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Ketika akan lulus dari sebuah perguruan tinggi, baik jenjang Diploma maupun Sarjana, seorang mahasiswa diwajibkan menulis karya ilmiah, baik berupa tugas akhir maupun skripsi. Buku Panduan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa Hospitality dan Tourism ini disusun dengan kaidah standar penulisan yang diselaraskan dengan perubahan dalam bidang tata tulis ilmiah. Saat ini karya ilmiah lebih mengutamakan naskah yang cermat, ringkas, dan jelas. Jumlah rujukan yang tidak banyak, tetapi relevan dan bermutu tinggi. Cara pengutipan dan penyusunan daftar pustaka yang semakin hemat. Pada akhirnya, karya tulis ilmiah menjadi semakin ringkas tanpa mengorbankan mutu substansi. Jumlah halaman minimum suatu...
Buku "KEPERAWATAN MATERNITAS" membahas secara lengkap konsep dasar keperawatan maternitas, perspektif, dan falsafah yang mendasari praktik keperawatan maternitas. Buku ini juga mengupas peran perawat maternitas dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada ibu dan bayi baru lahir, serta topik terkait seperti keluarga berencana, kesehatan reproduksi, dan konsep kehamilan. Buku ini membahas tren dan isu terkini dalam keperawatan maternitas, serta standar etik dan aspek legal dalam praktik keperawatan maternitas. Selain itu, buku ini mengupas secara terperinci mengenai konsep asuhan keperawatan prenatal, intranatal, pada bayi baru lahir, dan ibu postpartum, termasuk dalam hal pencegahan stunting.Pem...
International Conference on Gender and Development (ICGD) 2018 was held on the campus of Hasanuddin University in Makassar during 10-11 July 2018. In this activity, 91 abstracts of scientific papers will be presented so that it has many useful discussions and exchanges that contribute to the success of the conference. The 91 abstracts that were presented on the first two days formed the heart of the conference and provided ample opportunity for discussion. This change, allowing the conference to end with invited talks, was a departure from the format used at previous ICGD gatherings in which the conferences ended with a poster session. The abstracts were split almost equally between the ten sub themes. Of the abstracts presented, 91 of which are included in the volume of this process, P3KG Hasanuddin University for the first time publishes an abstract and collaborates with SIGn publishers.
Over the past decade, knowledge assets and intellectual capital have been attracting an increasing amount of attention, not only from academics and CEOs, but also from national policy makers. To date, most studies of intellectual capital have focused at the organizational level, with an emphasis on explaining the role of “intangible assets” as a differentiator between accounting value and market value as a possible source of corporate competitive advantage. More recently, pioneers in the field, including the authors of this book, have begun to apply these methodologies to a broader scope, with the objective of comparing the intellectual capital indices at the national or regional level. ...
In order to meet increasing global demand for meat and animal by-products increasingly intensive animal production is necessary. Creating a sustainable system in animal agriculture that works in different production environments is a major challenge for animal scientists. This book draws together themes on sustainability that have emerged as the most pressing in recent years. Addressing practical topics such as air quality, manure management, animal feeds, production efficiency, environmental sustainability, biotechnology issues, animal welfare concerns, societal impacts and an analysis of the data used to assess the economic sustainability of farms.
A textbook covering the entire field, blending classical topics with the results of new research, summarizing yet presenting conflicting evidence and opinions, avoiding jargon when possible, and focusing on being a textbook rather than an exhaustive reference. First published in 1979 and again in 1987; here two new authors have been added to account for the broadening of the discipline. Some basic background in the biological sciences is assumed. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
‘Homegardens’ are integrated tree–crop–animal production systems, often established on small parcels of land surrounding homesteads, and primarily found in tropical environments. This multi-authored volume contains peer-reviewed chapters from the world’s leading researchers and professionals in this topic. It summarizes the current state of knowledge on homegarden systems, with a view to using this knowledge as a basis for improving both homegardens and other similar multistrata agroforestry systems.
This book provides an introductory understanding of fluvial geomorphic principles and how these principles can be integrated with geochemical data to cost-effectively characterize, assess and remediate contaminated rivers. The book stresses the importance of needing to understand both geomorphic and geochemical processes. Thus, the overall presentation is first an analysis of physical and chemical processes and, second, a discussion of how an understanding of these processes can be applied to specific aspects of site assessment and remediation. Such analyses provide the basis for a realistic prediction of the kinds of environmental responses that might be expected, for example, during future changes in climate or land-use.
"Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur adalah sebuah buku yang bersarikan pluralisme. Novel yang berdasarkan kisah nyata ini menganalisa latar belakang, proses pembentukan, dan perjuangan Gus Dur menjadi seorang pluralis sejati, seseorang yang tetap teguh memegang keyakinannya namun memiliki hati yang lapang dan besar untuk menerima, bahkan memperjuangkan perbedaan yang ada dalam kehidupan umat manusia melintasi agama, budaya, dan gender. Buku ini disertai kumpulan doa yang dilayangkan oleh para pecinta Gus Dur dan pengagum perjuangannya. Bagi Anda yang tertarik akan kehidupan dan sepak terjang Gus Dur, sekaligus ingin menghidupkan seManga, Manhua & Manhwatnya dalam diri dan membangun generasi penerus yang pluralis, maka buku ini untuk Anda."