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In Regimens of the Mind, Sorana Corneanu proposes a new approach to the epistemological and methodological doctrines of the leading experimental philosophers of seventeenth-century England, an approach that considers their often overlooked moral, psychological, and theological elements. Corneanu focuses on the views about the pursuit of knowledge in the writings of Robert Boyle and John Locke, as well as in those of several of their influences, including Francis Bacon and the early Royal Society virtuosi. She argues that their experimental programs of inquiry fulfill the role of regimens for curing, ordering, and educating the mind toward an ethical purpose, an idea she tracks back to the an...
„Un lucru este sigur: filosofia lui Descartes nu are nimic din gândirea unui om solitar, în ciuda vieții retrase pe care autorul ei a ales s-o ducă în Țările de Jos. El s-a aflat într-un contact viu cu principalii filosofi ai timpului său, atât direct, prin scrisori, cât și prin agenții lor, de care este înconjurat. În general, și este viziunea care m-a ghidat în alcătuirea volumelor de față, corespondența lui Descartes seamănă cu un câmp de bătălie, în care Descartes nu numai că verifică receptarea ideilor sale în Europa literelor, ci și contracarează obiecțiile stârnite de scrierile sale în diverse cercuri, pe care le cunoaște prin purtătorii lor de cuvânt. Astfel, dincolo de rolul de laborator intelectual care le-a fost recunoscut, cred că intervențiile epistolare ale lui Descartes trebuie văzute uneori ca testarea unor poziții filosofice originale într-un peisaj saturat de vederi convenționale, alteori de-a dreptul ca o luptă în care cititorul modern este chemat să recunoască și să identifice părțile beligerante.“ (Vlad Alexandrescu)
Future Stories in the Global Heritage Industry explores what happens to the heritage and memory of communities that find themselves in contact with the rest of the world when they become UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Written by an interdisciplinary group of emerging scholars and heritage professionals connected to these sites through their own heritage, this volume considers how a community can engage with a site’s globalized importance while retaining its own sense of history. Drawing on oral histories, ethnographic methods, film, interviews, and archival research, the book adds to the discourse around Critical Heritage Studies. It does so by putting theories into practice in selected heri...
This book addresses the ‘technological issues’ of Bacon’s and Descartes’ work in order to supply, for the philosophers of technology, a more nuanced analysis of the philosophical positions that set the stage for modern technology and, for the scholars in Early Modern studies, a different reading both of their philosophies and their conceptual affinities. Descartes is not only a philosopher but he is also a technological designer. He is involved in the design and even the construction of various devices, from the machine that cuts lenses, described in Dioptrics, to an automaton referred to in Cogitationes Privatae, a drainage system, a virginal, and the devices constructed with Villebressieu. Descartes works with craftsmen, offers theoretical and practical advice, and general considerations regarding the practice of constructing useful devices.
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Liza Knapp offers a fresh approach to understanding Tolstoy's construction of his novel Anna Karenina and how he creates patterns of meaning. Her analysis draws on works that were critical to his understanding of the interconnectedness of human lives, including The Scarlet Letter, Middlemarch, and Blaise Pascal's Pens es. Knapp concludes with a tour-de-force reading of Mrs. Dalloway as Virginia Woolf's response to Tolstoy's treatment of Anna Karenina and others.
A fresh perspective on the eighteenth-century poetics of Lord Shaftesbury and Mark Akenside, exploring the two authors' debt to Roman Stoic spiritual exercises, early modern conceptions of the care of the self, and ideas of imaginative enthusiasm and its poetic regulation.
Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy is an annual series, presenting a selection of the best current work in the history of early modern philosophy. It focuses on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries — the extraordinary period of intellectual flourishing that begins, very roughly, with Descartes and his contemporaries and ends with Kant. It also publishes papers on thinkers or movements outside of that framework, provided they are important in illuminating early modern thought. The articles in OSEMP will be of importance to specialists within the discipline, but the editors also intend that they should appeal to a larger audience of philosophers, intellectual historians, and others who are interested in the development of modern thought.
The Philosophical Roots of the Ecological Crisis: Descartes and the Modern Worldview traces the conceptual sources of the present environmental degradation within the worldview of Modernity, and particularly within the thought of René Descartes, universally acclaimed as the father of modern philosophy. The book demonstrates how the triple foundations of the Modern worldview – in terms of an exaggerated anthropocentrism, a mechanistic conception of the natural world, and the metaphysical dualism between humanity and the rest of the physical world – can all be largely traced back to Cartesian thought, with direct ecological consequences.