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Are you looking for evidence-based hands-on approaches to quality assurance in online programs in higher education? Then this is the book you are looking for. Quality in Online Programs includes approaches and practices to creating and maintaining quality in online programs from across disciplines, institutions, and countries. In this book, leaders in the field of online higher education share their lessons learned using customized approaches to online program quality, student support, and faculty development. These cases will be useful to those seeking to adopt or adapt such practices in their own contexts. The authors also focus on quality assurance at the program level, which has not ofte...
This collection focuses on the role of higher education institutions concerning datafication as a complex phenomenon. It explores how the universities can develop data literac(ies) shaping tomorrow skills and “formae mentis” to face the most deleterious effects of datafication, but also to engage in creative and constructive ways with data. Notably, the book spots data practices within the two most relevant sides of academics’ professional practice, namely, research and teaching. Hence, the collection seeks to reflect on faculty’s professional learning about data infrastructures and practices. The book draws on a range of studies covering the higher education response to the several ...
Almost everything that matters to humans is derived from and through communication. Just because people communicate every day, however, does not mean that they are communicating competently. In fact, evidence indicates that there is a substantial need for better interpersonal skills among a significant proportion of the populace. Furthermore, "dark side" experiences in everyday life abound, and features of modern society pose new challenges that make the concept of communication competence increasingly complex. The Handbook of Communication Competence brings together scholars from across the globe to examine these various facets of communication competence, including its history, its essential components, and its applications in interpersonal, group, institutional, and societal contexts. The book provides a state-of-the-art review for scholars and graduate students, as well as practitioners in counseling, developmental, health care, educational, intercultural, and human resource management contexts, illustrating that communication competence is vital to health, relationships, and all collective human endeavors.
Missions fetes a la Ribera del Segre, la Segarra, la Ribera del Sió i la Noguera (1929) i a l’Escala (1929).
La pandèmia per COVID-19 ha sacsejat els fonaments de la nostra educació. Ens hem trobat amb la impossibilitat que el nostre alumnat pugui desplaçar-se als centres educatius, que han estat tancats a causa del confinament decretat en la majoria de països. De manera imprevista, les institucions educatives s’han vist obligades a adoptar solucions d’emergència, migrant cap a models de docència no presencial remota, que han permès parar el cop. A partir d’aquesta experiència, es comença a valorar si l’educació en línia pot ser una aliada vàlida que permeti el desenvolupament de solucions híbrides en els nostres sistemes educatius. La resposta és que sí, encara que el que s’ha fet fins ara no és, pròpiament, educació en línia. Aquest llibre presenta un seguit de propostes per millorar l’educació en línia i fer front a situacions futures de presencialitat discontínua que puguin donar-se, degudes a possibles nous confinaments, totals o parcials. Vol ser un instrument de suport per a tots els professionals de l’educació que necessiten o volen aprofitar al màxim el potencial transformador que ofereix l’educació en línia.
La pandemia por COVID-19 ha sacudido los cimientos de nuestra educación. Nos hemos encontrado ante la imposibilidad de que nuestro alumnado pueda desplazarse a los centros educativos, que han sido cerrados a causa del confinamiento decretado en la mayoría de países.De forma imprevista, las instituciones educativas se han visto obligadas a adoptar soluciones de emergencia, migrando hacia modelos de docencia no presencial remota, que han permitido parar el golpe.A partir de esta experiencia, se empieza a valorar si la educación online puede ser una aliada válida que permita el desarrollo de soluciones híbridas en nuestros sistemas educativos. La res-puesta es que sí, aunque lo que se ha hecho hasta ahora no es, propiamente, educación online. Este libro presenta una serie de propuestas para mejorar la educación online y para hacer frente a futuras situaciones de presencialidad discontinua que puedan darse debidas a posibles nuevos confinamientos, totales o parciales. Quiere ser un instrumento de apoyo para todos los profesionales de la educación que necesitan o quieren aprovechar al máximo el potencial transformador que ofrece la educación online.