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The Routledge Handbook of Fiction and Belief offers a fresh reevaluation of the relationship between fiction and belief, surveying key debates and perspectives from a range of disciplines including narrative and cultural studies, science, religion, and politics. This volume draws on global, cutting edge research and theory to investigate the historically variable understandings of fictionality, and allows readers to grasp the role of fictions in our understanding of the world. This interdisciplinary approach provides a thorough introduction to the fundamental themes of: Theoretical and Philosophical Perspectives on Fiction Fiction, Fact, and Science Social Effects and Uses of Fiction Fiction...
This volume explores concepts of fiction in late antique hagiographical narrative in different cultural and literary traditions. It includes Greek, Latin, Syriac, Armenian, Persian and Arabic material. Whereas scholarship in these texts has traditionally focussed on historical questions, this book approaches imaginative narrative as an inherent element of the genre of hagiography that deserves to be studied in its own right. The chapters explore narrative complexities related to fiction, such as invention, authentication, intertextuality, imagination and fictionality. Together, they represent an innovative exploration of how these concepts relate to hagiographical discourses of truth and the religious notion of belief, while paying due attention to the various factors and contexts that impact readers’ responses.
From Law and Literature to Legality and Affect argues for the continued vitality of Law and Literature. Traditional methods of Law and Literature are combined with work in critical media studies, affect, and cultural narratology to address topics such as ethnonationalism, anti-immigration sentiment, and systemic racism in Germany and the United States. Taking stock of the diversification of the field at fifty years, this book understands Law and Literature as a political project. It has a precedent in inaugural Law and Literature texts such as Jacob Grimm's Von der Poesie im Recht (On the Poetry in Law) from 1815/16, which imagined an alternative legal order that was grounded in the unity of...
Narrative Medicine: A Rhetorical Rx rests on the principles that storytelling is central to medical encounters between caregivers and patients and that narrative competence enhances medical competence. Thus, the book's goal is to develop the narrative competence of its reader. Grounded in the rhetorical theory of narrative that Phelan has been constructing over the course of his career, this volume utilizes a three-step method: Offering a jargon-free explication of core concepts of narrative such as character, progression, perspective, time, and space. Demonstrating how to use those concepts to interpret a diverse group of medical narratives, including two graphic memoirs. Pointing to the relevance of those demonstrations for caregiver-patient interactions. Narrative Medicine: A Rhetorical Rx is the ideal volume for undergraduate students interested in pursuing careers in healthcare, students in medical and allied health professional schools, and graduate students in the health humanities and social sciences.
The Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory brings together top scholars in the field to explore the significance of narrative to pressing social, cultural, and theoretical issues. How does narrative both inform and limit the way we think today? From conspiracy theories and social media movements to racial politics and climate change future scenarios, the reach is broad. This volume is distinctive for addressing the complicated relations between the interdisciplinary narrative turn in the academy and the contemporary boom of instrumental storytelling in the public sphere. The scholars collected here explore new theories of causality, experientiality, and fictionality; challenge normative modes of storytelling; and offer polemical accounts of narrative fiction, nonfiction, and video games. Drawing upon the latest research in areas from cognitive sciences to complexity theory, the volume provides an accessible entry point for those new to the myriad applications of narrative theory and a point of departure for new scholarship.
Introduces readers to the modes of literary and cultural study of the previous half century A Companion to Literary Theory is a collection of 36 original essays, all by noted scholars in their field, designed to introduce the modes and ideas of contemporary literary and cultural theory. Arranged by topic rather than chronology, in order to highlight the relationships between earlier and most recent theoretical developments, the book groups its chapters into seven convenient sections: I. Literary Form: Narrative and Poetry; II. The Task of Reading; III. Literary Locations and Cultural Studies; IV. The Politics of Literature; V. Identities; VI. Bodies and Their Minds; and VII. Scientific Infle...
"Fictionality and Multimodal Narratives interrogates the multimodal relationship between fictionality and factuality. The contemporary discussion about fictionality coincides with an increase in anxiety regarding the categories of fact and fiction in popular culture and global media. Today's media-saturated historical moment and political climate give a sense of urgency to the concept of fictionality, distinct from fiction, specifically in relation to modes and media of discourse. Torsa Ghosal and Alison Gibbons explicitly interrogate the relationship of fictionality with multimodal strategies of narrative construction in the present media ecology. Contributors consider the ways narrative structures, their reception, and their theoretical frameworks in narratology are influenced and changed by media composition-particularly new media. By accounting for the relationship of multimodal composition with the ontological complexity of narrative worlds, Fictionality and Multimodal Narratives fills a critical gap in contemporary narratology-the discipline that has, to date, contributed most to the conceptualization of fictionality"--
Scholars from many disciplines discuss the crucial roles played by narrative and metaphor in the theory and practice of law.
Mellem 1750 og 1850 genopdagede danske forfattere den nordiske middelalder, dens historie, kultur og litteratur, og de genfortolkede den i en ny tids ånd. Med inspiration fra Saxos Danmarkskrønike, den norrøne digtning og folkeviserne skabte digtere som Ewald, Oehlenschläger og Ingemann værker, der kom til at definere romantikken i Danmark. Drømmen om middelalderen blev en fællesnævner for dansk litteratur frem til midten af det 19. århundrede. For nogle var den forestillede middelalder en anledning til at fantasere om eventyr, heltedåd og romantisk kærlighed, mens andre gendigtede den som en storhedstid, der kunne dyrkes som en kilde til national stolthed og til oprejsning af folkeånden. Bogen er den første samlede fremstilling af middelalderisme – dvs. genfortolkning af middelalderen – i dansk romantisk litteratur. Den viser, hvordan et kosmopolitisk København blev centrum for en ny middelalderfascination, der bredte sig til resten af Europa, og som i vores egen tid giver genlyd i romaner, film og tv-serier om perioden.
Min onkel, der arbejder på en midtjysk fabrik, spurgte engang, hvornår jeg møder på arbejde. Det var hans måde at få et greb om, hvad jeg arbejder med, hvad en forsker og endda en humanistisk forsker egentlig laver. Det hjalp ikke, at jeg lidt kækt svarede: ‘En time efter jeg er stået op.’ Mit svar gjorde nok ikke andet end at forstærke hans forestilling om, at universitetet i almindelighed og humaniora i særdeleshed er et fremmed land. Denne lille bogs tema er dette fremmede land. Jeg prøver at give et bedre og i hvert fald længere svar til min onkel ved at kortlægge humanioras fortid, nutid og mulige fremtider. De sidste par års debat om humaniora har vist behovet for, at humanister ikke bare præsenterer deres resultater og indsigter, men også fortæller mere om deres metoder og arbejdsgange. Mikkel Thorup er professor i idéhistorie ved Aarhus Universitet. Han forsker i politisk og økonomisk idéhistorie med fokus på nyere tid og har skrevet bøger om fjendskab, krig, demokrati, pirater, staten, kapitalisme, identitetspolitik, terrorisme, gæld, konspirationsteorier og meget andet.