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ASEAN Australia Review 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 132

ASEAN Australia Review 2020

The ASEAN Australia Review is the flagship publication of the ASEAN-Australia Strategic Youth Partnership (AASYP). The 2020 edition features sixteen articles from young authors across Southeast Asia and Australia on diverse range of topics centred around the theme of Australia ASEAN Cooperation.

Pemikiran Hukum Islam Jasser Auda
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 319

Pemikiran Hukum Islam Jasser Auda

Buku tentang maqāşid al-sharī'ah belum banyak dipublikasikan di Indonesia. Meskipun ada beberapa buku yang membahas maqāşid al-sharī'ah, pembahasannya tidak terlalu lengkap dan belum menyatukan perkembangan mutakhir tinjauan maqāşid al-shari'ah. Sementara di luar negeri, kajian ini telah mulai berkembang dan banyak digunakan untuk merespons fenomena baru yang berkaitan dengan hukum Islam. Buku ini hadir untuk melengkapi kekurangan ini dan ingin mengenalkan kepada pengkaji hukum Islam Indonesia tentang diskusi mutakhir maqāşid al-sharī'ah. Diskursus ini penting dikenalkan kepada masyarakat agar hukum Islam tidak terlalu tekstual dan konfirmasi para ahli hukum, khusus pembuat fatwa,...

Meluruskan Pemahaman Hadis Kaum Jihadis
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 194

Meluruskan Pemahaman Hadis Kaum Jihadis

Ideologi Jihadi dan Khilafah beserta simbolnya makin gencar dipropagandakan oleh kaum jihadis puritan dengan cara memelintir hadis-hadis. Apa sajakah masalah atau pemelintiran hadis-hadis yang sering dikutip oleh ISIS dan sejenisnya itu? Buku ini memaparkan jawabannya. • Lukman Hakim Saifuddin – Menteri Agama Republik Indonesia. Banyak yang mendadak mau berjihad hanya karena membaca terjemahan sejumlah hadis. Buku ini ditulis dengan renyah dan ringan, namun isinya penuh dengan penjelasan ulama yang diakui otoritasnya dalam keilmuan Islam. Agar, tidak ada lagi yang salah paham soal jihad akibat paham yang salah. • Prof. H. Nadirsyah Hosen, Ph. D. – Rais Syuriah PCI Nahdatul Ulama Australia-Selandia Baru/Dosen Law School Monash University.

Terrorism and the Pandemic
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 213

Terrorism and the Pandemic

The global pandemic has offered extraordinary opportunities for extremists and terrorists to mobilize themselves and revive as more powerful actors in the security landscape. But could these threat groups actually capitalize on the coronavirus crisis and advance their malevolent agendas? Utilizing the largest COVID-19-related terrorism database, the book presents an analysis built upon a quantitative and qualitative comparison between the nature of both the radical Islamist and the far-right-related threat in 2018 and 2020. It provides, for the first time, a true picture of novel trends since the pandemic outbreak.

Face-veiled Women in Contemporary Indonesia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 199

Face-veiled Women in Contemporary Indonesia

Face veiling is relatively new in Indonesia. It is often stereotyped as a sign of extremism and the growing Arabisation of Indonesian Muslims. It is also perceived as a symbol that demonstrates a lack of female agency. However, increasing numbers of women are choosing to wear the cadar (the full face veil). This book provides an ethnographic study of these women: why they choose to wear the cadar, embody strict religious disciplinary practices and the consequences of that choice. The women in this book belong to two Islamic revivalist movements: various Salafi groups and the Tablīghī Jamāʿat. Indonesia has constantly witnessed transformations in the meanings and practices of Islam, and this book demonstrates that women are key actors in this process. Nisa demonstrates that contrary to stereotypes, the women in this study have an agency which is expressed through their chosen docility and obedience.

Moderasi Beragama Penyuluh Perempuan: Konsep dan Implementasi
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 123

Moderasi Beragama Penyuluh Perempuan: Konsep dan Implementasi

  • Categories: Art

Pentingnya moderasi beragama sangat disadari oleh pemerintah dalam mengelola iklim bermasyarakat di Indonesia yang plural, dengan begitu banyan serta memiliki banyak perbedaan dan keberagaman, dari suku, etnis, agama, dan budaya. Kemajemukan merupakan kunci pemicu konflik atas nama perbedaan yang sangat mudah dipantik menjadi konflik berbasis kekerasan, termasuk mengarahkan pemikiran radikalisme ke arah ekstremisme kekerasan. Untuk itu, buku ini dapat memberikan gambaran real tentang tanggapan pihak perempuan, terutama perempuan penyuluh agama Islam, terhadap moderasi beragama tersebut.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 322


Between 1985 and 2008, female suicide bombers committed more than 230 attacks—about a quarter of all such acts. Women have become the ideal stealth weapon for terrorist groups. They are less likely to be suspected or searched and as a result have been used to strike at the heart of coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. This alarming tactic has been highly effective, garnering extra media attention and helping to recruit more numbers to the terrorists' cause. Yet, as Mia Bloom explains in Bombshell: Women and Terrorism, female involvement in terrorism is not confined to suicide bombing and not limited to the Middle East. From Northern Ireland to Sri Lanka, women have been engaged in all...

Dying to Kill
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Dying to Kill

What motivates suicide bombers in Iraq and around the world? Can winning the hearts and minds of local populations stop them? Will the phenomenon spread to the United States? These vital questions are at the heart of this important book. Mia Bloom examines the use, strategies, successes, and failures of suicide bombing in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe and assesses the effectiveness of government responses. She argues that in many instances the efforts of Israel, Russia, and the United States in Iraq have failed to deter terrorism and suicide bombings. Bloom also considers how terrorist groups learn from one another, how they respond to counterterror tactics, the financing of terrorism, a...

Women and Terrorism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 44

Women and Terrorism

Extremist groups rely upon women to gain strategic advantage, recruiting them as facilitators and martyrs while also benefiting from their subjugation. Yet U.S. policymakers overlook the roles that women play in violent extremism--including as perpetrators, mitigators, and victims--and rarely enlist their participation in efforts to combat radicalization. This omission puts the United States at a disadvantage in its efforts to prevent terrorism globally and within its borders. Women fuel extremists' continued influence by advancing their ideology online and by indoctrinating their families. New technology allows for more sophisticated outreach, directly targeting messages to radicalize and r...

Public Islam and the Common Good
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 284

Public Islam and the Common Good

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004-05-01
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This book explores the public role of Islam in contemporary world politics. “Public Islam” refers to the diverse invocations and struggles over Islamic ideas and practices that increasingly influence the politics and social life of large parts of the globe. The contributors to this volume show how public Islam articulates competing notions and practices of the common good and a way of envisioning alternative political and religious ideas and realities, reconfiguring established boundaries of civil and social life. Drawing on examples from the late Ottoman Empire, Africa, South Asia, Iran, and the Arab Middle East, this volume facilitates understanding the multiple ways in which the public sphere, a key concept in social thought, can be made transculturally feasible by encompassing the evolution of non-Western societies in which religion plays a vital role.