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Swot analysis in 4 steps
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 46

Swot analysis in 4 steps

What is Swot Analysis and how does it work? By whom can it be used and with what results? How can this tool make a difference to a person's career development or the growth of an entire organization? In this guide you will find a simple, clear and comprehensive explanation of how to build a Swot matrix that works. The book takes the reader by the hand and accompanies him/her through four gradual steps, which highlight the key points of the subject: - what a Swot Analysis is and how it works; - what the best preparation and construction strategies are; - how to create an effective matrix; - what are the best practices and common mistakes to avoid in order to achieve successful Swot Analysis. Learning to take advantage of this market analysis strategy can become an accessible activity for anyone, but only if you know how to do it. Stop wasting time behind thousands of pages of theoretical manuals and discover what really matters through simple, stimulating and immediate reading.

A simple approach to technical analysis of financial markets
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 114

A simple approach to technical analysis of financial markets

What is Technical Analysis of Financial Markets and How Does it Work in its Application to Online Trading? For the first time in Italy, a concrete and accessible guide shows you the working mechanism of technical analysis applied to operational trading. Inside this practical handbook you will discover all the information you need to start studying the markets following TA principles. From basic price analysis to charting, from candlestick patterns to the main technical figures and the use of the most popular oscillators. Forget the ineffective theoretical manuals of thousands of pages sold at crazy prices on the web and finally enjoy a read that will give you the basic know-how you've been looking for for a long time at an unbeatable price... because learning the basics of technical analysis quickly has never been easier!

Abraham Maslow, from the hierarchy of needs to self-fulfilment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 92

Abraham Maslow, from the hierarchy of needs to self-fulfilment

Who was Abraham Maslow and why are his theories still so interesting? How can his view of the hierarchy of needs transform our approach to life and personal growth? What does it really mean to embark on the journey towards self-fulfilment? This guide explores from a theoretical and practical perspective the life and work of one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, Abraham Maslow. Known primarily for his revolutionary hierarchy of needs, Maslow broke new ground in the understanding of human behaviour, shifting the focus from simple survival and basic needs to the concept of self-fulfilment and transcendence. The book is not only an analysis of Maslow's theories, but also...

Business coach-håndboken 2.0
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 63

Business coach-håndboken 2.0

Denne teksten er utformet som et reelt opplæringskurs, der mange emner vil bli utforsket og løst, for eksempel: - de beste verktøyene for å markedsføre en coachingaktivitet, både offline og online; - markedsføringsteknikker dedikert til trenere; - konsekvensene av den digitale revolusjonen for de som er involvert i coaching; - digitale virkemidler for å skaffe kunder og beholde dem; - overgangen fra tradisjonell til digital kommunikasjon; ... og mye mer. Den profesjonelle coachen som ønsker å starte eller fremme sin egen virksomhet, kan ikke gi rom for improvisasjon og trenger spesialiserte ferdigheter. Coachingmarkedet er faktisk innenfor et helt nytt paradigme, der forenklet tilgang til yrket på den ene siden har ført til økt konkurranse, mens klienten på den andre siden blir stadig mer krevende. Denne veiledningen forklarer trenere hvordan de kan finne kunder og sette opp en markedsføringsplan. Slutt å kaste bort tid og begynn å finne nye kunder nå med coach 2.0-metodikken.

Coach Marketing 2.0
  • Language: sl
  • Pages: 62

Coach Marketing 2.0

To besedilo je bilo zasnovano kot pravi tečaj usposabljanja, med katerim se bodo raziskovale in reševale številne teme, kot so - najboljša orodja za promocijo dejavnosti coachinga, tako zunaj kot na spletu; - tehnike trženja, namenjene trenerjem; - posledice digitalne revolucije za vse, ki se ukvarjajo s trenerstvom; - digitalni vzvodi, s katerimi je treba delovati, da bi pridobili stranke in jih obdržali; - prehod s tradicionalne na digitalno komunikacijo; ...in še veliko več. Profesionalni trenerji, ki želijo ustanoviti ali promovirati svoj posel, ne smejo pustiti prostora za improvizacijo in potrebujejo specializirana znanja. Trg coachinga se nahaja v popolnoma novi paradigmi, kjer se je po eni strani zaradi poenostavljenega dostopa do poklica povečala konkurenca, po drugi strani pa so stranke vse bolj zahtevne. V tem priročniku je coachom pojasnjeno, kako poiskati stranke in vzpostaviti lasten načrt trženja. Prenehajte izgubljati čas in že zdaj začnite iskati nove stranke z metodologijo coach 2.0.

Landing pages: what they are and how they work
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 53

Landing pages: what they are and how they work

What are landing pages and how do they work? Why they are so important in today's web marketing ecosystem. In this guide we will provide all the basic information about creating and optimising landing pages. In particular, we will study the principle of operation at the base of this web marketing tool. But it will also deepen the writing of texts and the best strategies to increase the operational effectiveness of these tools. In summary, this is the first manual aimed at users who have no knowledge of the subject and who wish to understand in a simple and effective way how sales pages work on the web.

Coach marketing 2.0
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 61

Coach marketing 2.0

This text has been conceived as a real training course, during which numerous topics will be explored and resolved, such as - the best tools for the promotion of a coaching activity, both offline and online; - marketing techniques dedicated to coaches; - the consequences of the digital revolution for those involved in coaching; - digital levers on which to act in order to acquire clients and retain them; - the transition from traditional to digital communication; ...and much more. Professional coaches who want to start up or promote their own business cannot leave room for improvisation and need specialist skills. The coaching market is in a completely new paradigm, where on the one hand simplified access to the profession has led to increased competition and on the other hand the client is increasingly demanding. This guide explains to coaches how to find clients and set up their own marketing plan. Stop wasting time and start finding new clients now with the coach 2.0 methodology.

A simple approach to SEO
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 64

A simple approach to SEO

This book is designed to provide simple, practical and effective answers to the main questions concerning the creation of a well-drafted SEO plan and its working mechanisms. The aim is to offer a simple and practical path, aimed at mastering the subject at work even for those who are not directly involved in the web. Among the topics covered within it, you can find out - how the SEO activity is born and what its mechanisms are; - how search engines work; - how to properly organise your website with a view to SEO; - what are the key points to leverage to get a good indexing; - what points and structures of the website you need to work on to achieve your goals; - how to exploit the influence o...

Problem solving w 4 krokach
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 82

Problem solving w 4 krokach

Czym jest rozwiązywanie problemów i jak działa? Kto może z niego korzystać i z jakimi rezultatami? Jak strategie rozwiązywania problemów mogą zmienić życie ludzi? Niniejszy poradnik został napisany w prosty, jasny i wyczerpujący sposób, aby wyjść poza prostą definicję rozwiązywania problemów i wyjaśnić, jakie strategie są stosowane przez najlepszych rozwiązywaczy problemów oraz wiodące organizacje instytucjonalne i korporacyjne do rozwiązywania problemów. W szczególności podręcznik bierze czytelnika za rękę i wprowadza go w kluczowe punkty tematu: - czym jest rozwiązywanie problemów i jak działa; - jak prawidłowo przedstawić problem i jak prawidłowo okre...

The psychology of anxiety
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 54

The psychology of anxiety

What is anxiety? What differentiates pathological anxiety from functional anxiety? How does it declines into psychological disorder and what are its characteristics? In this guide you will find the basic notions of psychology explained in a simple, clear and exhaustive way to understand the functioning of anxiety and its pathologies. The book takes the reader by the hand and accompanies him through gradual discovery steps, which highlight the key points of the subject. In the course of reading you will learn: - how to distinguish functional and adaptive anxiety from pathological anxiety; - what the main anxiety disorders are; - what are the related genetic, biological and environmental explanations; - what characterises a psychological diagnosis of anxiety; - the main methods of intervention to deal with the anxiety. Psychology for all! Understanding the scientific basis of psychology has never been so simple, thanks to a line of practical manuals and immediate consultation that can provide the reader with exactly the information he or she is looking for.