Arabs of Palestine and Africans in the Americas. Since Edward Said defined orientalism in 1978 as a Western image of the Islamic world that has justified domination, critics have considered the Jewish people to be complicit with orientalism because of the Zionist movement. However, the Jews of Europe have themselves been caught between East and West —both marginalized as the "Orientals" of Europe and connected to the Middle East through their own political and cultural ties. As a result, European-Je...
The first conceptual history of the development and evolution of the image of Jews and Jewish participation in modern German-speaking cosmopolitanist thought
As the Nazis staged their takeover in 1933, instances of antisemitic violence began to soar. Hermann Beck examines the types of antisemitic violence experienced in the prelude to the Holocaust, as well as the reactions of the German institutions and elites who still had some capacity to protest these Nazi attacks, but often chose to remain silent.
Originally, the area of responsibility for landscape architecture was based on the premise that the planning and creating of open spaces such as parks and gardens was the business of garden artists. Today, the training of landscape architects and future challenges of the profession include the protection of natural resources and the environment, urban planning or tourism - to name but a few. The international symposium “From Garden Art to Landscape Architecture - Traditions, Re-Evaluations, and Future Perspectives” addressed questions which, based on the idea of garden art, should help to reconstruct its historical development but also discussed the notion and the relevance of “art” in everyday work. The contributions critically reflect on the professional self-image of landscape architects at the beginning of the 21st century. The symposium in September 2018 was co-organized by the City and State Capital of Hannover’s Herrenhausen Gardens Division, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitekturt (DGGL), the Volkswagen Foundation and the Centre of Garden Art and Landscape Architectur.
After Taste is an inquiry into a field of study dedicated to the reconsideration, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the concept of Taste. Taste is the category, whose systematic, historical and actual dimensions have traditionally been located in a variety of disciplines. The actuality and potential of the study is based on a variety of collected facts from readings and experiences, which materialize in the following features: One concept (figurative Taste), two thinking traditions (analytic and synthetic/continental) and three interrelated dimensions (systematic, historic and actual) are presented in three volumes. As such, the study presents a salient comprehensive companion for wider r...
Volume 18 in the CGL-Studies series, entitled "Environmental Policy and Landscape Architecture", is the result of an international symposium held in Jerusalem in March 2011 which was organised by the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute in collaboration with the Centre of Garden Art and Landscape Architecture. The symposium focused on how the many different facets of landscape architecture could help towards solving environmental problems. Sustainable Development and Landscaping, Environmental Policy and the Contribution of Landscape Architecture at a Local Level, Designing Public Open Spaces and Social Sustainability, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture in Israel/Palestine, and Water and So...
This comparative study examines the prose writings of the best-known cosmopolitan authors of the Third French Republic: the modernists Jean Giraudoux, Valery Larbaud and Paul Morand, and the best-selling popular writer Maurice Dekobra. It investigates what constituted the 'cosmopolitanism' that they publicly proclaimed between the World Wars, a classification which has been widely accepted by commentators ever since. In particular, it considers whether conventional definitions of cosmopolitanism - as an unproblematic attitude of xenophilia coupled with wanderlust, or as an ecumenical humanism - can co-exist with the blind spots and prejudices of its practitioners. This book offers a comprehensive reinterpretation of the writers' identity politics based on their approach to Otherness (gender, race, nationality, political affiliation) as well as to formal innovation. It argues that cosmopolitanism is the organizing principle for their literary and existential attempts at cultivating authentic Selfhood. Through its socio-political embeddedness, this cosmopolitanism reveals the ideological and cultural preoccupations of the day.