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This book is about unequal development and labour in Brazil, with particular reference to the economic and social development of the Northeast region, which has suffered persistent disadvantage. It combines a historical approach, which shows how economic, social and political institutions have been restructured over time, with an analysis of changes in the pattern of production, employment, unemployment and inequality up to the present day. It draws on detailed case studies to examine the connections between local and national production systems and critical labour market outcomes such as informality in employment, precarious work and disparities between genders, races and regions. The case ...
Brazilian Railway Culture examines the cultural relationship Brazil has had with its railways since tracks were first laid by British, American and French engineers in the nineteenth century. ‘Railway’ and ‘Brazil’ are words not often found in the same sentence. Yet each year over seven hundred million passengers are carried by train in the major urban centres, and tens of thousands of visitors enjoy heritage steam rides at over a dozen restored lines and museums. Brazilian Railway Culture starts from the premise that Brazilian society and culture is not just samba, football and sex. The book takes a journey through Brazilian cultural output from 1865 to the present day, examining no...
"The one source that sets reference collections on Latin American studies apart from all other geographic areas of the world.... The Handbook has provided scholars interested in Latin America with a bibliographical source of a quality unavailable to scholars in most other branches of area studies." —Latin American Research Review Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year b...
How finance and politics have caused the global housing crisis The most comprehensive survey of the current crisis, Urban Warfare charts how the financial crisis and wider urban politics have left millions homeless and in financial desperation across the world. The financialization of housing has become a global catastrophe, leaving millions desperate and homeless. Since the 2008 financial collapse, models of home ownership, originating in the US and UK, are being exported around the world. Using examples from across the globe, Rolnik shows how our cities have been sold to construction companies and banks, while supported by government-facilitated schemes, such as “the right to buy” subsidies and micro-financing. Our homes and neighbourhoods have become the “last subprime frontiers of capitalism,” organised by those who benefit the most.
Este livro celebra o encontro de reflexões sobre o papel do Estado e das Instituições diante dos desafios contemporâneos, visando apresentar perspectivas acerca do futuro do Multilateralismo. Nesta direção, de que maneira a atuação do Estado e das Instituições, bem como as diretrizes da Governança Global, poderiam contribuir para a articulação de políticas públicas em meio à crise contemporânea? Como conduzir, nesse cenário, mecanismos factíveis que sejam condizentes com a plataforma da gestão ambiental e da promoção da sustentabilidade? Estes são alguns dos pontos que especialistas sobre o tema procuram explorar na presente obra.
O campo científico dos estudos de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas tem evoluído de modo significativo nos últimos dois séculos em função das transformações estruturais nos contextos, tanto, econômico do sistema capitalista, quanto, político do sistema internacional, os quais repercutiram em crescente complexificação da realidade. Partindo deste campo científico, “Desafios das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas no Desenvolvimento da Ciência 3”, trata-se de uma obra que tem o objetivo de reunir diferentes contribuições de uma área temática que propicia um olhar multidisciplinar sobre a realidade, possibilitando assim construir uma agenda internacional de estudos com base em pesquisas...
Os Organizadores do Evento “Seminário Internacional sobre Estado e Instituições” têm a satisfação de dar as boas-vindas a todos e apresentar a sua segunda edição intitulada: “Desafios Contemporâneos e o Futuro do Multilateralismo: Cenários e Perspectivas no âmbito da Governança Global”. A organização deste Evento, que resulta na presente publicação, remete a 2012, ocasião em que o Grupo de Pesquisa Estado, Instituições e Análise Econômica do Direito (GPEIA/UFF) foi criado. Ao longo dos anos, as parcerias desenvolvidas pelo Grupo resultaram em muitos frutos. Foram desenvolvidos diversos eventos anuais, sendo que a edição trazendo a temática “Perspectivas Lati...
Contains scholarly evaluations of books and book chapters as well as conference papers and articles published worldwide in the field of Latin American studies. Covers social sciences and the humanities in alternate years.