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Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 258

Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War

This is the first scholarly volume to offer an insight into the less known stories of women, children, and international volunteers in the Spanish Civil War. Special attention is given to volunteers of different historical experiences, especially Jews, and voices from less researched countries in the context of the Spanish war, such as Palestine and Turkey. Of an interdisciplinary nature, this volume brings together historians and literary scholars from different countries. Their research is based on newly found primary sources in both national and private archives, as well as on post-essentialist methodological insights for women’s history, Jewish history, and studies on belonging. By bri...

Lorca After Life
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 454

Lorca After Life

A reflection on Federico García Lorca's life, his haunting death, and the fame that reinvigorated the marvelous in the modern world "A galaxy of critical insights into the cultural shock waves circling and crisscrossing Lorca's execution and his unknown resting place, there is not a single book on Lorca like this one."--Andrés Zamora, Vanderbilt University There is something fundamentally unfinished about the life and work of Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), and not simply because his life ended abruptly. Noël Valis reveals how this quality gives shape to the ways in which he has been continuously re-imagined since his death. Lorca's execution at the start of the Spanish Civil War was not only horrific but transformative, setting in motion many of the poet's afterlives. He is intimately tied to both an individual and a collective identity, as the people's poet, a gay icon, and fabled member of a dead poets' society. The specter of his violent death continues to haunt everything connected to Lorca, fueling the desire to fill in the gaps in the poet's biography.

The Origins of the Law in Homer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 170

The Origins of the Law in Homer

Now in Paperback

Disseminating Jewish Literatures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 407

Disseminating Jewish Literatures

The multilingualism and polyphony of Jewish literary writing across the globe demands a collaborative, comparative, and interdisciplinary investigation into questions regarding methods of researching and teaching literatures. Disseminating Jewish Literatures compiles case studies that represent a broad range of epistemological and textual approaches to the curricula and research programs of literature departments in Europe, Israel, and the United States. In doing so, it promotes the integration of Jewish literatures into national philologies and the implementation of comparative, transnational approaches to the reading, teaching, and researching of literatures. Instead of a dichotomizing app...

La Langue Du Peuple Dans La Littérature
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 264

La Langue Du Peuple Dans La Littérature

Des valets et servantes de l'âge classique aux paysans et ouvriers au XIXe siècle, et jusqu'aux jeunes issus des milieux défavorisés d'aujourd'hui, la littérature d'expression française n'a cessé de faire résonner les voix du peuple. Alors que la linguistique tend à considérer ces représentations de l'oral comme une source précieuse pour l'histoire du français populaire, les spécialistes en littérature se montrent souvent plus réservés, soulignant le caractère conventionnel, voire articifiel, de la mise en scène littéraire des parlers vernaculaires. Le présent ouvrage réunit des contributions de linguistes et de littéraires qui, à travers onze études de cas, explorent la tension entre représentation mimétique et stylisation esthétique, entre évocation de l'oralité spontanée et élaboration de la dialogicité littéraire. L'ouvrage intéressera donc aussi bien les linguistes que les spécialistes de la littérature et de la culture francophone.

At the Vanishing Point in History
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 361

At the Vanishing Point in History

Putin's war has prompted a deep analysis and reevaluation of the forces driving this deadly confrontation. At the Vanishing Point in History brings together renowned humanities scholars and prominent novelists to explore the roots and causes of the ongoing catastrophe in Eastern Europe. This distinguished group of Russian émigrés, well-versed in Russian culture, history, and philosophy, aims to examine the past to understand the present. Experts in the inner workings of Russian society who have fled the country, they believe it is their responsibility to critically assess the current crisis, reflect on its origins, and outline the agenda for future research in the humanities. In response t...

Epistemologische Entwürfe
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 268

Epistemologische Entwürfe

Die Idee, einen Band mit von PD Dr. habil. Kian-Harald Karimi selbst ausgewählten Texten zu veröffentlichen, ist das Ergebnis zahlreicher, langer und intensiver Gespräche seit Beginn des Jahres 2020, über eine Vielfalt von Inhalten, wie etwa über Persönliches oder über seine Stationen in Bonn und Leipzig, über Themen und Theorien, oder über die Institution Universität. Kian-Harald Karimi hatte vor seinem Ableben noch die Kraft gehabt, dieses Buchprojekt zu entwerfen. Das war seine Art, sich mit voller Kraft gegen eine lange Krankheit zu stemmen und buchstäblich ins Leben zurückzukommen, eine Aufgabe, die ihn mit Freude erfüllte, denn er hatte eine unermessliche Liebe zur Literat...

Koloniale Gewalt literarisch vermessen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 330

Koloniale Gewalt literarisch vermessen

With its new subtitle, Romance Literatures of the World, the book series mimesis presents an innovative and integral understanding of the Romance world and Romance Studies from the perspective of literary studies and cultural theory. It takes account of the fact that the fascinating development of Romance literatures and cultures both in Europe and beyond has set in motion worldwide dynamics which continue the great traditions of the Romance world and open up new horizons for them. mimesis works from a transareal understanding of Romance Studies which integrates Romance literatures and cultures both within and outside Europe and which transcends the national and disciplinary boundaries which often conceal the interactions between different traditions and developments in Europe and the Americas, in Africa and Asia. In the archipelago of Romance Studies, mimesis reveals how the representation of reality in the Romance literatures of the world opens the door to a multilingual cosmos of diverse logics.

Zelebrieren, Vergessen, Erneuern
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 444

Zelebrieren, Vergessen, Erneuern

Was ist „afrikanisch“ an den frankophonen Gegenwartsliteraturen Afrikas? Welche Textmerkmale repräsentieren Afrikanität jenseits biographischer oder essentialistischer Zuschreibungen? Und wie wird sie von zeitgenössischen afrikanischen Autorinnen und Autoren reflektiert? Diana Haußmann beantwortet diese Fragen anhand narrativer Werke von Fatou Diome, Léonora Miano und Alain Mabanckou. Dabei erweist sich Afrikanität als Spannungsfeld, das aus der individuellen Auseinandersetzung mit westlichen, kolonialen und exotistischen Fremdzuschreibungen entsteht. Mittels historischer, soziologischer und kultureller Kontextualisierungen, die die Analyse der literarischen Texte flankieren, gelingt es der Autorin, ein Panorama dessen zu entwerfen, was Afrikanität in afrikanischen Literaturen des 21. Jahrhunderts bedeutet und wie vielfältig sie sich darstellt.