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Preface to the English edition This monograph Ten Lectur,es on Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition uncovers the close relationship between various well known pattern recognition problems that have so far been considered independent. These relationships became apparent when formal procedures addressing not only known prob lems but also their generalisations were discovered. The generalised problem formulations were analysed mathematically and unified algorithms were found. The book unifies of two main streams ill pattern recognition-the statisti cal a11d structural ones. In addition to this bridging on the uppermost level, the book mentions several other unexpected relations within...
A comprehensive and accessible introduction to statistics in corpus linguistics, covering multiple techniques of quantitative language analysis and data visualisation.
Books of great political insight and novelty always outlive their time of birth and this reissued work, initially published in 1985, is no exception. Written shortly after the formation of Charter 77, the essays in this collection are among the most original and compelling pieces of political writing to have emerged from central and Eastern Europe during the whole of the post-war period. Václav Havel’s essay provides the title for the book. It was read by all the contributors who in turn responded to the many questions which Havel raises about the potential power of the powerless. The essays explain the anti-democratic features and limits of Soviet-type totalitarian systems of power. They discuss such concepts as ideology, democracy, civil liberty, law and the state from a perspective which is radically different from that of people living in liberal western democracies. The authors also discuss the prospects for democratic change under totalitarian conditions. Steven Lukes’ introduction provides an invaluable political and historical context for these writings. The authors represent a very broad spectrum of democratic opinion, including liberal, conservative and socialist.
Doplněné a revidované vydání! 64 stran unikátní fotografické přílohy!Navíc jedinečné a dosud nepublikované vzpomínky na první léta na Hradě! Šla jsem za prezidentem a povídám:„Je malér. Nemáme tvůj životopis.“A náš nový prezident se zasmál a povídá:„Tak se někam na chvilku ukliď a nějaký napiš.“ A to mi zůstalo. Eda Kriseová Kniha o kladném hrdinovi Václav Havel znal spisovatelku Edu Kriseovou z disentu. Prožila s ním nejbouřlivější revoluční týdny a stala se nejprve jeho poradkyní a potom ředitelkou odboru Stížností a milostí na Pražském hradě. To, co se dělo tenkrát, se už nikdy nebude opakovat: vlády se chopili myslitel...
This monograph presents an up-to-date panorama of the different techniques and results in the large field of renorming in Banach spaces and its applications. The reader will find a self-contained exposition of the basics on convexity and differentiability, the classical results in building equivalent norms with useful properties, and the evolution of the subject from its origin to the present days. Emphasis is done on the main ideas and their connections. The book covers several goals. First, a substantial part of it can be used as a text for graduate and other advanced courses in the geometry of Banach spaces, presenting results together with proofs, remarks and developments in a structured...
This volume contains the papers presented at the 29th Symposium on Mat- matical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2004, held in Prague, Czech Republic, August 22–27, 2004. The conference was organized by the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (ITI) and the Department of Theoretical Com- terScienceandMathematicalLogic(KTIML)oftheFacultyofMathematicsand Physics of Charles University in Prague. It was supported in part by the Eu- pean Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) and the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). Traditionally, the MFCS symposia encourage high-quality research in all branches of theoretical computer science. Rangi...
Banach spaces provide a framework for linear and nonlinear functional analysis, operator theory, abstract analysis, probability, optimization and other branches of mathematics. This book introduces the reader to linear functional analysis and to related parts of infinite-dimensional Banach space theory. Key Features: - Develops classical theory, including weak topologies, locally convex space, Schauder bases and compact operator theory - Covers Radon-Nikodým property, finite-dimensional spaces and local theory on tensor products - Contains sections on uniform homeomorphisms and non-linear theory, Rosenthal's L1 theorem, fixed points, and more - Includes information about further topics and directions of research and some open problems at the end of each chapter - Provides numerous exercises for practice The text is suitable for graduate courses or for independent study. Prerequisites include basic courses in calculus and linear. Researchers in functional analysis will also benefit for this book as it can serve as a reference book.